
Housewife of St. Eves

Matt and Julie are sent to prison for drugs. They both want custody of Molly when released. Matt has a personal relationship with the Guardian ad Litem Christina. To influence the to give him custody. Julie wants to reunite with Matt and share custody. Matt is shot was it a murder attempt. Christian ends up in a coma. How will it effect the custody case? Will her husband find out and report her? Will Matt and Christina be killed by a jealous spouse. Will they live happy ever after?

Sylvia_Russell · Urbain
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Letter and Phone Calls

Christina called Client and made an excuse for him to come straight come after work. Christina did not know the Client had been friends with Jody since Elementary School. Jody had already called Client and talked to him before Christina knew. Client never trusted Christina. He did not want to divorce her and lose everything he had worked so hard for. The court always gives custody of the children to the mother. Christina had never worked since they were married. She always stayed at home and took care of the children. All she ever wanted was to be the center of attention. Christina was never particularly good at taking care of the children. She was young and self-centered. Client hired a babysitter years ago when he realized she did not take care of the children the way he wanted. She always wanted to go to the gym, shopping, hang out with her friends. When the children were in daycare or school, the babysitter would always take care of the house. Client always has a home cooked meal waiting on the table when he got home. Client had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Client knew she was a cheater but could never catch her. He hired a Private Detective Joe to build a case against her. A case that any divorce judge with rule for him. Jody had always loved Client. But he never got her the time of day. Jody was in a different Social Circle than Client. She came from a middle-class. She worked her way through college to become a Social Worker to help abused children. Jody always had a love for children but could not conceive. Her dream was to marry a man that loved children. They could adopt children and she could be a mother. Every little girl's dream is being a mother. Life had cheated her out of the experience.

The Private Detective Joe scheduled an appointment to see Jody. Jody fantasied about her and Client finally being together after all the years. He had two wonderful children and she could be the mother. She could have what she always wanted. The man of her dreams and the children she desired to have. It did not matter that Christina was their mother. She would be the best mother anyone could have. She would love the children more than anyone could. Nights she lay in bed and cried, wondering, what did she ever do not to deserve children? Why was it so easy for all the people that abuse children to have them? Life was so unfair. For years, she prayed God would send her a family. The family she dreamed about. The family she longed to have. Her eyes filled with tears. Nobody understands what it is like to see all the abused children every day and know you cannot have one of your own. She would gladly take any of those children and raise them. No child deserved to be hurt the way of the children she saw was. She became a Social Worker to have influence in the life of a child.

Joe started by getting a copy of her phone records. The phone records showed Christina had been talking to Matt for hours every day. He asked Client to get a bank statement from the shared bank account. When reviewing the shared bank account, Christina had sent Matt two hundred dollars a month and was paying one hundred dollars a month for phone calls. There was payment made to a Power of South Florida for a bill he knew nothing about. There were payments made to St. Eve Townhouse Development Council. This led Joe to believe there was a Townhouse Client did not know about. Joe contacted the power company to get the address pertaining to the electric bill. Joe went to the address and staked it out for weeks. He only saw an old woman with a little girl living there. Christina visited the house every day.

Joe contacted the Department of Corrections, attempting to get information about Matt. The Department informed him that information could only be given to people approved by the inmate. However, the Public Website would answer his question. The phone system was through Securus, and J Pay. managed inmate banking. He contacted Securus and asked for phone records they had billed him for. Securus refused to provide the information. Joe was coming into obstacles, and it was difficult to get information. Joe contacted an old friend that worked in the Inspector General's Office. She provided Joe with the information that he requested. Matt was serving time in prison for Drug Charges. They would release him in two months. Officer Jamison monitored the phone calls. During one of the telephone calls, Christina was talking to Matt about Fentanyl being a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic that is like morphine but is 50 to 100 times more potent. One small drop could kill someone. Jamison became concerned about the wellbeing of Client. He started reading the Mail received by Matt.

In the letters, Christina was talking about gangs and drugs. Powerful drugs that would kill someone. The gangs that were on the streets of St. Eves. Joe contacted the Department to set up a legal conference with Matt. They would release Matt soon and he wanted custody of Molly. Joe pretended to be guardian ad litem for Molly. During the telephone interview, Matt informed Joe he already had a townhouse for them to stay in. He had arranged for Molly to attend daycare. Molly was in ballet and enjoyed the class very much. He had arranged for all these things from prison. Christina was his fiancé, and they were planning to get married. She had provided all the things Molly needed.

Joe reported back to Client all the information he had discovered. She had a townhouse and that Matt's grandmother, and Molly were living in. Matt had planned to marry Christina. Joe contacted Officer Jamison and asked for the information he had discovered. Officer Jamison was not allowed to provide the information. However, she had gained enough information to think they were planning to kill Client. Client's life was in danger, and she had to protect him. Jamison typed a letter on the computer and printed it. The address Joe provided was the one she mailed it to. Jamison knew if anyone ever found out, she would lose her job. She had to protect an innocent man from the inmate and the guardian ad litem. She could not let them kill Client without trying to stop it.

Christina found out that Matt had been writing to Julie the entire time he was in prison. Julie believed that the three of them would be reunited. Their family would be together again. Julie completed drug rehabilitation while in prison. Her life had changed. She completed a parenting class and given her life to Christ. She had completely changed. She had talked to High School children about the dangers of drug when she released. While in prison, she began authoring a Christian Book. She worked in the Chapel and helped bring other people to Christ. Special Occasions like Easter and Christmas are when she wrote the script for the Chapel orderlies. She was filled with joy and no longer needed drugs. Her new faith had delivered her from the evils of this world. Christina arrived at the Prison to visit Julie.

Julie never expected to see Christina. She was no longer the guardian ad litem in the case. During the visit, Julie shared her faith with Christina. Christina was on a different mission. She wanted to ensure that Julie and Matt were not reunited. Julie believed that Matt still loved her, and it was their intention to be reunited. Christina told Julie that Matt was going to marry her. They were going to have custody of Molly. She needed to leave Matt alone and forget about being with him. No judge in the land would allow her to see Molly. She hurt Molly and Matt. The best thing she could do was disappear out of their life. Julie ended the visit and had Christina escorted out of the Visiting Park.

Julie returned to her cell and wrote Matt a letter. She felt Christina was threatening her. She wanted to know what was going on between Matt and Christina. Matt had been writing to her all the time. He expressed his love for her. He wanted to be with Julie. While working in the chapel, she did research and found out that Client was Christina's husband. She wrote a letter to Client at his business address and informed him of the relationship with Christina and Matt. Client received the letter and wrote back to Julie, asking for more information about their relationship. Julie agreed when Matt responded to her letter about Christina to send it to him. This would give written information that could be used in court during the divorce hearing. Julie expressed her concern that Christina is an evil, manipulative, self-centered woman that had to be stopped. Julie became angry the more she thought about the situation. She knew Matt was scheduled for release in a couple of months. Julie was scheduled for release in five months.

Julie had to stop Christina. Christina's plan was to destroy her family and the life of Client. Client was a good man with an upstanding reputation in the community. Julie had heard of him when she lived in St. Eves. Julie knew about all the money he had donated to charities. He started a soup kitchen for the homeless. Julie had eaten at the soup kitchen times. She would take Molly there to provide her with a hot meal. Julie used all her money to buy drugs. But every day when the soup kitchen opened, she was first in line. This was to ensure Molly had food to eat. She remembered one day when it was cold, Molly did not have a jacket. Client gave Molly a jacket in the soup kitchen. How could such a good man be with such an evil woman?