
Housewife of St. Eves

Matt and Julie are sent to prison for drugs. They both want custody of Molly when released. Matt has a personal relationship with the Guardian ad Litem Christina. To influence the to give him custody. Julie wants to reunite with Matt and share custody. Matt is shot was it a murder attempt. Christian ends up in a coma. How will it effect the custody case? Will her husband find out and report her? Will Matt and Christina be killed by a jealous spouse. Will they live happy ever after?

Sylvia_Russell · Urbain
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Guardian ad Litem Program

On the first few phone calls, Matt talked to Molly. After Molly finished talking with him, Christina would talk with him. They talked about Molly being friends with Haley. He requested she monitor Molly for him. Alice is in her sixties, trying to take care of a young child all by herself. She has not had a child in a long time. Matt asked her to help take care of her and give Alice a break. Christina agreed to look out for her and make sure she had everything she needed. Christina asked him about putting her Head Start School. The Head Start program helped break the cycle of poverty, providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs. Matt agreed. He called Alice and talked to her about the idea of putting Molly in Head Start.

Alice was against it. She did not have transportation to take her back and forth to school. She did not know how she would respond to being with other children. Molly is an only child and has not developed social skills. Molly has been around drug addicts all her life. She must adjust to being without her parents. She is also adjusting to being around people with her physical condition from the burns. It would be too much for Molly to adjust to all at one time.

Haley was in daycare, and Christina could take Molly to school and pick her up. Alice agreed to let Molly attended Head Start for a week. After a week, she would decide based on her behavior if she could continue to attend. Molly had bad days because she did not want to be with strangers by herself. The children continued to stare at her and did not want to play with her. Molly cried every day at Head Start to go home. In the mornings, she would cry and did not want to go. Alice informed Christina she would not be attending anymore.

Christina could not wait for Matt to call that night. She was upset that Molly could not attend Head Start. When Matt called, she talked about how it was unfair to Molly. Molly needed to be in class for social development and psychological needs. Molly needed to adjust to being around children. She would have to attend school when she was older. They could not shelter her all her life. Christina ranted and raved for hours about Alice. Matt agreed to talk to Alice to convince her to change her mind. Alice was adamant about her not attending school now. When she was older, it would better equip her to adjust. Matt called Christina and informed her of the conservation that took place with Alice. Alice has legal custody of Molly and has the final say.

Client heard Christina arguing with someone on the phone about a child going to school. Client questioned her about what was going on. Christina explains Molly is in foster care. Her guardian would not allow her to attend Head Start. Molly would miss a fantastic opportunity to help with her education. Client knew nothing about Head Start. Christina explained the program to him. Client suggested Molly attend Day Care. Head Start is a free program and Day Care cost money. Client being a financial success and upstanding citizen in the community, after hearing the story about Molly being burned and the problems she was having with other children. He offered to pay for Molly to attend daycare.

Matt called Christina that night. They talked about Molly attending Day Care. She agreed to pay for the Day Care. The children at the Day Care would be upstanding citizens in the community. Molly could have the advantages that prestige children have. Matt wanted what was best for Molly and agreed to talk to Alice. Matt called Alice and discussed what they said. The comment about her having all the advantages of the prestige children offended Alice. Alice knew Molly had been in a bad home before. Now she is in a loving home. Christina was trying to step in and take control. Alice was resentful toward Christina.

Christina visited Alice to work things out with her. She wanted nothing to come between her and Matt. The conflict with Alice could affect the relationship with Matt. While Christina was there, the property owner knocked on the door and talked to Alice. She overhead the property owner asking for the rent money. Alice explained she did not have the money right now. It would be the first before you got her Social Security Check and could pay the rent then. It was about two weeks before the first. Christina thought that if she paid the rent for Alice, it would mend their relationship. She paid the rent for two months. Alice was grateful that she paid the rent because she did not have the money. Between groceries and her medication, she did not have the money. Christina had always lived in a life of luxury and never had to worry about money. She thought money could be the answer to everything. Clint would always give her expensive jewelry when they had a disagreement. He also provided her the opportunity to live in the lap of luxury.

Matt called Christina as he did every night. Client was at home. Christina took the phone and went into the pool house. She did not want Client to know she was talking to Matt. She discussed with Matt the financial problems that Alice was having. He asked if she would qualify for public help. Christina recommended she apply for food stamps. It would be easier for her to get them since Molly was living with her. Matt called Alice as soon as he hands up the phone with Christina. Alice told him not to worry, that Christina had paid the rent for two months. Christina was going to take her to apply for financial assist, Medical, and Food stamps. Matt realized Christina was rich and could help his family. Matt wanted Christina to fall in love with him. All he wanted was the money. He put his plan into action.

He started calling Christina two or three times a night. During the telephone calls, he asked for her to send him money. He always needs money for clothes, food, canteen, and money to call her. Christina began sending him fifty dollars a month. She paid for Molly to go to day care. She paid for Alice's rent. This would be a free meal ticket for Matt. Matt would call and tell her how he loved being able to talk to her. He also told her she was the only friend he had. The only person other than Alice that cared about him. Officer Jamison realized the relationship was more than just the Guardian ad Litem in his case.

Officer Jamison was concerned. How would the relationship affect the court case? Jamison felt the relationship was inappropriate. She contacted the Classification Officer Stone and expressed her concerns. This was regarding the life of a small child. Christina had provided court documentation to prove her Guardian ad Litem's status when applying for visitation. The Guardian ad Litem Program Supervisor, Jody, was advised. Stone expressed her concerns about the inappropriate relationship. Jody was a socialite in the community and requested documentation. They could not release the telephone calls to Jody. They provided the number of phone calls during the week.

Christina was called to come into the Guardian ad Litem's office for a meeting. I asked Christina about the relationship between her and Matt. She told Jody the conversations were about Molly. They confronted her with the number of phone calls. Christina made excuses to explain the contact. Jody removed her from the case and advised Christina her services were no longer needed. Christina was upset and had to make up something she was going to tell Client. She did not want Client to find out how she had been talking to Matt. She had to tell him something before he heard the gossip. How would this affect her relationship with Matt? Would he still want to talk to her? She was no longer the over his case. Christina went straight to talk to Alice.

She informed Alice that she was no longer assigned to the case. She would receive an additional worker. If Molly could play with Haley. Alice was relieved because she no longer had a say in Molly's life. Alice knew she had a say in court. She did not want to do anything to make her mad. Now it does not matter. Alice thought she was trying to take control. Matt called as usual. This time, the call would be different. Christina starting crying. Matt asked what was wrong. She told him the Department of Corrections call her supervisor and requested that she be removed from the case. Matt was mad and asked why. The Department felt their relationship was inappropriate. This was outside the control of the Department. Jody agreed with them. It was unfair because she did not explain her side of the story to the Department. She informed Matt he could still have a relationship with the family. He was happy. He asked if Client had found out about it. She was waiting to tell him when he came home. Client pulls up in the driveway Christina told Matt bye and hung up the phone.

Client walked into the living room where Christina was sitting on the sofa. She started crying. Client thought something bad had happened with the children. He sat down beside Christina, put his arm around her and asked. "What's wrong? Is everything okay with the children?" She replied, "The kids are fine. I'm not." She told him she was accused of spending too much time with Molly and was removed from the case. Jody told me I was not supposed to establish a friendship with the family. I was only supposed to spend a little time with them. I was only supposed to see what was in the best interest of Molly. She also said I could not be objective if I was attached to Molly. They removed me from the case. I do not know if I can still see her are not. There will be another case worker assigned. Client replied, "I will call Jody and see what I can do." Christina panicked and said, "Please don't, I don't want to mess things up things for Molly." Clients respond, "This is not right, I will go see her tomorrow after work" Christina knew if Client went to talk to Jody, he would find out the truth.