
Chapter 7: Trap To Death?

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With Takashi and the group

Location: Fujimi Academy's storage facility.

Later on at night...

The bitter taste of being through the woes of waking up became more and more apparent to Takashi Komuro as his limbs refused to cooperate with him, the feeling of tiredness washed over him as his eyes began to open slowly.

His hair falling in-front of his face as he began to sat up, his eyes refused to stay open as the teenage boy had to keep blinking consistently to keep his eyes awake. The fire in the middle of the room was still going of course, although Takashi noticed that it had long been fading these past few hours now, the fire lit up the room enough for Takashi to see the sleeping faces of some of his friends around the room as they all scattered in their own bed ware of course.

'Well it looks like we are able to get some rest without being disturbed in the slightest, good thing we will be fresh to go tomorrow, that will definitely play into our hands after all...'

Takashi chuckled quietly as his eyes scanned his friends individually.

"I see you have only just woken up, you were out cold you know." A voice called out to Takashi, the teenage boy instantly made eye contact with the woman.

"I figured you would be asleep by now, it's surely very late into the night by now... How about you grab some rest and I'll keep watch?" Takashi blinked his eyes a few times as he wasn't used to having his eyes opened for so long.

A small giggle was about the only thing other than the rustling of fire that Takashi could hear.

"Maybe I will soon Takashi, I told Kohta earlier to rest up as I was the first one to sleep early and the first one to wake up even earlier as it appears to be."

Brushing her purple strands of hair out of her face, Saeko smiled warmly at Takashi.

"Tiredness is like a plague that hits us all unfortunately, the mere thought of going a few days without it isn't as great as it appears to be when you actually go through with it." Takashi rubbed his eye drearily as felt his eye become wet.

Saeko of course agreed with Takashi as she nodded.

"Well it's a good thing that the leader has been doing a pretty good job securing our safety isn't it? I don't even want to imagine anything different from what's going to occur now."

"You know... I'm still not too sure about everyone here thinking I am the leader."

Takashi wore an unsure expression as he reached for his water bottle, his throat dry and the feeling of wanting to quench his first was starting to get to the young lad.

"I figured you would say something like that, try not to think too much into this Takashi, I know what your like after all." Saeko smiled warmly at Takashi as the two locked eyes.

"I will not, I can promise you that." Takashi smiled back as he reassured her, placing his water bottle next to him.

"I am glad to hear that Takashi... say, about earlier, I wanted to ask, what happens after we kill all of those lingering zombies within our academy? will we use any supplies that may linger in there for future uses?" Saeko asked multiple questions which left the leader of the group confused on where to start.

"I am still dead set on creating a safe haven almost... a place where those who have been struggling to survive in this world we now live in. Getting rid of those zombies is the first part in the puzzle almost."

Takashi thought deeply as he had already had a vision of what the future could look like.

"You are well aware that this isn't going to go down with smooth sailings right? there are people out there that will try to stop us for their own personal self gain." Saeko pointed out with a wry smile plastered across her face.

"I am more than aware of that, leave those thoughts to me, Saeko."

A warm smile plastered across Takashi's face, Takashi knew of the risks of course, however the teenager knew he wanted to try to help as many people as he could out.

"If that's the case, I'll leave it to you Takashi." Saeko giggled as she met eyes with Takashi for a brief moment.

"You know... I'm surprised you are awake, I half expected you to be asleep for another... few hours at the very least, oh and I know I mentioned this already bu-"

Before Takashi could say anymore, Saeko spoke out and interrupted the teenager.

"Yeah you asked not long ago, you really want me to rest up, don't you? I mean... I cannot blame you when all things are considered..."

"I only want you to rest up because it's my duty as the leader of this group or whatever this is." Takashi scratched the back of his head with an awkward smile.

'Leader of this group huh... who would of thought that I would of been the leader of something.'

"Maybe a change in plan might be necessary."

"What was that Takashi?"

"Nothing, just rest up, I'll let you know tomorrow."

With Takashi and Kohta

Location: Fujimi Academy

Next Day...

Kohta was well known as one of the nerds during his days in high school, the overweight teenager had been into a lot of things since entering high school, video games, guns, anime and even zombie films, Kohta found himself living in a dream turned reality.

Kohta currently held a ripped piece of fabric of the blanket he used for warmth the previous night.

"This should be all of the motor oil you need from our Humvee, Kohta."

Takashi placed a two litre bottle in-front of Kohta Hirano, the bottle being half filled up with motor oil from the Humvee of course, the teenager who stood tall with his blazer and red t-shirt on, leaned forward as he checked his friends progress.

"This should be the first Molotov, how many should we make...?"

Kohta asked Takashi as he opened the bottle of motor oil and began tipping the light yellow liquid into the first glass bottle in-front of him, Takashi took a few moments to think before making his mind up.

"You should be able to make four of them minimum, knowing there will be a small amount of motor oil left, I was thinking we could put some into the tennis court to get every last zombie."

Takashi placed his left hand on his chin as he thought.

"If we place a little next to the speaker then we should be able to kill more than we expect as they will be gathering in groups." Kohta responded.

Placing the first bit of fabric into the glass bottle filled with motor oil, Kohta inspected it for a few moments before turning to Takashi, gesturing for the older teenager to take it out of his hand. Takashi nodded and took the Molotov cocktail out of his hand before turning around.

"First one of many, this should do more than just enough damage, we just need the speaker to go on continuously to draw the hundreds of zombies pent up in that high school building of ours and sit back until they are crowding the court."

Placing the Molotov cocktail down, Takashi walked over towards Kohta once more as he waited patiently for his friend to finish the second.

"Of course although speaking of which... why the sudden change in plan...? you sent the others out to do what exactly?" Kohta asked without turning around, continuing to place the motor oil liquid into another glass bottle that the overweight teenager had found in the trash.

"To cover more objectives for us to complete, Alice is safer just in case of the plan here going wrong with them... but like I mentioned a few times, there's a few things we need to get from the city to really get our grasp in this god for saken world."

Takashi chuckled as he watched Kohta place the piece of fabric in the bottle, before handing it to his leader.

"To get things done in a quicker time, well I agree but I thought you would of held one or two of those ladies back for reinforcement?"

"You don't think we can handle a few zombies on our own?"

"More like hundreds roaming our high school until they eventually turn to bones and die for good."

"Good point but we all said it ourselves, noise attracts zombies, we put the speaker behind the fence as the gate towards the court is directly in-front of the doors to the hallways, we bring as many as we can in and we deal with a large group without them coming back to bite us on the ass in the future."

Takashi turned around and placed the second Molotov cocktail next to the first one, which was on a few matts which were piled on top of each other.

"Then we clear the rest up...? wouldn't it be much quicker for Rei and the other's to of stayed to deal with any unwanted zombies lurking before we split up to deal with other matter's?" Kohta replied with a raised eyebrow, a slight cocky smile appearing on the overweight teenager.

"Two of us we can move more effectively and quicker, let's say..."

'Not that Kohta can run... very poor choice of words on my end, maybe I should rephrase it to something better?'

"Alright I'm in, as long as we hurry up already, the more we wait the more nervous I feel..." Kohta scratched the back of his head as his expression told Takashi that he wasn't lying.

"Well that's up to you, I've got my bat and the two Molotov cocktails so far, you have the speaker and phone so I'd suggest getting a hurry on." Takashi shrugged his shoulder's as watched Kohta work much quicker than before.

Placing the motor oil in the remaining two Molotov cocktails, Kohta analysed the piece's of fabric and placed different pieces of fabric into the bottle, leaving bits hanging outside the rusty bottles as he placed each one next to him in preparation.

Takashi rubbed his face, his mind becoming slightly blank as he tried to become more serious for once.

'It's going to be a long day, if Rei and the other's can get more supplies for us to use to our advantage then we can get started taking back this academy for starters, I just hope they don't run into trouble in the long run whilst we cannot do anything.'

Re opening his eyes, Takashi let out a breath and turned to Kohta who held the final three bottles in his hands, two in one hand and one in the other whilst the fourth and fifth were on the knee-length mattress table in-front of Takashi.

"You ready?"

Kohta smirked as he handed Takashi two of the Molotov cocktails with a wicked grin on his face.

"Always, this is about to get exciting, right...?"

"Of course, I have brought more than enough duck tape to tape the speaker to a height they cannot reach."

Kohta pulled out a roll of duck tape he had in his pocket.

"Well you know what to do, let's go out and get this set up already."

Takashi and Kohta turned their attention towards the door as their first thought was to begin setting up their trap to eliminate as many undead hiding out in the academy that the two once went to before the end of the world happened.

The sun shining on the two of them as they opened the door, Takashi made a mental note in his head to collect the remaining Molotov cocktails before they even thought about beginning.

A part of Takashi felt slightly excited although the leader did not want to admit it.

With the ladies

Location: Unknown

"You know I wouldn't be surprised if the stuff in this store has been taken already."

Rika turned to Rei and Saeko who sat on the front of the Humvee, the sun beaming down on the group of girls, their objectives were clear as they were sent into the city with one specific target in mind, that was to raid the store in-front of them.

"Well we should be in the clear for now, zombies will be in here so make sure you girls are keeping that in mind as we raid this place." Kiriko closed the gate behind them as Shizuka had parked the Humvee in the back entrance of the store.

The back entrance of the store was left empty and quiet as Rika, Kiriko, Shizuka, Rei, Saeko, Saya and Alice stood between the Humvee and the large door that was used to load supplies to onto trucks for delivery. Stepping off of the bonnet, Saeko clicked her neck and let out a breath as she walked towards the large gated doors with the mindset of opening it up and getting started already.

Rei followed behind Saeko and twirled her spear in her hand as she mentally prepared herself.

"Considering Takashi isn't here, I guess I'll take command... I'd like to elaborate once more that we should be focusing on supplies that we could need, and considering Takashi and Kohta had to use some motor oil from the Humvee, if you see any put them in the bags here."

Kiriko threw multiple duffle bags onto the floor, each with different colours and being empty.

"What do you think we could need?" Rei asked her mother with a curious expression.

"Anything that you deem necessary to have, whether it be clothing, food, water, or even other supplies that could be helpful in our survival at Fujimi Academy, for example... weapons."

After taking a few moments to open the large garage door, Saeko turned to the rest of the girls with a neutral expression as spared the others a few glances.

"Weapons like axes could be useful, I am confident that a store that has mixed items like this store, definitely has more than one or two axes." Saeko spoke out as she remembered the several trips in her past to the store they were going to loot.

"If we are talking about usefulness then I'd suggest we try to find some wood for burning." Saya walked past the group of girls and joined Saeko as they entered a medium sized room with a door on their left.

"Clothing is another thing we need, we are struggling to keep our clothes clean at this point... I'd suggest two of us head towards different sections of this big store, first pair of two head towards the clothes of course." Rika suggested as her eyes darted towards Saeko and Saya.

"So you want us two to get us new clothes...?"

"Correct, we are all similar sizes so get enough for all of us to wear throughout the next few days or so."

Rika walked forward as she gestured for the rest to follow her alongside Kiriko, the two oldest ladies making their way towards the metal door that was on their left as Rika grabbed the cold and hard handle on the door.

"Enough chatting, we already know what we came here for, the long we spend talking, the quicker the day escapes from us and the more chance that zombies will be alerted to our presences." Rika pushed the weighted metal door open slightly, being as careful as she could to not make any noise.

Kiriko gestured for the girls to remain as quiet as they could.

"My daughter and I will head for food... the rest of you split up into two and try to take out as many zombies as you can out, bring the supplies back into here with the door being open... Miss Shizuka and little Alice, make sure you get back in the Humvee and try to remain as quiet as possible."

Shizuka nodded before grabbing Alice's hand, turning around and walking a few feet backwards towards the Humvee.

Rika used her shoes to hold the door into place, making sure that the weighted door could not close at any possibility before entering the large store from the back, instantly the purple haired woman noticed that their was another door to her far right a few meters.

The girls followed behind as they noticed how dark and eerie the store was around them.

Walking around the counter, Rika stood up on her tip toes to get a better view of the different aisles within the store, noticing a few zombie heads roaming in the several Aisles nearby them.


Holding her hand out, Rika signalled for them to stop as they came to a stop by a shelve that stood tall, with the rest of the women stopping on her command, Rika counted how many zombies she could see before turning around to her comrades.

"I could see two undead in the clothing lanes... three undead at the cash out centre, two lingering near the entrance of the closed of entrance..." Rika whispered as quietly as she could.

The combat trained woman whispered just loudly enough for the other girls to hear her.

"Is there anything else you can see?"

Rei responded by whispering quietly back to Rika, the purple haired girl leaning her head up over the large counter as she did more surveillance on the store, her eyes scanning every little detail in-front of her, Rika's eyes came to a stop as she noticed the lingering movement a zombie was making on the second floor of the store, a bloodied and beaten zombie with his guts spilling out, walked around near the camping gear up on the second floor.

A body next to the beaten zombie, Rika noticed that there was blood dripping from the dead person's body and onto the first floor.

"Yes... someone has been here before us and not seen the light of day... one undead on the second floor... I suggest we take the zombies out that we know about and then work our way up until we have dealt with all."

Agreeing with the military trained woman, Rika stood up from her crouched position and crept her way around the counter.



Rika pointed for two of the ladies to make their way down the clothing aisle as Rika quickly turned her attention elsewhere, looking in the opposite direction, she could hear the light footsteps of Saya and Saeko making their way down the aisle she pointed towards a few moments ago.

'Oh boy... nothing can calm these nerves when knowing that you can potentially endanger the people around you, huh?'

Wanting to laugh nervously, Rika bit back as she felt the other's began to split off into groups of two into their own separate aisles, Rika continued to walk until she reached the other end of the store, walking past several aisles which held different unique items in the section.


Her eyes widened, Rika came to a standstill as an undead walked right in-front of her, the skin being dark grey and the eyes of the zombie being entirely ripped out, the tattered chequered shirt that the zombie wore had several cuts in the shirt with blood stains clouding the colours that were once bright.

The horrible odour the zombie gave off was enough to make Rika's eyes water as she tried to hold her breath.

One moment passed by...

Two moment's passed by...

Three moment's passed by...


Piercing the skull of the undead with her spear, blooding began trickling out as the undead fell to the ground in-front of them, leaving a pool of blood to be formed as dark red blood began oozing out of the head.

Turning around, Rika let out a sigh as she felt noticed Rei and Kiriko peer their head's around the corner, with the intention of checking out the noise that was made by Rika and the undead.

Holding her thumbs up, Rika let out a wry smile as she reassured her friends that she was fine.

'This definitely attracted a few undead... note to self, be more careful when walking freely.'

Shaking her head slightly, Rika let out a breath as she walked past the undead body below her, the blood creating a puddle below her as she avoided getting any blood on her feet.


Rei and her mother Kiriko began silently placing supplies that were found in their aisle, these items consisted of the smaller things like nails and rope, items that could in turn be used to help improve their future endeavours. The aisle was filled with stuff that could be useful in the future, Kiriko put back the item she held in her hand due to a specific item catching her eyes.

Although the store was dark, Kiriko and Rei were able to see due to the sunlight burning inside of the store, emitting a light that rendered the lights in the store to be unnecessary.

The wooden handgrip and the small frame caught Kiriko's eye, it looked very durable and usable in a situation like the end of the world, picking it up, Kiriko narrowed her eyes at the hand axe.

the wooden handgrip fit like a glove in her hand, small and light, the mother of Rei realized she could use it for long distance problems that she and the other's had yet encounter.

Kiriko turned to her daughter with a small smirk on her face.

"These throwing axes will do us wonder's, luckily there is more than a few for all of us to at least get one each."

Whispering as quietly as possible, Kiriko bent down and placed the first throwing axe in the bag beside her as Rei placed electronics into the bag next to her on the ground.

"Put them all in and we can let the other's know when we get back to the school."

Rei quickly stood up after placing the electronics in the bag and silently creeping over towards the end of an aisle, her eyes noticing a handful of items they could use for their bedwear and different sheets to go along it.

To the side of her was a straight direction down each side of the building, to her left entered the left end side of the store, to her right was a dark and ominous pathway down towards the right hand end of the store.

The building being bigger than most stores in the area, Rei knew the quality of supplies they could get from here.

In front of her was the back end of the store, their way out if they walked down the right side ever so slightly.

Picking up a fluffy quilt, the girl went back and forward in her mind on whether or not she should get it and put it in the supply bag, a part of her told herself that warmth is needed on nights like these.

Her other side told her that it would be blocking space for more supplies.

"Put it in the supply bag already, we do not have anytime to be standing around and deciding what we need and what we do not need."

Her mother who was stood to the side of her, wore a slightly annoyed expression as she pointed towards the supply bag behind them.

"I know, I know..."

Rei let out a quiet sigh and turned around, holding the comforting and grey quilt as she got closer to the bag.

A few extra things Kiriko picked up along the way, like batteries for their flashlights in the future, Kiriko knew it was going to be a necessity as light sources were going to be very important to continue to thrive whilst they undergone their rebuilding of Fujimi Academy.

After all they were only still beginning.

Placing the batteries in her pocket, the older woman walked past the shelves full of bedwear and towards the nature part of the store, this part of the store included little things like compos supplies, gardening equipment like leaf blowers for example.

A shovel and potato growing bag caught her eye, although the older woman knew she could not bring it along as they were not focusing on that side of life quite yet.

'Maybe it is worth mentioning to the other's as we can finish raiding whatever we did not grab for next time and when we need these items?'

Not wanting to think too much on it any longer, the girl brushed past the gardening supplies and down the end of the aisle towards the back of the store, her eyes still lingering on Rei every while as she looked over her shoulder.

There was a lot to consider when knowing that they were taking back the high school that her daughter went to.

Rei knew it alongside the many comrades Kiriko had made since she was found whilst running away from hordes of zombies.

Things like bedwear and quilts were going to become necessary, especially to keep warm as time passes by at night, although some of the smallest garden supplies was needed for her and the group to start growing their food.

It was not guaranteed that the food in the city was going to continue to last, at one point they cease to be in date.

Kiriko did not want to be eating out of date food or warm drinks, due to her time as a child with her parents, the mother of Rei knew how to garden and do the basics in building due to being an active girl.

Her skills were going to be needed.

Back with Takashi and Kohta

Fujimi Academy

[Gucci Gang! Gucci Gang! Gucci Gang!]

"Kohta what the heck is this song?! You could put something at least decent on..." Takashi face palmed as he heard the groaned noises of the zombies nearby.

"It's not my fault! I really like lil pump! But focus already Takashi! They are beginning to crowd inside the tennis court..."

Kohta began to whisper his words as he did not want to attract the zombies to their location, the two currently stood a distance away after they had setup the speaker in the tennis court, putting it into a tree above the tennis court that was unreachable by the zombies.

Dozen's of zombie's ran at and through the gates as they grouped together, pushing each other down and some zombies even began to eat each other as they groaned and reached for the speaker.

[Can't buy a bitch no wedding ring! Rather go to Balmain's! brrrrrrrrrrr!]

Takashi let out a small breath, disappointed by Kohta's poor music taste, although Takashi knew he was someone that most likely also had bad music taste as well, although shortly followed, Takashi continued to watch the hundreds of zombies gathering.

A few stragglers continued to walk instead of running into the tennis court like most zombies, Takashi and Kohta wanted to wait a while until they made their move to close the gate quietly and burn them to death.

After all the two boys wanted the zombies to have zero chance to escape.

[Spent ten racks on a new chain! Huhhhhh?]

Many zombies were pressed against the cage alongside standing idle and reaching for the speaker on the branch above the court, considering the undead were keen to be very good at hearing and locating humans.

Of course playing music loud allowed them to get as many zombies out of the academy as much as possible.

Not only that but it was maximum volume, meaning the sound travelled quite a distance away.

Many moment's of the undead entering the tennis court yard had taken place, to the two boys there was more than a few hundred, which meant they took out a very big portion of zombies lurking in the inside of the academy.

"How many do you reckon there is?"

"More than four hundred easily, look they are pressed up against the walls of the court yard, if we don't close the gate quietly and begin then this could go very bad very quickly." Kohta said as a bit of sweat dribbled down his forehead.

[My lean cost more than your rent! oooooooh!]

"After this last zombie we close the gate, they are focused on the speaker so they will not notice us... Kohta?" Takashi felt his breath being taken away from him.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Make sure your pockets are full to the brim with Molotov's, I will close the gate with this lock, once I do begin to throw them directly in the middle if you can."

Noticing Kohta nod vigorously, Takashi fiddled with the pad lock in his hand, the key already inside the lock, Takashi knew all he had to do was close the gate quietly and place the lock on and shift it to the right.

Takashi took small steps as the music continued to play, avoiding making noise as he stepped forward, his aim towards the pathway and then the gate which was wide open, luckily for the brown haired teenager, there was enough space to close the gate.

Just about.

[Now Lil pump flying private jet! Yuhhhh!]

A lump in his throat as he got significantly closer to the gate, being very careful to not alert any zombies.

Leaning in, Takashi grabbed the handle of the gate, closing it very slowly as he became very nervous about the situation he was in, small ounces of sweat threating to also fall from his forehead.

'Goddamit! why does this have to be me of all people!?'

Placing the lock into the hole separate from the key which connected the fencing and the door together, Takashi placed it in slowly as he listened to the groans of the zombies mere steps inside the gate.


Stepping to the side slightly, he saw Kohta on stand by, waiting for his signal.

Takashi nodded before pulling out a Molotov cocktail himself and aiming it just enough to throw over the fence and into the group of zombies.





The sound of multiple zombies in-front of Takashi Komuro and Kohta was something they were grateful to hear, the pained agonizing noises that the zombies made as the fire began to spread rapidly between each zombie. Assumingly because of the clothing of course.

The skin of the undead had already turned a light purple colour prior, however with the fire burning them to death, the skin began to peel off and burn in the ashes of the first that had already stretched to each corner of the court.

All the two boys could do for now was watch as the zombies that reigned free inside the academy had walked into their death.

The thought of beginning anew and bringing the remaining of people left in the surrounding area was something that was now seeming like a real possibility to Takashi Komuro.

After all the boy wanted to be at the front line of it all.

'Today truly marks a day of change and prosperity, but most importantly...'

Takashi shook of his thoughts as he found the answer to his own thoughts to be pretty obvious, for now there was something he need to focus on.

"Well, what's next Takashi?" Kohta asked as he turned to face his friend.

I do just want to thank you for reading, I really appreciate it as this is another story I am passionate about doing.

It may not seem like it but I am always working on something related to my fanfics, this is no different.

Well... leave a review and a favourite if you like what's happening lol


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