
Chapter 6: United We Stand!

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With the group

Location: Entrance of Fujimi Academy

*Splat!* *Splat!* *Splat!*

"That should the last of the zombies that are lingering around here, except for inside of course."

Stabbing her spear into the undead that lay behind the gate, Rei and the other's stood next to each other as they used the gate entrance to finish off the undead without risking the chance of death, the gate had long been closed as they moved further up towards the gate in previous two hours or so they were there, reason being to stop any more incoming zombies from escaping the school and overwhelming them with their numbers.

"Good, if we keep alerting the undead to our whereabouts then we can pick them off through this gate like we have been doing this whole time. Remember to aim for the head as it kills them effectively."

Rika wore a serious expression on her face as she dragged one of the undead's bodies to the side of the road where the gang had prepared numerous amount's of bodies to burn, the pile was starting to become very big as it came to Takashi's knees when he stood next to the pile.

Placing the torn body next to the rest, Rika stood up straight and wiped a bit of sweat off of her forehead.

"You know it's a good thing that you know how to build weapons like these like these miss Rika, they sure do come in handy." Kohta smirked as he stabbed the undead in-front of him, behind the gate where it was kept at arms length and behind bars from the chubby teen.

"I'll tell you how I made these bad boy's before we rest tonight." Rika smiled sultry as her she let out a breath.


Saeko tilted her head cutely as she noticed a particular undead school girl who she recognised to be one of her former classmates, the undead zombie was able to use the rotten hand to reach through the gate as they tried to grab the girl.

"Well I would like to suggest that we may need you to create more weapons for us to use in the future, it's going to take us a long time to clear this whole area out and claim it back, I suggest we take out as many zombies as possible and try to lure any zombies lingering inside and around the back of the school."

Saeko suggested before using her wooden sword to hit the undead that was reaching out for her, snapping the arm of the zombie completely before the undead seemingly fell back into more hoards of groaning zombies.

Looking over towards Saeko, Rei nodded as she agreed, walking over towards her fellow comrade, Rei wanted to help out the older girl to finish off the zombies for good.

"We will do that and more, once we have lands of free space to explore, we will open up the doors of our former academy and allow the zombies inside to chase us and repeat this method once more, after all... they cannot get to us with the the lock being placed onto the gate." Takashi analysed as he sat alongside Shizuka on the front of the Humvee, their leader clearly taking a break as his jacket lay next to him.

"That reminds me Takashi, what did you plan once we clear this place? we can probably do it within the next few days."

Saya used a fire axe to cut through the zombies skull on the other side, in turn, blood spilled onto the floor and a bit onto her clothing as more undead replaced the latter.

"This place is big enough to start a new life almost... get rid of these rotten zombies inside and use the facilities to build, expand and create a place for us to live." Takashi explained vaguely enough for the others to get the point, he found he had turned many heads from the likes of Kohta, Rika, Kiriko and Rei.

"Why not turn this place into some sort of sanctuary? Or a safe haven like we mentioned briefly? There are plenty of people out there still that are looking for normalcy to reset, working together is the only way we can get through this." Shizuka tilted her head cutely as she asked the group in general.

"Because we are almost living a world which kill or be killed, even though this world is being overrun with the undead, there are still people out there that will not hesitate kill us... well maybe except for Alice, no one could ever hurt her of course." Kiriko turned to the little girl who sat in on the front of the Humvee with a motherly smile on her face.

Alice smiled childishly and giggled before meeting Kiriko's eyes for a few seconds.

"Kiriko is right, I believe we should setup for just all of us that remain at the moment and then if we find those we can trust, we can expand and build over time."

Takashi agreed with the older woman before getting off of the Humvee and picking up his bloodied and slightly damaged baseball bat, turning his attention to a few zombies to the side of Rei that were behind the fence.

Rika and Kiriko knew that there best bet was to continue at the pace they were moving at, they were making good progress so far, although a slither of doubt crept inside of Rika's mind for a few moments.

"What about building traps for the undead? we can quickly rid of them if we did that."

Saeko suggested before Rei stepped in-front of her and bashed the zombie in the head with her own spear, causing the undead to fall to the ground and be replaced with a zombie.

"Spike trap?"

Saya suggested as she placed used her free hand to wipe the sweat off of her forehead, the pink haired girl clearly showing signs of fatigue as they had been killing zombies for hours now.

"Spike trap...? could work..."

"We would need the resources to make the traps first off."

Rika grabbed the arms of another undead and began dragging it along the floor until it reached the pile of undead on the other side.

"I suggest we hold off making traps or spike traps for now, focus on taking this group of undead out and then setup home before we figure out the rest." Kohta suggested before scratching his cheek wryly using his free hand as his other hand wielded a spear.


Takashi placed his baseball bat in the air just above the zombies as he perfectly lined it up for a perfect hit just between the gaps in fence, after a few seconds, Takashi used any strength and power he could to swing down on the undead's head before pulling the bat out.

Once more, the zombie fell to the ground from the hit with a bashed skull that was now exposed to the world, blood seeping out of it, the zombie didn't move as Takashi assumed it was dead.

Although it did not take long before the rest of the hoard to step closer to the fence until they were placed against it with many zombies next to them.

"I agree with Kohta, we should hold off building any sort of traps for now, I believe we should kill as many as we can as it is only the afternoon after all, then we can setup our temporary home in that PE storage facility on the edge of the academy."

Takashi explained vaguely before Rei took back her spot that Takashi had just used to bash the skull of a undead.

"How big is this 'storage facility' you talk about? is there enough for all of us to sleep and rest in?" Rika picked up the speed of stabbing into the skulls of the undead as she rammed her spear even more into the first zombie before it reached the zombies skull behind it.

Killing two undead in one, the woman quickly pulled the spear out before the undead collapsed to the ground, leaving a gap in the surrounding zombies on the other side.

Rika quickly began spinning her spear around before ramming it into an approaching zombie that now lingered in-front of the two zombies she had previously killed, repeating the same cycle her and the other's had previously done for the past while.

"There is more than enough room, there is even some comforting matts inside from the gymnastics group that they used to soften the landing during flips." Rei answered before Takashi could as she added extra detail onto her own reasoning alongside Takashi's own.

"Well it's a good thing we brought many bag's of supplies that you guys owned whilst you stayed at that rather nice home in one of the districts of the city. I cannot help but feel jealous that I didn't get to live in peace for that time, I had to fend for myself during that time." Rika smiled as she cracked a joke, although bringing it up, it made Saya more curious to know what Kiriko and Rika had to offer.

"Speaking of which, what did you bring here? We haven't gotten a true chance to figure out what you two were bringing to 'our new home'." Saya used the fire axe one more to stab the zombie behind the fence, in the skull.

"I never got to truly stay anywhere so I couldn't bring anything but necessary things like food and water." Kiriko remembered she left her back in the Humvee next to them.

"Weapons, tons of them, my clothing of course and a lot of knowledge to survive in this world." Rika pointed towards her brain as she smirked.

"Which is why we will succeed, Rika and Kiriko here have experience dealing with situations that most of us wouldn't be comfortable dealing with, Rei and Saeko are fighters, tough ones at that, Kohta alongside Rika and Kiriko, have a lot of knowledge on the different weapons we can use or find in the near future to keep us alive, Shizuka here, is a nurse that knows a lot about illnesses and can bring us to our best state and care for us if necessary. Saya here? well she's the brains, she's a very intelligent girl, she knows how to make things happen."

Takashi analysed each member of the groups roles in the group, except for himself.

"What about you? Are you some overseer master planner or something?" A lightly blushing Saya asked Takashi a question as she turned her attention towards him.

"If that is what you want to call me, I haven't figured my role out in all of this, I fit into the same category as Rei and Saeko."

Takashi raised his baseball bat as he brought the weapon down onto the head of the undead as blood splattered onto the floor and the fence, leaving the zombie to fall to the ground, the zombies behind the fence began to lose numbers as there wasn't many left.

"Well as these ladies said Takashi, it seems like you have taken the leader role of this group that you have formed, consider me impressed." Kiriko smiled sultry as she met eye contact with her daughters ex boyfriend, Rei noticed this and became slightly jealous as she assumed her mother was flirting with Takashi.

Bashing the skulls continuously of the zombies, Rei moved her spear through the holes in the fence to kill many zombies as she moved to pick up the pace, killing the many zombies behind the fence in mere seconds.

One zombie dropped... before the many zombies that had been stabbed in the head had fell to the ground.

Leaving the group noticing Rei's sudden change of pace as she took out multiple zombies in mere seconds, Takashi's eyes widened as he became impressed by the brown haired girl that he knew so well.

"Woah impressive Rei..."

"She looks annoyed..."

"Oh my... you took out a lot in one go."

Rika grinned as she could tell the brown haired girl was slightly frustrated by her own mother's antics. Kiriko on the other hand, was completely unaware of her daughter's annoyance had come directly from her.

Takashi wore an awed expression as he watched his friend, her teeth chattered together, he could tell she was slightly annoyed.

"Let's just continue to kill the rest of these freaks, I want to get our new home set up already..." Rei felt annoyed at her own actions as she began to realize she was acting idiotic in her own way.

"Of course, so I have been thinking... ever since you mentioned about building traps in the future, it may be in our best interests to go into the city and get plenty of resources for the next few weeks." Takashi thought on the spot as he imagined himself and the others building various traps to counter act the undead that lingered nearby.

"Good point, the city will have numerous amounts of shops that have supplies to build defences here in this academy, we would need things like wood to add create fires and fortify our defences that little bit more. Kohta can you open the gate? we need to finish off the remaining already."

Saeko changed the conversation as she turned her attention to the chubby boy as he nodded vigorously. Kohta pulled the key to unlock the gate outside his pocket and walked over towards the gate where the lock was. Kohta had gotten the key from one of the undead zombies at the front of the gate, Kohta had recognised the woman to be someone who would hold on to valuable items like the key and was able to get it off of the former principal of the academy.

Rei, Saya and Saeko turned their attention towards the gate as Kohta scrambled to get the gateway open.

"Yes, It may be in our best interests to get lots of wood whilst we are in the city, maybe find some other transport vehicle with some fuel alongside it." Takashi followed closer behind Rika and Kiriko as the gates opened.

Rei, Saeko and Saya were the first of the five to walk inside the academies grounds.

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Saeko held her wooden sword out in-front of her as she held the zombie off with relative ease, patently waiting for one of the other's to decapitate the undead's head and kill the rotten walking corpse for good. Rei stabbed the first approaching zombie in the head before using any strength she muster to move the zombie into another, causing the worn out spear to go through a second zombie's head.

After stabbing the zombie numerous amounts of times in the stomach, Rika pulled the bloodied spear out with force and spun the weapon around a few times before going with a fatal blow to the head. Ending one of the last undead near the gate.

"I suggest we take a stop to various different places to get some materials and supplies."

Takashi noticed the zombie on Saeko as she kept it at a distance, continuously waiting for someone with a sharpened weapon to deal with her zombie rather than her risking breaking her weapon. Walking to the side of the undead, Takashi brought his baseball bat down onto the zombies head as it split open.

Splat! Splat! Splat!

Blood landed on Takashi's t-shirt and pants lightly as the undead fell to the ground seamlessly, blood pouring from its head, a dent was left on the rotten zombie's head as it's eyes twitched for a few moments.

Two more to go, the rest knew it of course, Saya narrowed her eyes on the zombie approaching closer to her, pushing her glasses up properly so she could see, the young maiden brought her axe in the air before swinging down.


Blood spurting from its head, blood landed on the cheek of Saya Takagi as she ripped the fire axe out of the undead's skull, leaving blood to soak within the concrete pathway around her.

Kiriko smirked as a zombie was pressed up against the gate, his skin dug into the metal fence as blood dripped down onto the ground, Kiriko raised her spear as she stood behind the rotten corpse and pushed her spear into its head.

Killing the remaining zombie once and for all.

"There's the last of them, the one's outside anyway, we still have to take care of those lingering zombie's on the inside, there will be hundred's of them." Takashi let out a sigh of relief as everywhere he could see was zombies that had already died or zombie's lingering next to the gate as they laid on the ground lifeless, surrounded by a pool of blood.

Takashi jumped so he could see the door's of the academy were slightly open as a few zombies seamlessly walked past the doors lifelessly.

Averting his eyes for a few moments, Takashi's eyes narrowed on the storage facility to the left side of him that stood far from him, Takashi began to think as his mind recollected for a few moments.

"I suggest we grab the supplies from the our vehicle and make our way to the storage facility where we can plan for the future and get some much needed rest of course."

The rest nodding vigorously, they turned around and turned their attention towards the Humvee. Leaving Takashi to admire his surroundings as his thoughts ran wildly with idea's.

With the group

Location: Fujimi Acadmies storage facility.

The storage facility that Takashi and the other's were staying in was quite spacious, it was decently sized due to the amount of stuff that the academy had to store within it, many matts lay in a pile to the side which now had numerous amounts of supplies sitting on top of the matts, food, water and various amounts of clothing placed into separate piles.

Although when the group entered the storage facility, they had to move the equipment that was used for gym classes towards the back of the large room as they set up separate futons on the ground where they were going to sleep. Shizuka slept near the top left corner of the storage facility whilst she to the right of her, was Alice in the middle left, followed by her, Kiriko's futon was next to the young girl which was followed by Saeko's futon in the top right corner of the room.

Below them, A small fire that had been well looked after as the girls had marshmallows' on the end of silver forks of course, near the door, Takashi slept closest towards the door with Saya Takagi's futon and Rei's futon next to his on either side, distance between their retrospective sleeping area's of course.

"That's done, luckily we locked up and parked the Humvee inside the academies grounds, who knows what might of happened to it if someone roaming this place would of gotten to it." Takashi placed the wooden plank in a slot that stopped anyone on the outside from entering, twisting the knob, Takashi gently tried to enter the door to see if it was working correctly.

The door didn't open too much before being stopped, the way Takashi wanted it of course.

"Finally a good chance to rest my limbs without having to look over my shoulder constantly, it feels like it's been years since this apocalypse have began all that time ago." Kiriko stretched her limbs as she felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, the warm and comforting atmosphere made the older woman feel all the more tired as she felt the desire to relax whilst she could.

"It's still quite early, although I wouldn't blame the rest of you for falling asleep at this point... I'm feeling rather tired myself." Takashi sat on a box next to the door as he noticed several eyes on him as he finished what he was saying.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I'll hang on before I consider falling asleep, I believe we should discuss what we must do to ensure our future, whether it be inside the walls of this academy or somewhere else." Rika smiled tiredly as her own eyes met with Takashi's own as she moved the conversation onto another topic, Takashi nodded as he agreed with the older woman.

"Before I kick my own idea's off, say what's the supplies looking like? Are we doing fine in terms of bottled water and food to survive for us?"

Takashi scratched the bottom of his chin as he thought.

"We have plenty of food for the next five days or so, if we ration it out carefully that is..." Rei guessed as she remembered some of the left over tins of food in the Humvee and the supplies on the matts a few feet away from her.

Takashi nodded as he came to an conclusion, everyone's eyes remained on him as he knew what to do.

"We really need to clean out the inside of that school, but for now, I think it would be best to loot unsuspecting places... shops that people wouldn't usually loot for supplies, these could hold the keys to build traps, weaponry that we can use to better defend ourselves whilst taking the hordes of undead out." Saeko who leaned against the wall behind her looked at Takashi with wide eyes for a moment.

"If we get enough wood we can create spikes and put them in the ground for undead to run into?"

Saeko suggested before taking a sip of water out of her bottle.

"Very good idea, although if we let the hordes of undead out of the academy, it will be much easier for them to kill us and ruin everything we have or will be building in this academy." Takashi analysed as he imagined himself and the other's getting overwhelmed by numerous amounts of undead.

"So something that we can use to kill as many of them inside the building..." Rika also looked deep in thought as she processed what Takashi said.

"I'm sure we can all agree that we are not going to be able to kill them all by leading them outside, right?" Takashi's eyes met with each individual in the group.


The group responded at the same time, Takashi smiled wryly as the teenager was glad that they were on the same page.

"We need something that can kill them all as quickly as possible, something that can continuously kill them one after another, or at least assist us with killing the many zombies out in that building." Takashi blinked multiple times as he tried to imagine a weapon or trap that they could use.

"What about something rigged? something that we can activate as swarms of them come out of the building." Rika imagined a spike trap that would take out many undead that lingered inside of the academy.

"Some sort of moving spike trap?"

Takashi's own eyes met Rika's as a connection was formed between the two, the two couldn't help but smirk at each other.

"Is that even possible? I've seen it in video games before but I've never seen it done in real life before." Takashi had a feeling he knew what the answer was already, he could only hope after all.

"Oh honey... it's possible alright, I've done this before. Ufufufufu!" Rika giggled as she felt proud to offer something to the group.

"I figured... oh we- wait! what?"

It took the young man a few moments to realize what the purple haired woman had said, to his dismay, he could of never predicted this from the woman he stared at.

"Oh one of those bad boys? I know how to help build one as well!" Kohta's face quickly turned into a wicked grin as he knew what the two was talking about due to his experience also with online games.

"I can help set up this trap as I have experience with wiring due to past cases I had to deal with." Kiriko crossed her arms as she made herself an option to help out with the their new founded idea.

"That's great! well we can form a group tomorrow to get supplies from any stores that may hold what we need." Takashi made a small smile as he gave a brief on tomorrow's plans.

"What will we do?"

Rei turned to the other's with a curious expression.

"Well there is enough of us to form separate groups to get everything done a whole quicker, Rei, Saeko and Saya, I think you ladies should use your spears secure the perimeter of the academy and kill off any zombies that might be nearby." Takashi finished as he gave the three girls instructions.

"Got it."

"Understood Takashi."


Takashi let out a breath as he felt like they were finally becoming productive to getting their old way of life back on track. Although Takashi Komuro was more than aware that life as it was could never return to the normalcy that he had been so used to. Takashi at least wanted to restore the feeling of safety in the people he knew.

His group agreeing with his own idea's with their own being implemented, Takashi for the first time in quite a while, looked forward to seeing where their future could lead.

"Although we could definitely go through with this plan, shouldn't we do something that's much more safe and cost less resources to create?" Shizuka asked with a curious expression on her face as she thought of an idea.

Takashi narrowed his eyebrows and gave Shizuka the look that told her 'she could continue look'.

"Well we could build this trap you speak of but... What about leading all known undead outside of the academy and bring them to a secluded area? for them to be killed of course."

"And you want to kill them through what method...?" Saya looked lost as the busty nurse hadn't revealed all details.

"Fire? that burns bodies right...? if we can gather enough of the undead we could light them on fire?" Shizuka placed her index finger on her lips as she thought, she considered her idea to a time consuming one.

It was a good idea, Takashi knew that Shizuka had come up with a good idea for them to use.

Rika, Shizuka's roommate was slightly surprised by her friends aptitude to come up with such a useful idea, the military girl knew it wouldn't take that long to do, rather than setting up a trap that could leave some stray zombies alive.

Rei and Saeko agreed as they were slightly shocked by Shizuka's idea.

"Wait... we aren't doing the gruesome trap idea thingy now?" Kohta looked deflated as he realized that the group had been swayed by Shizuka's idea.

"Of course not Kohta!"

Alice giggled as she watched the expression of the chubby boy, the young girl tried to hold her laughter in as she found Kohta funny.

"If I remember correctly from all of those damn parent evening I had to attend to, there is a a large tennis court that we could use If I am correct..." Kiriko thought as she remembered seeing the tennis court in the school's domain during one of her parent's evenings.

"Correct mother! if the gates are open we can lead them into the court we can close the gate behind as many of them." Rei agreed with her mother.

"Then what? we cannot simply leave them in there, we need to deal with them otherwise they could break out." Saeko crossed her arms as she waited patiently for another idea to be mentioned.

"I think you forgot that we said we were going to burn them..."

Takashi scratched his cheek wryly, Saeko's eyes widened for a few moments as she realized she hadn't been paying attention, causing the purple hair girl to blush before turning her head away.

"Anyway, we just need a spark and something that will attract them to the tennis court in the first place." Rika made an amused expression as she noticed Saeko, a girl she was still unfamiliar with, blushing in the corner.

"I agree of course, but what would we even use? we could use Kohta? maybe he could scream like a girl or something and attract those idiotic zombies." Saya suggested before brushing a few loose strands out of her face.


Takashi chuckled a little as his mind went blank.

"I doubt we could use Kohta... we need something or someone that can get the attention and be able to get away." Takashi imagined himself getting the attention of the horde and leading them into the court and jumping over the fence.

"Something like a speaker or a megaphone could work as it is loud and attracts the attention of the undead that are far away." Rei suggested as her eyes wandered to each member of the group, awaiting their approval.

"We don't have a speaker or megaphone... I'm sure there is one inside the academy but that is too risky with the amount of zombies that are lingering inside of there."

"We have a speaker, I brought one with me."


Takashi wore a confused expression as he was unsure whether the other boy was telling the truth or not, from his expression, Takashi had no idea whether Kohta was being sarcastic.

"So... you brought a speaker instead of supplies?!" Saya raised her eyebrows as she grew annoyed.

"Hey come on! this speaker is worth so much money, I wasn't just about to leave it at my house for other's to steal off of me!" Kohta explained his reasonings behind his action.




"Well no longer fretting over the unimportant details... say any of you kiddo's still got some sort of battery?" Kiriko's eyebrows raised as her eyes scanned across the room.

Everyone began to pull out their phone's as they attempted to turn on or check their phone's battery life.

"My phone is completely dead."

"Same, I have one percent battery left, it's not going to last the night to be able to use it."

"My phone died days ago..."

"I do not have a phone."

"I left mine back in the in my station."

"My phone is charged to the max."

Rika let out a sigh as she knew this was going to be much harder than she had anticipated, the girl knew no one had any battery life to play a noise to attract the undead into the court, their job got harder.

"I fi- wait... hold on? you have enough battery?"

Rika's eyebrows raised at the chubby teenager as he showed his phone was fully charged.

"I have it fully charged, I used that generator at my house to charge multiple devices which Saya and Rei never let me bring with me so I brought this and the speaker instead...oh and a portable charge of course!"

"I believe we have our new method to be able to use tomorrow, things are going to get interested indeed..."

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Thank you! I do appreciate you reading and this is the beginning! all up hill from here!


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