
Chapter 5: Fujimi Academy

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With Takashi and the others

Location: The groups temporary home



The two old friends stared at each other with confusion running through their faces the more the atmosphere in the room became quieter and increasingly more awkward. Takashi, Rei and Saeko all stared at the purple haired woman with blank expressions as they did not understand what was supposed to be happening, Takashi assumed that the woman was supposed to be using Saya as her bait whilst they were around each other, however Takashi sensed that the idea had long gone out of the window.

Confusion spread onto Saya also as she wasn't sure what was supposed to happen from here, she expected to be held for ransom by the woman who held her in a headlock. Rei was left watching the enemy in-front of her friends and keeping her eye on her friends as she wasn't sure what was supposed to be happening, she assumed the yellow haired nurse knew the woman opposite them.

"I thought... for sure, that you would be long gone by... now..."

The surprised tone coming from the dark purple haired woman surprised Takashi ,Rei ,Saya and Saeko as they did not know what truly was going on at this very moment. Shizuka's expression was enough to tell her students that she knew full well who the person in-front of them was.

Takashi wondered whether or not, Shizuka had history with the person in-front of them? Takashi knew he would find out soon enough.

"Well I barely survived... You never picked up on my calls to check if you were alright..." The purple haired woman's grip began to slip as her arm fell to her sides as Saya Takagi was finally able to be free of her grasp.

'Oh they have history indeed... I wonder if this is the same woman that Shizuka was on the phone with, all that time ago?'

Takashi's mind wandered back to a previous phone call that he had heard about from his friends, Shizuka seemed to of talked to one of her friends just after this all began.

"Well I'm glad you are alright!"

The busty nurse's expression quickly changed from a shocked expression to a happy one as she quickly launched herself on the purple woman, hugging her at electric speed that made Takashi feel briefly shocked. Takashi's suspicions had been confirmed for the young lad as he couldn't find any words to muster as he watched on.

The tanned woman giggled as she enjoyed the hug from her blonde friend, the students stood behind them, could only respond by wearing shocked expressions on their faces as they continued to watch. Saya was caught off guard by the woman who captured her, hugging the nurse she had become good friends with, it made the the girl wonder what their connections were.

"Me too! I thought you would become one of them, for sure!"

The two ladies after a few moments of enjoying each other's presences, released each other whilst wearing warm smiles on their faces, the two were simply happy with being reunited, after all, they were best friends. Although Shizuka could not help but be surprised to see her purpled haired friend, otherwise known as 'Rika', the busty nurse considered the possibility that Rika would of gotten out of the city by now.

It didn't take much longer to notice that she was indeed wrong.

Letting out a sigh, Saeko and Rei let out a breath as they gathered that Rika was not here to hurt them, luckily. Takashi on the other hand, still had his doubts about older woman in-front of him, he could tell by her figure that she was well trained, he knew she could wipe the floor with him if he wasn't careful, for now, the teenage boy remained on guard.

"So you two are friends, eh?"

"Yup, we couldn't make it more obvious couldn't we?"

"She was my flatmate I was talking about when we stopped at my apartment."

"Oh? this is her? well it's nice to meet you... I'm Takashi Komuro."

Takashi reached his hand out to Rika's hand, her eyes met Takashi's own for a few moments as she smirked, the glance in her eye, told Takashi that she was much different from the girls in this room that he knew so well. Rika accepted it and shook the young man's hand as she eyed Takashi like a treat, a sultry smile spread across her face, Rei and Saya picked up on this and pouted as they knew Rika was trouble for them.

Their eyes continued to meet for a few moments as everyone watched them in silence, Takashi had no signs of showing any weakness as a small smile grew on his face, it was almost like a stare out, the two remained looking at each other as the atmosphere went into silence for a few moments.

Soon after, Rika looked away as she spotted the pouts from the other ladies behind Takashi.

"Oh my, Mr Komuro, it appears you are mentally strong, usually fresh meat like you would give into someone like me, but it appears you are much different." Rika adjusted the sniper rifle on her back, it was becoming uncomfortable for the older lady.

Takashi noticed how uncomfortable she appeared to be for a second or so.

"You seem like a dangerous lady... how come you have broken into our home? is it by chance? or did you know we knew Shizuka...?" Takashi crossed his arms as his expression turned into more of a thoughtful one, the young man's curiosity was burning to know, there was something that didn't fit right with him.

"Not really, I saw you a while ago whilst escaping this shit show, known as a zombie apocalypse, I recognised your uniform as Shizuka was a nurse at that school, meaning... you would have a decent idea on what 'would of' happened to her." Rika explained to the best of her ability before placing her hands on the back of her head, stretching her shoulders in response, the elder woman let out a yawn.

"So you are not going to try to kill us, then? well... I'm not too sure what your true motives are now that you have reunited with Shizuka, and now that you have met us. Takashi watched Rika's every movement as he tried to avoid looking at Rika's breasts which were begging to be released. The tightness of her shirt as she yawned, allowed Takashi to get an eyeful.

"I have no plan's to kill you, so you do not have to worry."

"That's good, your carrying some serious firepower, aren't you?"

"Hmmm! how did you know?"

"There's literally a sniper on your back."


Takashi's expression turned into an amused one as he could tell that Rika was not the brightest, a few moments later, he heard the sound of a sigh coming from one of the girls behind him. Turning his head slightly, he saw Rei and Saya giving him death stares as they appeared to be angered by the back and forward exchange of Rika and Takashi.

Rika also picked up on it before a smirk appeared on her face.

"Oh my... It seems that your girlfriends are jealous, have you not been catering to their needs? you know, they also need affection." Rika teased the young man and the women stood behind Takashi, blushes spread onto Saya's and Rei's faces which was because they were both embarrassed and angry.

"They are not my girlfriends... I'm not entirely sure why they are acting the way they are." Takashi wanted to facepalm as he refused to let the elder woman embarrass him, the two ladies behind him, continued to seethe in jealousy and anger.

"HEY! Why do you think you can just walk in here and talk to Takashi like you have known him for years!?" Saya exclaimed as she stepped in-front of the brown haired boy.

"Agreed, Saya... I'm not too sure what she's planning but she's exactly the type of girl to steal Takashi off of me..." Rei whispered the last part as she began chewing down on her nail in response, the former girlfriend to Takashi, showed clear signs of jealously.

"What was that Rei? I didn't catch what you were saying?"

"N-Nothing!? Its t-truly nothing!"

The brown haired girl laughed it off as she tried to get all of the attention off of her, to the naked eye, anyone could tell that Rei was doing a bad job at diverting attention. Rika, the new arrival to the group, stared at Rei for a few moments, analysing her as she got a distinct idea on what the girl was like.

Takashi watched the expression of Rei as she lightly blushed and waved her hands in-front of her.

"Hmmm... Interesting, you must be a man of many talents to have these girls fawning over you, I am impressed I must admit..." Rika bit the nail on her index finger on her left hand as she wanted to know more about the young man in-front of her.

"I don't think they 'fawn' up to me, I'm sure Saya, Rei, Shizuka and Saeko could explain it better than I ever could." Takashi scratched the back of his head awkwardly, Rika's and Takashi's eyes meeting for a few moments.

"Why are we even talking about things like this!? the world has literally come to an end outside and yet we are talking about our relationships with Takashi!" Saya blushed lightly as she pushed her glasses up.

Takashi placed his hand on his chin as he figured his pink haired friend was correct.

"Hmmm? because it's important to know what your ladies relationship is with this hunk over here. After all, I will be making my stay within this group now." Rika pointed towards Takashi as her voice told them that Rika had taken a liking to Takashi.

The ladies only heard what they wanted to hear, which was Rika flirting with Takashi.

"You plan on sticking around? Oh wait... I shouldn't be surprised, you are good friends with Shizuka in all. I'm sure having someone as skilled as you will make our chances for survival drastically."

"Mhhmmm! meaning that it would be the in your best interest to work with me as we get through this new world that we are living in." Rika made a sultry smile as her eyes wandered to each of the member of the group.

"Well this reminds me, we originally were planning to leave this place, however you turned up and we found that you and Shizuka knew each other before we could even begin to think of any plans to leave." Takashi turned his attention to the window behind him, where he saw the other signs of life.

Recapping the events that had occurred up until now, Rika nodded as she understood.

"...Is it because of those who were causing such a ruckus outside of these walls not too long ago?"

"A decent of proportion of it is definitely because of that yes... but we need find somewhere else that isn't like this city, whether it be a nearby town or a safe haven where the military have set up camps for those who have survived this mess..."

Rika crossed her arms under her magnificent breasts of hers before her expression turning slightly serious for once.

"One problem, the world has truly gone to shit, meaning the 'military' and everyone you are speaking about are completely gone... dead and everything kiddo, heard it and seen it with my own eyes, whether it be the news reports that were playing all over the country or watching the undead rip through the militaries defence like it was nothing."

Takashi let out a sigh as he knew he should of predicted the worse to happen.

"I see... that put's those who are alive and well in a difficult situation, originally I was thinking that this group should be on the move until we find a camp for those who are alive, that way we can rest knowing the military would deal with this situation."

Takashi seemed to be deep in thought as he tried to come up with a new plan to go about living peacefully now, after a few moment's Rika let out a sigh and Takashi's mind clicked as a particular idea came to mind.

"Whilst it would of been a good idea, we have no chance of relying on the military right now when there's barely any soldiers left out in this cold hearted world." Rika took a seat on the arm rest of the sofa that was next to her, instead waiting for Takashi to respond as he appeared to be deep in thought.

"We truly are screwed aren't we?" Rei let out a sigh as she lost a slither of hope within her.

"I wouldn't give up just yet, I'm sure Takashi here could come up with something... after all he kind of leads the group." Saeko made a small smile as she stared at Takashi with warm eyes.

"That's right! Takashi took up the mantle of being the leader in this group we have going on." Shizuka the ditzy nurse, stepped forward with a warm smile and hugged her student from behind as Takashi was caught off-guard.

"H-hey! Shizuka!" Takashi felt the breasts of Shizuka plant themselves on his back as she hugged him with a warm smile across her face.

"If you cling to him any harder Shizuka, Takashi might actually break and have a nose bleed from those big breasts of yours." Saya rolled her eyes as she became increasingly more jealous of the unintended moment of intimacy between the nurse and the student.

"A-A-Anyway! a-as I was going to say! if what everything you said is true then there is no reason to leave the city and move somewhere else. What if... we created our own safe haven instead?" A light blush appeared on Takashi's face as he tried to change the conversation back the original topic at hand.

"How would we even do that?"

"Where would we even set up our new 'home'? Wouldn't having our new home in the city be more complicated?"

"This city is overrun with zombies... I'm not too sure it would be in our best interests to continue living in this city."

"Hmmm, Takashi is our leader so I am sure he knows what he is doing."

Takashi was surprised by the numerous amounts of mixed responses he received from the ladies around him, it made him realize that he hadn't seen his good friend Kohta in a while. His eyes instantly darting towards the busty purpled haired woman known as Rika.

November 27th

In the present...

With the group and Kiriko Miyamato

The sound of a Humvee running was the only thing the group could hear as they were huddled in the military vehicle, Rika sat next to Takashi as she leaned towards him with a jealous Saya consistently looking back from the passenger seat in seething jealousy.

Kohta unlike the others, was sitting on the top of the vehicle as he admired the sky and everything around him. Shizuka at the wheel, the busty nurse's attention was on the road as she ignored everything around her to focus on the road.

The group currently drove their Humvee through the streets of the city they had came to love so much before the world ended, Rei leaned her head on her mother's shoulder as her mother rested her cheek on the top of her head.

"That's pretty much it... since this has all started, we bounced around the city in hopes for any 'hope' of finding what we lost." Rei let out a sigh as she summed up their adventures over the last while.

"I see, I tried to get in contact with you but your phone had gone offline, I assume your phone had died?" Although Kiriko was usually stern and stubborn, Kiriko allowed her façade to fall for once as she reunited with her daughter.

"Yes... Takashi was with me on the first day as we tried to get in contact with you and dad."

"Speaking of which, have you heard off of your father...? I assume not due to your phone being dead."

"No... I assume dad is long dead by now."

A cold expression plastered across her face, Rei found the thought to be quite upsetting. Kiriko understood completely as the thought of her husband passing away made her hold her breath slightly.

"If there is any chance of your husband being alive, I promise you that once we set up base somewhere that we will find out the truth behind your husband and father's current status."

Takashi who had to adjust his head to look at the two ladies to the side of him, made a warm reassuring smile as Kiriko remembered Takashi's face and voice, it was all to familiar to her as she noticed the masculine look that he sported rather than the childish look he once had.

"Ah Takashi, its been quite a while since we were able to see each other, if I remember correctly you were still dating Rei the last time we got to see each other... right?" Kiriko thought for a few moments, earning surprised looks by a familiar purple-haired woman as she stared at the police officer.

"That's right Ms Miyamoto... say before all of this, did you still work as an officer of the law? to be honest before all of this, I didn't keep up what was going on beyond my own bubble."

'So she's an officer of the law? she could be useful for our survival, maybe she knows if there are any hotspots within the compounds of the city?'

Rika who was sitting next to Takashi listened keenly as Takashi and Rei's mother went back and forward with each other as they sold information to each other, whether it was too little or too big, Rika found herself learning more and more about the people around her.

"I did before this, of course, however as you can imagine, once this all started, I was separated from my husband and this world as we know it as all came crashing down within a night."

Takashi and the others took a few moments to think as they processed and reflected on everything they had been through since.

"I understand, it appears since the day it all began that there is no way for us to even consider the feeling of going back, I think what we can do from here on out is to trust in each other, work with each other and get along with each other. That way, we can start to rebuild the society and everything we once had, we may have to make decisions that we never thought we would have to but it's better than dying."

Takashi looked out towards the window as he felt all eyes on him, the light blue sky looking gorgeous as Shizuka drove them towards their next location.

"I see, a very leader like Mr. Kumuro, I'm sure you have plans am I right?"

"Of course, everyone here knows the basics of my plan that I have been working on, for the last while we have existed, I have asked myself, 'what place is secure that can be used to keep the undead out?'. Well, the most secure place would be where this all started for some of us... none other than Fujimi Academy."

"The school? isn't that place overrun with zombies? how are we supposed to live there in peace?" A curious Kiriko asked.

"I'm not too sure whether I get either mom but Takashi knows what he's doing." A wry smile plastered across her face as the daughter stared at her mother.

"I see, you have been thinking about this for a while, haven't you?" A small giggle escaped Saeko's lips as everything seemed to click into place.

"Of course, considering the time and how much we could do, I propose we slowly work our way into our school and wipe as many zombies as possible... we are all skilled and used to this cold-hearted world, with all of us working to kill the zombies, by the end of the night we can clear a good amount and come back to it the following morning."

Kiriko Miyamato smiled deviously as she knew her daughter's ex-boyfriend's plan was crazy, although the elder woman did mind that one bit. Rika giggled internally as she was looking forward to getting some action, the woman was getting used to the group's antics and had grown particularly fond of them.

Although Rei was unsure, she trusted Takashi and his plan.

"Face it, ladies, we have the weapons and the right people to go to, there is enough of us to cause a decrease tonight on the lingering zombies within the academy, it's either we run for the rest of our lives or we take what was ours." Although Takashi wasn't intending to be motivating, the ladies around him couldn't help but be motivated to continue his plan out.

"Oh my, luckily we have arrived to go through your plan Takashi." A familiar busty blonde driving the car came to a halt as they lingered in the Humvee near the entrance.

"I figured, just in time Shizuka, well... are you ladies ready...? we may as well begin and place the bodies over there."

Takashi pointed towards a spot near the main road that led towards the gate.

"Well well, I guess we can save the group bonding for later? although we not long ago met, it's time for us to go to work ladies and gentlemen." Kiriko reached over towards Rei's side and used the handle to push open the door, the daughter soon stepped out as she heard the loud groaning.

"Of course, we need to act more than we speak, I'm sure we all want to survive and thrive, why not work together to accomplish that?"

Takashi stepped out of the left Humvee door and into the open air as he saw numerous amounts of zombies from a distance, make their way towards the group, their weak bodies destroyed and barely hanging on Saeko took note of their appearance as she followed behind Takashi being much worse than previous times she had fought them.


Walking around to the boot of the Humvee, the teenager opened it up which held several of their supplies and weapons, many weapons to destroy the zombies lurking outside the gates of the high school.

Takashi picked up Rei's and Saeko's weapons without thinking about it as he gave his two friends their weapons and gestured for them to get started. Rika who was one of the last to leave the Humvee walked behind the vehicle and noticed Takashi reaching for her own weapon.

"You want to use this bad boy?" Rika smiled deviously as saw Takashi point towards her silenced pistol.

"Of course not, do I look like someone who uses pistols for fun?" Takashi smirked cockily as he gave the older woman her pistol.

"You are right indeed, you seem more of a katana guy in all seriousness."

"Maybe I am? well... here take this also, save that pistol ammo you have, use this spear that Rei made as a backup, we have plenty of weapons in here to choose from."

Takashi tossed the older seductive woman a spear as her eyes lit up.

"Oh, baby... you sure know how to please a girl..." Rika smiled sultry at Takashi, their eyes meeting as a connection was established.

"Let's not start that when the other's can get the wrong idea? anyway happy hunting?"

Takashi asked with a warm smile on his face, Rika smiled back and blew the leader a kiss as she joined the others. her intention was to help out clearing the zombies on foot from here.

'She sure does flirt a lot... no wonder why the others are starting to get annoyed with her teasing and flirting all of the time, well although we do not know much about her yet, it seems like something she does.'

Takashi laughed as he reached for his baseball bat, although it had better days, it was still very much useable.

Standing up straight, Takashi backed away slightly and closed the boot of the Humvee, his new objective was to also join the girls in taking out the undead also.

"Kohta, help out on the undead coming from the sides, we cannot allow the possibility of Shizuka and Alice being hurt as they stay inside our only vehicle." Takashi who noticed his friend jump down from the roof of the Humvee pointed towards the zombies coming from the sides.


"Of course, you know it's pretty good having someone like Rika around, creating custom weapons in all! this is like one of those weapons out of a game I have played before!" Kohta said as he smiled wickedly, the other male talking about the weapons the girls wielded whilst the two used ordinary weapons.

*Splat!* *Splat!*

Kohta's axe buried into the skull of the zombie in front of him, the blood splattering onto the ground below him and onto his clothing that he had been wearing for some time now, the blood spurting out like a fountain, the teenager pulled his ax out as he turned his attention elsewhere.


Kohta walked slowly and wickedly towards the next undead, staring the lifeless figure in the eyes as he noticed the hanging jaw of the zombie threatening to break off its face, the zombie wore a torn Fujimi academy outfit much like Kohta's and the other's, except there's was much cleaner.


the zombie's attire showed wear and tear as his intestines threatened to spill from his stomach and onto the floor.

*Splat!* *Splat!*

Takashi swung his hardest as his baseball bat connected with the face of the zombie, sending the undead figure flying to the ground with intensive bleeding coming from the skull, blood splattered on his newly cleaned attire that he had been well known for wearing.

The teenager found himself unable to wear any other clothes except his high school attire.


Without any hesitation, Takashi turned around and instinctively swung at the zombie approaching from behind, causing the zombie's jaw to come flying off and hitting the ground next to the first zombie. The speed at which Takashi swung was hard enough to cause the head of the undead to be removed from its body as blood oozed out of the remaining of its neck.

Blood on his jacket, Takashi turned his attention towards more zombies on the side of the road as they got up.

*Splat!* *Splat!*


"You know, you can be goddam annoying when you flirt with Takashi like he's your boyfriend, Rika!"

Rei said as she stabbed the undead in the heart, which was followed up by a second attack by Saeko as she cleanly used her weapon to take the head off of the undead. Pulling the spear out, Rei turned around and stabbed an approaching zombie in the head.

"Ara ara? what if he actually was to become my boyfriend in the future? will you just mope around until you find a lover of your own?"

Spinning around, Rika knocked multiple zombies to the ground with fast speed, allowing the other girls to assist in killing the zombies crowding them, one by one the girls used their weapons to stab the undead vigorously before pulling out and turning their attention elsewhere.

"Takashi would never become your boyfriend! don't claim him like he's yours!"

An annoyed Saya Takagi hit the zombie with the crafted spear given to her by Rika a few days ago, a giggle escaped the lips of the older woman Kiriko as she heard her daughter argue over their leader, Takashi Komuro.

"Oh my, there's no need to be so jealous Rei, I'm sure we can share him between us if you played nice...ufufufu!" Rika unzipped her newly cleaned jumpsuit as she let air into her stuffy jumpsuit, her ample nipples showing through her white tank top.

"You aren't seriously suggesting that we share him?!"


Saya Takagi took a dig at the zombie in front of her out of frustration as the girl began to feel slightly frustrated by the back and forward exchange between herself and the other's, Saya's mind couldn't help but wonder what it would like if they shared Takashi.

"I'm sure we could, his junk is probably enough for all of us to go around."

Rika bit her lips as she attacked the zombie in front of her, the purple-haired woman felt slightly aroused as Takashi was all she could think about, her thoughts ran lewd as she continued her barrage of attacks.


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