

What use was it having a knowledge that was useless to you? That was what Myra thought when she found out the truth about the world she lived in. Werewolves, Lycans and Paranormal creatures existed and she was one of them... Yet not one of them. She was born without a wolf side. So more or less she was human except for the slight difference. Little abilities that showed she was not a part of the human race, still... A werewolf without a pack and without a Wolf side? surely Fate has had her Hoodwinked. And that is not the end... Being Chased by bullies she seeks solitude in an abandoned mansion. Abandoned is what it's called but it surely wasn't unoccupied. Therein lies a stranger. Bounded in chains and kept in darkness, he makes a plea and in compassion she frees him from his chain but in return is bound in chains. Hoodwinked by fate she becomes his mate. What fate awaits her here on? More misfortune? How much worse could everything go? *** "A visitor? How delightful" A clear voice rang in from the darkness. Myra shivered and turned. The house was too dark that she couldn't see who has spoken. "who's there? What do you want?" "I should be one asking. You are trespassing" "I didn't mean to. i_i'm just seeking solitude. I'm sorry I'll leave" "Not so fast darling. You are here already, so you can as well help me" She raises a brow "Help you?" Only silence answered. What was she thinking? Talking with the darkness. Perhaps being chased by a few bullies sounded better than this, she should leave. She takes a step backwards but halts again. So much for being weakhearted. "First step into the light" She requested wanting to see who she was talking to. In a world were beasts exist, it wouldn't be so surprising if it ended up being a troll. Sounds of metal rattling echoed in the empty room then followed was the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a troll. it_it's a man. A very Handsome Man!

unique2bliss · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

The In-betweens

The heavy impact with the wall sent a strong pain up her limbs and left the taste of iron in her mouth. She could feel her blood boiling up her throat but she swallowed it back and tried to stand. Thanks to being a werewolf or that would have sent her unconscious if she was just human. Even still she was a tad bit weaker than other werewolf even more weaker than him who had been transformed to a Lycan maybe because she was a defective, so the impact left her bruised no doubt.

Nonetheless being bruised was not her worry at the moment. Standing before her was her uncle who was changing to his wolf form. He was drunk and muddleheaded, if she let him continue he would just trample her to death in the end.

"Uncle calm down" She tried to talk to him which turned out to be a futile effort.

He growled at her and puffed a heap of hot breath on her face. She could only close her eyes and pray for a saviour.

"What are you doing?!" An old angry voice rang out into the room.


She flung her eyes open and her heart lept for joy hearing his voice. This was practically the first time she had been happy about the Old man's arrival. History between her and the Old man went way back to eight years ago. The year when her mother died, her mother's sister had come to their little town to pick her to go live with them as per her mother's request. The Old man was the angriest to see her then. His daughter had run away from home, from the marriage arranged for her and went to be with a stranger. A child coming back in her stead was not part of his expectations, plus the fact that her do called human father was the reason she had refused the glorious husband they had set down for her. Even though her mum had lied that she was her step daughter. The Old man couldn't help but transfer his anger on this unexpected granddaughter. The mere sight of her irritated him to the bone. It was only in respect to his dead daughters wishes that he didn't throw her out himself.

"What is going on here?" He asked again. A threatening tone laced in his voice.

Myra stayed mute. She knew better than to reply when the Old man was talking. Even if her uncle were to turn the story around it was more better than speaking to the old man directly. The penalty would surely be far more worse than it supposed to be.

"This b*tch has forgotten her place. Disrespecting me all because she earns a little in this house. I was just going to teach her some lessons" Her uncle turned back to human form and replied righteously. He didn't seem to see anything wrong with the words he had said.

She earns a little? Well that little was what was keeping him alive or he would be long starved to death if he didn't die of cold from sleeping on the streets.

"Can you be less of a disgrace Handel?" The Old man spat out angrily. "You have responsibilities to take care of so please can you act more responsible and for god sake go put some f*cking clothes on!"

The disappointment in the Old man's tone was heavy. His irresponsible children had always been his point of regret. One ran away and never came back till she died, the other became a drunk after losing his wife. Only the last was of some importance, married to the pack former beta and mother of the current beta.

Handel groaned hesitantly and only reluctant walked away after the Old man obviously won the eye stand down contest. With him out of the room. She was left with only the Old man to face. He looked at her crouched on the floor like she was some lamb, his eyes were full of derision and contempt. Obviously holding not high hopes for her. He never had. Her human weakness and vulnerability was what he hated of her the most. How could such a being hold any importance for him?

"Don't you have some place to be?" He seethed.

Like a goose in chase, Myra stood up from the floor and bolted out of the house. Looking at her watch she cursed out of her mouth. The time was far spent, she had less than ten minutes to get to school or she would be late for class and be made to do all the disgusting stuff. The road to school was nothing less than fifteen minutes and that was if she rode in a car. She obviously didn't have one. Her only option was running with all her strength.

If there was one thing she was thankful for it was the abilities she was given. She could never transform into a wolf but she got ever other abilities that werewolves were given. The super strength, speed, sense of smell and the others but she had never shown it to anybody. In front of other she always acted weak to pass off as a normal human. A

"No one must ever know. Till your fate changes your existence must be a secret" Her mother had warned. She only got to know why after she was introduced to the pack. Her mother's little lie of her being her father's daughter had saved her life. Many decades ago a rule was passed by their ancestors, a decree to have her kind killed the moment they were found. They called them the In-betweens.

They had always been rare but even became rarer after the decree. She was probably the last of her kind except some of them were in hiding just like her. The day someone finds out the truth about her, that would be the day she died.

Since she was late she changed routes from the road to the woods. Only in the woods could she run with her real strength and not be caught. Still for precautions sake, she took her hoodie out from her backpack and wore it across her head then began to run.

Once again feeling the wind blew past her ears as she run brought sense of relaxation to her. How she wished she could do this every day. Just like every other werewolf taking a run in the woods was also her favourite thing to do, that was why she carried her hood everywhere she went. Running through the woods always had a way of sending all her worries flying with the wind. so she does it every now and then.

In no time she arrives at school just in time for the start of class. Already bored by what she was going to hear. School wasn't one that brought much enthusiasm, especially when she hated what she had to hear. Who wouldn't? Learning about animals like they were more important than your own life. Like for God sake, she didn't even know how to treat herself so why should she know how to treat an animal. If not for the fact that there was a twist in it, where she learned how to treat Werewolves and not regular normal animals, she truly wouldn't have lasted in this course that long.

To the world she was a normal vet but in truth she was a supernatural Vet.