Guillermo is a succesful manager, he hangs out with his friends every day, and he has a women which he shares his bed with. But he's still homeless.
The movie ended. Credits started to descend from the top of the screen, and Netflix recommended a couple of movies to watch next. Guillermo took his headphones off and yawned while he stretched his arms. He put his hand over the screen and closed his laptop. It was dark all around him.
Guillermo got up his chair and walked to the light switch, on the other side of his office. He was already used to do it, so, to guide himself, he put one hand on the edge of his desk, and the other on the bookshelves that were supposed to be around him.
He reached the light switch and turned it on. On his desk were a lot of papers piled up: reports to check, contracts to correct, bill to file and many others which he didn't know what to do with. He took a few and check them vaguely. He yawned once again.
He left the papers on his desk and disconnected his laptop. He rolled the cable and put everything (papers included) inside his backpack.
He took his jacket from the coat rack and put it on. It was black and 100% leather. He had bought it not so long ago, but he couldn't zip it up anymore. He put his backpack on his shoulder. He turned off the lights, got out of his office and locked the door.
He walked through different areas in the company. Most cubicles were empty and in complete darkness. Except Valenzuela's. He was still working.
"Hey, just leave it 'till tomorrow", Guillermo said. "Come on. Let's get wasted."
Valenzuela was looking his screen and never stopped typing. On his side were a pile of papers.
Guillermo opened his backpack, took his papers out and put them on top of Valenzuela's pile. He considered bringing more, but that would be too much.
"Well, I'm gonna go if Richi and Don Luis want to go to The Office. We'll see you there, right?
Valenzuela kept typing.
"Hey, hey", Guillermo snapped his fingers in front of Valenzuela's face. Valenzuela awoke and put away Guillermo's hand.
"What now?" he asked.
"We're going to The Office for a couple cold ones. Come with us."
"I have tons of work."
"Me too, and I'm still going."
Valenzuela sighed and kept typing.
"I'll see you there", he said.
"We'll see you, then."
Guillermo went to Richi's cubicle. He was looking for cheap sports cars on his phone.
"There's a meeting in The Office. Let's go", Guillermo said.
"Who's going?"
"And Don Luis?"
"You go ask him. I'll wait you there."
"Ok, see you in 20."