
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

6 | home and neighbourhood

; ♡ my home / neighbourhood


-' this information resembles my home in my desired reality ',°-


-', my village ~


village name ~

↝ dyrivina

history ~

↝ dyrivina was founded 715 years ago, by the oldest known wizard to roam the earth - barry bee willie winkle. the legend in the small village is that kelpies roam the river. because of this, it's known as bad luck to swim down the river on your back, because the kelpies will pull you down and eat you alive. the legend was created hundreds of years ago when a small girl named dyrivia gandalf was swimming down the river on her back, and suddenly sank down quickly and never resurfaced. that is also where the name of the city originated - dyrivina.

location ~

↝ london. you can only enter dyrivina by walking down a small alleyway and into a bush, in london, near the leaky cauldron - only accessible by witches and wizards.

known for ~

↝ dyrivina is always snowing. it's a phenomenon that has never had an answer. it only becomes summer very briefly for 3 days, every 42 years. it's a once in a lifetime occurrence. it is only inhabited by the wealthy. it's a hotspot for non-muggle tourists as well!

dyrivina ~↷

webnovel doesn't allow photos.

-', my home info ~


address ~ ↝ deleria drive, dyrivina - london, england (easy access to diagon alley - platform 9 and 3/4)

walls ~ ↝ brown/beige

accents ~ ↝ white accents

style ~ ↝ traditional - storefront home

cleanliness ~ ↝ very clean, no trash, or littering

smell ~ ↝ incense

-', house interior - my bedroom ~


inspiration ~↷

-', house interior - chris's bedroom ~


inspiration ~↷

-', house interior - dads room ~


inspiration ~↷

-' house interior - dominic's room ~


inspiration ~↷

-' house interior - liam's room ~


inspiration ~

-' house interior - lincoln's room ~


inspiration ~↷

-', house interior - bathroom ~


inspiration ~↷

-', house interior - living/dining room ~


inspiration ~↷


all of the windows will have these sort of gate things around them so they are all the same style