
His Holy Ascension

Sageofwisdom · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Unknown

<p>When I awoke, there was nothing but pure darkness. <br/><br/>The darkest black I had ever seen. I felt cold and wet. <br/><br/>I knew I was dead, but where were these thoughts coming from? Why was my brain still thinking and my mind still questioning?<br/><br/>Then suddenly my eyes were hit with bright light as if I had just awakened from a hundred year slumber. The sound of voices slowly creeped into my ear. <br/><br/>The sensation lasted about 2 minutes before I could finally observe my surroundings.<br/><br/>I seemed to be in some lavish room that looked to belong to a person of noble status. The tall walls were adorned with gold paintings and expensive ornaments. While the marble floors were spotless as if never walked upon.<br/><br/>Many people of copper skin were gathered around the bed that I seemed to be held over.<br/><br/>'Where am I?'<br/><br/>I wondered as my attention shifted to the woman cradling me. She was elderly and hunched with white eyes devoid of any emotion. From appearance alone she didn't seem to be a day over five hundred.<br/><br/>"Lilyana my dear, you have done it. You and your baby will live to see another day."<br/><br/>The woman who I guessed to be Lilyana only gave a faint smile as her body was laid across the bed. She appeared dead in the face as if her whole life had been sucked out of her, but I could see traces of an unparalleled beauty that used to exist in her stead. <br/><br/>Lilyana had long white hair that looked to reach her waist, accompanied by sea blue eyes that were fighting not to shut.<br/><br/>'These people are gigantic… or?'<br/><br/>I questioned as I glanced down at my own body. It was that of a brown-skinned baby who had only been born mere moments ago.<br/><br/>After a quick evaluation, I had deduced that I was a baby boy.</p>