
Chapter 13 of chapter 2 Isabella revelation

The whole mansion was stumbling as the fierce beast storm his way to the chamber where the dying lady was kept. 

Behind the bed side seated Emma, holding on to her dying friend hand. The pains of seeing the only friend she had consider as sister dying in front of her was unbearable to take in. tears were dripping out of her eyes slowly as she keeps calling on her name in a low tone 

"Isabella, Isabella, please wake up" 

The girl eyes was close, her dark avocado shiny dark skin seen turning into grey. The poison was taking a great infection on he skinr, as she struggled with death and life at the same time. 

There was others maids in the room, as all seem muted with their heads down, mourning the dying. The sensation of the room was covered in mourning and slience. 

Immediately the room door stamped open, making everyone shiver to the figure standing at the door edge with burning scary eyes

"Everyone out!" He growled, his hands were shaking in anger that he couldn't look at the faces of the maids as them runs out of the room like chicks chased by a big  wolf.

Emma also leave even though she never planned to but she can't disobey the voice of the master of the house. She was also frighten with his presence and hurry waved her way out. 

There was no one in except the Duke and the dying maid laying on the woody bed with foam. 

 "Isabella" he called slowly as he approach the bed. His legs were shaking, he had never been this scared before but the sensation of fear cupped up with him. 

He was a night creatures and shouldn't be stumbling but here he was fearing to lose her. 

"Isabella" he called again and touch her face. She wasn't reacting to his touch. Then a drop of tears fall off his eye and landed on her cheeks. 

Immediately he touched his face and noticed he was crying for the first time ever! There was tears in his eyes!

He had never share tears even when he lose his mother. He never cried, it was said that the night creatures are emotionless to emotions that would break them down. 

Now, he cried? How was that possible? He's a night creatures. 

Just that moment, he heard a knock on the room. The room door was opened it wasn't that  locked, he wonder who's fool is disturbing his quiet moment with his woman.

"Arthur" he heard his name and immediately wipe the tears from his face before be notice. He turned at the door direction and seen the idiot that knock was no other than Marcus. 

"The doctor is coming" he said, staring at the direction of the dying girl. He couldn't believe that Elsie was so desperate that she  stood this low inorder to get the Duke back to her. She had to do this? Marcus was burning inside of him. He wonder why the Duke didn't kill her immediately instead of punishing her. 

That slut cross her line this time! 

"What is taking that doctor too long! Don't she knows my Isabella is dying! Did she needs her head to put on the spear before she arrives here?!" 

During his yelling go Marcus, a  shrivering woman runs in. She bowed and apologize for her late coming. 

The Duke wasn't interested in her apologize, what he wants was to give her back to her breathing space and never let her go again. 

"Do everything you have to do to bring her back to life. If you failed, I promis I will not  only kill you but both your entire family too"  he threaten the shrivering lady who clearly understand the Duke words and know he wasn't joking with his word.

If he said he would do it, that's exactly what he is going to do. 

He stromed out angrily, leaving the shrivering lady to operate on the dying woman. Marcus follow him behind. 

After them left the room.

"What exactly did she ordered the men to do to my woman" he asked calmly, trying to hold back the burning fire in him. But that didn't hide his dark red scary eyes. 

"We found out, it was a poison. A gas poison. The men that found her said all the prisoners in the cells were dead. It was a miracle she was founded still breathing" Marcus said

" That witch, for all I have done for her. She still have the guts to touch what's mine! I left her on her first try and she did in return worse than the first. I wouldn't spear her this time!" 

Marcus keep quiet and walks beside him. After some slient of walking in the dark corridor. He asked turned his gaze at Marcus.

"Have you catch those idiots who did this?" 

" Yes Milord, they are where you want them to be" 

" Good, let start with them first before going to that witch" 

Back in the room where the dying Isabella laid. The young lady apply some herbs in her mouth to drip out the poison she had inhale in. 

"You don't have to died Isabella. You time haven't come yet. Please wake up. He needs you more than ever" the lady muttered, as she keeps on applying the herbs in her mouth. As she fight with life and death..


Little Isabella seated on the wood beside the little hut that was provided to them by the lord's in the plantation estate. 

Playing with the black soil, digging her hand in while giggling. She was enjoying the twinkling the soil was making her hand feels. 

"Neigh! " She heard a loud horse sounds. And the other children who have been playing beside their huts suddenly runs to the direction of the calling horses. 

That means there is a new visitors coming into the estate. She stop what she was doing and ran to the same direction the children had run to.

Getting to the spot, there were more than one carriage and looks exquisite fancy. The coach of each carriage were dress in royal clothes. She was so amazed to see such beautiful carriage as she agape excitedly with the others children.

They stayed at the road side inorder not to step too close to the road where the carriage was passing if not them might be severely punished when seen. 

She waved her hands at the carriage along with the other children as them seen excited seeing beautiful things them haven't seen before. Is not that them haven't see a carriage before, just not this fancy because the ones them had seen in the plantation seem too pale to be excited for. 

She wonder if the passagers inside are of royal family. She believes is only the royal family can hold such fancy things.

With too excited she continues waving at the moving carriages. The carriages are up to five. When the fifth passed, she spotted a boy inside, as he was looking through the window. 

Then, she meet him, their eyes locked on each other. As the charming boy keep on staring at her among the crowd. Her hand hang up in the air. She felt something strange and too effective to describe. She was stunned and same scared. There were some kind of strange scary aura in his eyes, as he stared at her but was interrupt by little girl in the carriage which draws his attention from the window. Immediately, he left, the second boy popped his head out and waved at the black children. 

He was smiling, his face isn't that cold as the first boy. Immediately, Isabella feel her hand again. Jumping up for the boy to notice her before the carriage finally passed them..

After the carriages passed, a man appear with a stick chasing them back to their huts. 

Isabella hates him, he was always there to ruined someone joy. That's the reason she named him pot belly because his belly was too big. You just can't differentiate him from pregnant women.

The children return to their huts but Isabella couldn't get her mind out of the first boy. Why did she suddenly feel cold and fear when their eyes meet. What was it about that boy? She keeping on asking herself. Bitting on her lips. 

When her mother called her. 

"Isabella, where are you?" She asked, as her voice echo from the room. 

"Mother, I am here!" She answered and ran inside to meet her.

She had bought extra food from the kitchen for her. She was putting the in extra clean dishes.

"Mother, did you steal food again?" She asked immediately she entered and saw the dish of food.

"Will keep your mouth you little one. You should be happy that I bought more food for you instead trying to scolds me" 

" I'm sorry mother" she seat close to her on the bare floor with no carpet in. 

"Mother, you can't believe what we saw today?" 

" What's was that?" Mother asked curiously.

" We saw fancy shiny carriage entering the estate. It was so shiny that I feel like touch it" 

Suddenly, her mother drag on her hand tightly. " You better stay away from those carriages and the people inside. Do you understand me? I don't want to see you near the big mansion without.my consent. Am I understood?" 

Isabella who was surprised about her mother character slowly nodded in response. She had never hold her so tight or even warned her about the big mansion before. What must have happened that make her mother act this way.. she thought
