
His Favourite Addiction

She's annoying but I love her. She's my baddie, my desire...I'm consumed with love, driven with passion to taste and want her.... I'm madly in love with her....craving her love. Of all the things I crave for and I'm addicted to....none is compared to my most favourite one...her. Marvlyn, my favourite addiction.

Renee_Writes · Urbain
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22 Chs

A day with her 1

She caressed my chest while reciprocating my kisses.

I loved her scent and at that moment, I wasn't sure I still wanted her out of my room.

"I've got to go." She turned on her heels, ready to go, I watched her for a while.

"Don't...you can stay." I said.

She stared at me for a while before returning back to the room.

"I've to be on my way now. I've truck loads of things to do and I would rather you keep me company. Please."

"Okay....Jason." She stepped back.

"You're the red head from the party, right?"

She pouted her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"I guess so". She shook her head in reply.

"I don't even know your name."

"I didn't mention it."

I gave her this look of "Are you gonna tell me or what?"

"Guess". She started, playfully.

"Guess what?" I asked, raising a brow at her.

"My name,"

"Oh, I don't really know .I'm not good at guessing, but, you look like a Charis or Cherrette". She chuckled.

"Those names suck. One more try before I burst the bubble".

"Marilyn?" I asked.

"Nah...you tried. So close. It's Marvlyn".

It's a rare name yet nice and it suited her so well.

"Marvlyn....so nice. You've a nice name there". I compliment.

"Yeah I know. Thanks. So, Jason... tell me... do you stay in your hotel or you've a house?" She asks lying on the bed.

I look at her puzzlingly.

"Who doesn't have a house?" I ask.

"Tell me about yourself".

This is one topic of discussion I hate so much....but I don't even know why my mind wants me to even tell her. Normally....I'd shut it off and change the topic more still get angry. My personality doesn't suck neither does myself or my family. I just don't like talking about myself.

"I'm 22...not married. CEO of this hotel and another eight star hotel in California...CEO of a restaurant....long story cut short I hate being questioned". I say to her.

"Weird...who ends a discussion in that sort?"

"I do. Now stop questioning me". i say.

"Jason....do your family stay here too?"

"What'd I say about questioning me?" I ask.

"Just answer it. It's straight forward...yes or no". She says.

"Yes. Don't you go to work?"

"Yeah...of course I do. Why?"

"Aren't you late already?" I ask and she chuckles.

"Oh my oh my Jason...you don't know yet? I do my jobs at night. I'm a nightie". She says.

"Oh I get it you're on a shift". I say.

"Nope". She says.

"What sort of work do you do at night then? You're a stripper?"

"The kinda hooker work". She replies.

"You're a hooker? Fucking pervert!"

"Yeah I'm a hooker. I have sex with guys for a living. The kinda stress free job yunno. That kinda fun type...you name your price. Not the kinda boss job where you've to come early everyday or where you get queried or get sacked. We never get any of those Jace. We make cool cash...fresh money...legal and legitimate one...cool cash. Speaking of money....you ought to pay me for my service last night". She says.

"Just shut the fuck up now Marvlyn!" I yell.

"Oh my oh my Jace...you raised your voice at me? No one ever does that to Arvlyn. You're gonna pay". She says.

"And who the hell is that?"

"Arvlyn? Me motherfucker!" She says.

I can't tolerate such a human...

"Get the hell out of my room". I say.

"No way. I'm so staying". She says.

She's cute and she's got this lovely personality...I'm already tripping for her no doubt. I like her kinda person....not the hooker kinda person but her kinda person who doesn't take no for an answer and who doesn't like to be messed with. She's really cool and crazy. And I like crazy girls.

"Suit yourself". I say and twist the handle of the door but it won't open. I search my pocket for the keys but I don't see it. And I didn't even lock the door then who did? She's been in front of me and I never saw her walk up to the door.

I search the bedside table for it and I don't see it anywhere.

"Looking for this?" She asks as she lain on the bed in a seductive manner.

"How'd you....give me that". I say and make a move towards her to get it but she puts it away.

"How'd you...how'd you". She mimicks me.

She takes out the key again and I walk up to the bed to take it from her and then she places it on her pussy.

"Come take it". She says.

This girl's damn good at seducing people. I see what she's doing.

"You can have it". I say to her.

"Here take it now. You've somewhere to go". She says and sticks the keys out to me.

I try to reach for it and she tosses it on the bed and grab my shirt and draw me forward and I lay on top her. She kisses me passionately and I pull out.

She's got this effect on me...it isn't how it should be.

I turn around to face her and this time she was completely nude...she's got curves in the right places and she's so damn hot....hotter than how she looks when she puts on clothes. I couldn't resist her. The key lay beside her boobs on the bed. I reach for the keys and the skin on my palm comes in contact with the skin on her boobs and I freeze.

She takes the key from the bed and gets off the bed...she halts in front of me. She stretches her hand to my back pocket to put the key in and her boobs come in contact with my chest and I swallow hard...they were so soft...I felt like touching it. She bites her lower lip and winks at me. After stuffing the keys in my pocket...she turns around and her ass comes in contact with the zip of my pants...she runs her hand over my dick through my pants (trouser) before stepping away from me to the bed.

"You decide. I put the keys in your pocket". She says.

I was already hard and I wanted her so badly.