
Chapter 54

"Tina, what's wrong? Your face is pale as if you've seen a ghost."

I turn my head to see Hans. He has bags of food in his hands.

"I'm f–fine." I force a smile, "Where did you go Hans?" I pull the duvet over me so my arms are hidden. I still have the finger marks embedded into my skin from his tight grip. I don't need Hans to see and fly into a mad rage again.

"I bought some snacks. The doctor said we can go home if you're feeling better. Fortunately, it wasn't anything serious. You just need to sleep more Tina."

"Let's go home Hans. I can't rest properly here." I say quickly. 

"I'll call the doctor." Hans says.


"Since you stopped me from hurting him, I want you to promise me that you won't search anything about him again." Hans says once we finally return home.

My heart is heavy but I know Hans is concerned about me. I subconsciously touch my arms. I am wearing a long sleeved top to hide my bruising arms.

"Sure." I agree. I wish I could stop thinking about him too. But that cold look in his ocean blue eyes hasn't left my mind. His words hurt more than I thought they would. After spending so much time with me does he still not know what kind of person I am? 

Then again, I can't blame him because I was the one who deceived him first. What else was I expecting after the truth was revealed?

"Let's visit your Dad." Hans says, grabbing his jacket.

"Now?" I ask. I am really not in the mood to go anywhere.

"Come on Tina. Please?"

I sigh at his pouting face, "Fine."

Dad is home but Mint is out with his friends. Hans and I have decided not to mention my trip to the hospital this time. It will just worry him over nothing.

"Dad!" I call as I hug him. He smiles and pats my hair.

"How are you darling?" He asks, smiling with his soft brown eyes crinkling. How long has it been since I properly looked at my father? He has aged a lot within these few months. 

"I'm fine. How are you Dad?"

"I'll be happier when I can taste your cooking again." He says, "Your mother's cooking too."

I hug him tightly, "Mum would want me to cook for you too. Let me cook today."

"Thank you Tina."

I silently nod and squeeze his hand, "Should I move back here?"

"It's up to you darling but from what I can see, Hans has been looking after you pretty well."


Fortunately, my morning sickness doesn't occur whilst I cook. Hans went grocery shopping for me earlier so I've made some lasagne, meat stew and steak with vegetables.

As I bring the food to the table, I catch Hans and my dad exchange secret glances. What did they talk about? I watch them smile at each other a few times whilst we eat. They must have a secret. What could it be? My curiosity is increasing with every passing moment.

After we have finished eating, Hans helps me wash the dishes. I laugh as he struggles to squeeze the washing liquid out of the bottle. 

"Are your muscles for show?" I laugh and snatch the bottle from him.

"Tina! That's a foul. I was just about to get it out!" He sulks.

Grinning, I squeeze the liquid out into the tub and add some warm water. "When did you become weaker than me?"

Hans grabs the gloves and hands me a pair, "I'm strong at other things." He smirks, suggestively glancing down himself.

I gasp and whack him with the glove. "Stop it! Are all men the same?"

His eyebrows rise, "Who else are you talking about? Don't tell me someone else has been talking in sexual innuendos with you?"

My face heats up as I turn away from him and start washing the dishes. "No." My mind is full of images of the butt-naked Panda King. I think I saw more of him that day than I ever wanted to.

"Look Tina!" I turn to see what he finds so exciting but he suddenly blows bubbles at me from between his gloves. Rolling my eyes at his childishness, I place the washed plate on the drying rack.

"When will you grow up Hans?"

"I am grown up. Come on Tina, don't you love my fun side?"

"Fun or childish?" I say sarcastically.

"You're always so cold to me." I suddenly feel Hans' big arms around my waist.

"What are you doing? I thought you came to help?" I say nervously as he hugs me from behind. What is he thinking?

"When will you look at me Tina?" He says softly near my ear.

"I always look at you. I don't know what you're talking about." I say honestly. Why is he acting strange?

"When can I have a place in your heart?"

"You're saying weird things Hans." I say, finishing the last of the dishes. His arms are still around me.

"I'm joking Tina!" He chuckles but it sounds strange. He sounds upset about something. I don't think I did anything.

Once we are in the sitting room, my father opens his mouth. "Tina, Hans has requested for your hand."

I glance at Hans who has pink cheeks as he avoids eye contact with me. What is Dad saying? I am confused as I stare at him.

"What do you mean Dad?" I turn to Hans, "Why would you ask for my hand?" 

Hans finally glances at me, his face is pink. Is he blushing? "Let's get married Tina."

"WHAT?" I gasp in shock, jumping up, "Are you guys playing a prank on me?"

"Calm down Tina." Dad says slowly, "Hans means well. He wants to marry you. You two have been friends for years and know each other better than anyone. I think you match pretty well."

"So you're not joking?! Just because we're friends, you think we should get married?" I shake my head angrily. How could they even discuss this without asking me beforehand? Is that why they kept exchanging secretive glances earlier?

"Tina, it's not like that." Hans says gently.

I glare at him, "Tell me, how is it? Why do you even want to marry me? You know what situation I am in and yet!" I shout before walking out of the room.  I leave the house angrily. Are they trying to trap me in a marriage now that I am pregnant? Dad doesn't know about my pregnancy so it must be Hans' idea. We have been friends for years. It's not rational that he would start loving me as anything more so suddenly.

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