
Prologue: The Jade Queen

November 2050: New York City. 2:55am

On a cold winter night, on top the highest building in New York stood a girl.

Jade Arthur looked like your everyday school girl. Except for her long blue hair which moved with the night wind and her golden eyes, she was unassuming in every way. She was just over 5"7 and weigh no ore that 115 lbs and those who saw her would think that she she was just 15 but in truth she was over 50.

What most didn't know about her, was that she was the most feared assassin in the world. She was kidnapped when she was just 7 years old. By the age of 5, Jade was know as a genius with 379 IQ. every thing she read, she absolved.

Unfortunately good news comes with disaster. The night after she was tested, two men broke in killed her parents and kidnapped her.

She was then trained in different martial arts and ways to kill. She was also thought how to hack, and given books on how to survive. For 20 years she killed and did want she was told to do.

She didn't hate it, she just hated taking orders form imbeciles who were less intelligent than her, so she bided her time and after 20 years, she was finally stronger than the two leaders of the assassin group so she did the one thing she was trained to do. She killed then and took over the organization, changing its name to the Jade Palace.

And now she was the leader of the number one assassin organization in the world. She had grown the organization to such fame, that the mere mention of the name put fear in peoples hearts.

The Jade Palace. She was known only by her code name, The Jade Queen, and only to those who got an invitation of death.

The rule of the Jade palace was that once a contract has been accepted for your life, an invitation would be sent to you, telling you of how long you had to live before an assassin was sent to take your life.

2:55am and Jade was on the highest building waiting for 2:59am. She was about to take the most dangerous mission she had ever taken. She had sent an invitation to 7 presidents and 3 prime ministers for starting a new war. She didn't particularly care that the started one. War was good for business. People and generals needed killing and both sides would pay her well. but when you get paid 520 billion galaxy platinum coins, you say yes.

*Beep Beep Beep*

" I guess its time. I cant believe those stupid idiots just all come to hide in the same place. Well at least this make it easier to kill them". She look that the building opposite her where her targets had decided to hide.

Taking a step off the roof, wind rushing by her, she plummeted toward the road below a t a neck breaking speed. just before she splattered into the ground, she turn on her gravity boots landing right in front the the two guards guarding the doors leading to her targets.

"You, stop right there.. Put your han..." Just before he could finished yelling his words, he felt the wind rushing pass him and the last thing he saw was two head less body falling to the ground.

Rushing in, Jade went through the building, floor by floor. Scenes of blood and screaming filled the building as the military guards and security meant to be protecting the most powerful people in the world fell into complete chaos. No one saw here, all the could see was a glimpse of blue before their whole world went dark.

On the top room of the building, 6 men and 4 women were sitting around a long table while the whole room was filled with screen showing the massacre that just happened a few floors from them.


The reinforced door of the room got blown in, and in walked the messenger of death. Blue hair, golden eyes and blood dripping from the small dagger held in her little hands.

"please, Please.... I can pay you. I have money. please don't kill me." President Jack pleaded while crying and snot running down his face.

screams and cries could be heard from every where in the room..

seven seconds later... ten bodies fell on the ground and the room fell silent..