
High school Moments

Jace, a kind-hearted and determined young man, bears the burden of a turbulent family life. His stepmother and stepbrother constantly engage in heated disputes, creating a volatile atmosphere at home. Despite their different backgrounds, Jace and Kate's paths cross unexpectedly one fateful day. Jace, tired of the constant turmoil within his own family, finds solace and support in his budding friendship with Kate. Drawn to each other's resilience and compassion, they soon realize they share a deep connection.

Tife_7736 · Urbain
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12 Chs



Rushing inside the school compound, his shoelaces were untied, and he bent to tie them, then he rose, inhaling the school scent which he missed the most. He let the wind blow onto his face and he smiled, enjoying the breeze until someone jumped to him from the back.

"Dude". The person said, throwing him a friendly punch.

He groaned in frustration and turned to the joy spoiler which was his friend, Donald,

" Must you always ruin the mood?" He shouted at him.

" Hey, is that your way of saying Happy Resumption? Don't you miss me? I waited in front of your house"

" What are you? My girlfriend? Why will you wait for me in front of our house?"

" I heard you are just back from the US. It's unlike you to talk about GF like that. OMG, those American girls have....."

" Ash, you are too noisy" He cut him off and left.

" Did he just walk away? He didn't miss me" He sighed and stared at his retreating back

" I ought to just… " He stopped and walked away.

He smirked after cutting his friend off. ' He always behaves like a kid, so immature' He smiled and entered the noisiest class, which was his class.

" Whoa, there comes the class president" A student screamed and he smirked. He saw the gangs in their class as always and some of them jumped onto him, trying to tease him, but he smiled instead. He must learn how to tolerate those lions in his den, which was his class. Everyone greets him since he is everyone's favorite; He is both Handsome and a genius. He is also a top student. He represented the school in debates, football, and sports, and he was never to lose, he had won many awards for their school. Everyone is always jealous of him.

He stormed out after greeting everyone and, as he has imagined, everywhere was full of students hanging around, playing, giggling, and chatting about what they have been up to and what they'd got, the latest slang, the latest movies, clothes, make up the most trending news, what Music was out and others everyone was thrilled to see each other after that long holiday.

They know nobody can stop them, It's the first day of resumption after all.

"Jace!" One of the students on the field called onto him, and he smiled, waving to him to join them.

He smiled and rushed to the field, joining one of the teams.

Donald sat in the distance with his headphones, and the beat of music bumping in his head, he hardly pay attention to what he was listening to, he keeps staring at Jace who was everywhere.

" Now on the field, you must be enjoying this huh? The fact that you are popular, after rejecting your friend's greetings this morning, he is such a meanie". He said and turned to the other side and saw some girls smiling at him, he always looks hot, most, especially when he put on his headphone. He smirked

" See Jace, I'm popular among girls, what should I do about this handsome face of mine," He said and smiled back at the girls which make them blush. Donald was given a nickname, "DDD_ D. J Donald Downs" though he wasn't a DJ but a singer, but people choose to call him that since he is yet to be an idol. Everyone knew his passion for music, and they went to him whenever they want to know the most trending Music. He represented their school often in rapping or singing competitions and he always also never lost. He milled around the school with his headphones either around his neck or on his ear and he looked super hot.

As he was smiling at the girls, he suddenly saw a gorgeous girl coming beside the girls, her beauty almost blinded him.

"Whoa" He stares at her as she smiled,' she has the sweetest smile' He said blushing. It was their third friend, NALA MARA, also his crush since they were young. Nala Mara was a short thin, round girl with long black hair, she had that flat Tommy and a very envious shape, though she was short, everyone always envied her.

She angrily removed Donald's headphones from his ear as he has been smiling and hadn't said a word since he got to him. He stopped smiling immediately.

" why are you smiling like that? Are you a kid?" Nala said, disgusted.

Donald collects his headphones.

" you too? Jace turned me away in the morning now you too? You two should just say you don't need me and I will get lost from you both sight"

" Why are you saying nonsense? Are you sick? What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?"

" I hope I wasn't," Donald said and looked away.

Nala stared at the field and smiled.

Donald traced her stare and she was staring at Jace. He sighed in frustration and jealousy.

"Whatever," he said and wanted to put his headphones on his ear back when Nala quickly looked at him,

" Right! I remember. Did you remember Kate?"

"Who is..."

" That girl who joined us in elementary school, you don't remember her? Kate sonnet?"

" WHAT! JACE CRUSH???!!!" Donald shouted.

" Hush, don't shout"

" oh right, so what about her?"

"She is coming back home, she wants to finish high school In our school"

" HUH?" Donald's eyes sparkled,

" But why? She will be here again and Jace....." Donald paused then continued,

" Don't you remember?". Donald asked nervously.

" I do, though I have hazy memories of her, but I still remember some. I know what you are talking about, but we can't do anything about it" Nala said and Donald sighed, then, they both went into silence.

" How are your holidays?" Nala asked and Donald blushed.

" it was nice, my mom bought a guitar for me"

" That sounds impressive, I....." They both keep chatting and chatting each other about their holiday.

Jace left the field and made a move to rush to his friend when he suddenly heard someone say," I will send you away!"

His steps faded, and he left, he had been trying his best not to remember what that has happened earlier that morning at home, but eventually, he remembered now. He moved to their garden and sighed, remembering what happened that morning at home. It would have been a very peaceful morning if only the unwelcome and unannounced guest haven't arrived, he had woken up early that morning, bath, dressed in his uniform, and he had arranged everything for school, he was at the dinning table eating his breakfast when his stepbrother, Ethan arrived from England unannounced, he could remember the look of shock from his mother, his hot-tempered mother has told him to leave immediately, and he had refused until his father came out and threatened to send his mother away if she continued this, he remembers how his stepbrother was grinning at the way their father side him, he understands his mum after all, all she was fighting for is peace. He could remember that sad look on his mother's when he had left saying he has no appetite, he knew she had woken up early to prepare him that, but he couldn't stand the atmosphere in the house, and he couldn't stand his obnoxious stepbrother. He was deep in thought when someone tapped his back roughly, making him jerk out of his thoughts. He was frustrated and turned to the person, holding his anger in then, he saw his friend, Donald

" You again?"

" what? If you want to me get lost, tell me"

Jace sighed

" Are you a two-faced Demon? You were almost everywhere earlier, and now you are here sitting alone like someone exiled out of the town. Are you okay?"

"I think"

" That's a bad way of answering a question. Anyway I bought some superb news"

" I will kill you if it's a prank"

" Is that supposed to be a threat? Oh! I'm so scared" Donald said, teasingly.

" I'm not scared of you!" He said and turned to him,

" You know Kate, right?"

"kate? Kate sonnet?"

" What the hell, you remember her in a go, it means you haven't gotten over her"

" Cut to the chase, what about her?"

Donald looked at him and shook his head.

" She is coming home, she wants to finish her high school here, in our school"

Those word keeps ringing in Jace's head until he got home, he keeps smiling and smirking.

When he entered, he saw his mother, Bliss, smiling brightly at him.

" You are home? I prepared your lunch, should I bring it to your room later?" she said and Jace nodded then he left for his room, sooner, there won't be peace at home again in the house as Ethan's mum, Eleanor will soon also be home. He sighed and lay on his bed, he won't let that ruin his mood, he was happy, the person he had been waiting for, for five years finally coming home and at worst to his school, he couldn't wait to see her, his first love…