
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Films
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65 Chs

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

(Disaster Strikes pt 3) (PG-13)

Astrid Pov:


 It is a normal day on berk and today is Hiccups last day at school. Everyone is celebrating in the Great hall when Thorfinn busts in with a partially burnt letter.


 Stoick asks. "What, this better be important, we are celebrating." To this Thorfinn Reply's. "Then it may all be in vain. Hiccup sent a message, It is as follows: The School has been attacked by Drago Bludvist, I am taking anyone I can to my ship on the opposite side of the island to the docks. They are up in flames. Send HELP imm—!!" The last part is cut off due to flames. At the mention of vain Stoick Stiffens and at the name of Drago he gets mad.


 "Drago, Drago Bludvist." Stoick asks Thorfinn. "Yes." He reply's.


 "Ready the ships, Gobber get those weapons ready. We are going to war!!" Stoick yells and runs off.


 I go to my house and put on all my armor, everyone else is doing the same. I grab my axe and knives and head for the ships.


 As we head out Stoick says. "If you see anyone who is not a Student or Teacher, Kill on sight unless they are protecting the Students or Teachers." At this Everyone nods.


 Once we close enough to see the Island, we see it up in flames and I am wondering, How did this happen. Just as we are about to go in, I see a boat sailing off from the far side of the island and tell Stoick. "Look a ship."


 He looks and Yells. "Everyone attack the ships, you go to investigate that ship!" At this all the other ships go in attacking and we go to the lone one. As we go up we see it is full of Students and teachers.


 As we board I see Dagur slightly wounded beside an unknown whitehaired kid. Off to the side there is a few other kids. They greet us and upon seeing us they say weakly. "Go below deck."


 As we head down we see 2 Teachers, one I recognize as the Headmaster who is awake and the other is unconscious. I ask. "What happened?"


 "I don't know, you are going to have to ask him when he wakes up." He says pointing to a Figure crouched over another. As I look closer, I see it is Hiccup.


 I run over and see that he lost his foot, it was soldered. I start yelling at the unconscious Hiccup to wake up as the other says. "Calm down, I have treated his wounds though I am worried and confused though."


 As I am still yelling and about to question him I hear. "Will you two stop crying on me." I look and see Hiccup awake and notice the other was Crying as well.






Hiccup Pov:


 "Hiccup wake up, Hiccup wake up!!" I hear someone saying and I look to see Scribbler and Astrid crying on me. "Will you two stop crying on me." I say weakly. To this they hug me causing pain from my wound.


 "OWW!!" I yell from the pain and they stop. "What Happened, I don't remember much after the fight. How did I get here?" I say as Astrid continues to hug me as I sit up.


 "I will fill you in." Scribbler says. "After we got separated I went with Frode and Camicazi across the island through the woods. There weren't that many enemies there and we got through quickly. We met Dagur and Mutism their and asked me where you were. I said we got separated so we waited. It was 30 minutes later when we heard a Roar and saw a NightFury with people on it. We all got into battle stance but all it did was set them down and fly off. That's all though I was wondering, do you know what that NightFury was about?"


 Seeing that everything was ok I said. "No, all I remember is that Birger was a traitor and the warlords children were the ones who attacked. I left one with wounds though as I fell unconscious I heard a whistle and a blast and fell unconscious."


 From there I slowly get up and feel the pain in my foot. "So lets go get a report from Dagur." I say weakly. "Oh no you don't. You have wounds and need to lie down." Astrid says and pins me down. when she notices she is on top of me she gets off and hides her face.


 "Thankyou for treating Hiccup, whoever you are." She said to Scribbler realizing he didn't introduce himself I do it for him as I sit up. "Astrid this is Scribbler my friend from School, Scribbler this is Astrid my friend from berk." After that everything settles down and Scribbler goes to get Mutism and Dagur.


 As they come down, happy that I am awake though sad about the foot. Mutism says. "I see you are doing better, I hear you want to know what happened after we split up." At this I nod.


 "Ok then after we split up we went through the dorms taking down people and picking up other students. We take down many though not without wounds. When we made it to the ship we ran into Scribbler, we were hurt minorly though kept going, he told us what happened. An from their you know the rest." Mutism Finishes up.


 "Well lets get going." I say as I see the gang come down when all of a sudden their is a Explosion!