
This can’t be happening (1)

When Draco Malfoy had his arm around me, smiling and saying his not-so-sincere greetings to Harry, Ron, and Ginny at the Gryffindor's table in the Great Hall, I thought I saw their jaws dropped. Figuratively and literally.

"What a lovely morning. I'm very glad to see the savior and his followers can no longer close their mouths. What do you say, Hermione dear?" He rose his eyebrow, with that scorn on his face. The same expression he had when I first saw him six years ago.

"Hermione? I need a reason." Ginny was the first one to snap out of it. She then said seriously, pointing at Malfoy then at me, "What is this situation?"

"Isn't this obvious? Maybe not to you, Miss Redhead-Weasley." Malfoy answered before I could. He rose his eyebrow again, the put on a smirk, "Haven't you heard? Miss Know-it-all is my girlfriend now."

"Bloody hell." Ron's eyes widened, "What have you done to her? For Merlin's sake, not love the potions."

Ron began to draw a cross.

"Weasley, I must say I often find myself wondering how in Merlin's name did you get to the seventh year? Oh wait, I know, it was because of Hermione's kindness. Don't try to make yourself sound good; I understand." Malfoy shot Ron a sympathetic look and nodded at him, "As a Malfoy, do you think I need to use something as despicable as a love potion? You know many are after me. It's this beaver's honor to be with me."

"You are a Deatheater's son, a ferret, a…" Ron's face turned as red as his hair.

"Ron, Mal-Draco isn't a Deatheater's son. You know they've always been on our side." I finally spoke, just so they knew I wasn't a mute, then I turned to the ferret, "If you keep calling me a beaver, then to reciprocate, you are acknowledging the fact that you are a ferret."

Speaking of this, oh well, the Malfoys were never with Voldemort. Their name was cleaned after the war. And hence, now Draco Malfoy kept his head high, walking around the entire Hogwarts like he was a hero, accepting girls' love letters with a 'charming' wink just to burn those letters in the fireplace, 'as a leisure', that was what he said. And of course, trying to not accidentally ingest any love potions.

"Ha, you are one crazy beaver. But I like that." He said, give me a more than faked adorned look. I was glad I hadn't had breakfast yet.

"So, how exactly did you fall in love with him?" Harry spoke. He was staring at me with a complicated look which made me nervous. Calm down, I told myself. I shrugged.

"No particular reason. Love is one of those things that doesn't need a reason." I smiled, looked up at Malfoy and he was looking at me. His expression seemed to be telling me 'good for you, Granger'. So I rose my eyebrow like he did, trying to tell him that he shouldn't ever look down upon me.

"Get a room." Ginny rubbed her arm, pretending she had goosebumps. She quickly turned serious. Well, not entirely seriousness, she was Ginny Weasley after all. The Ginny Weasley who formed the 'gossip girls' together with Parvati and Lavender, "But you have to tell me what happened when we get to be alone from these boys."

She proceeded to wink at me.

"That's not fair!" Ron voiced his complaints, "Hermione is our friend too. And we deserve to know."

"Since when did you start sticking your nose into Hermione's romantic adventures? You should just focus on your Lavender, my dear brother. Hey, stop that, what are you kicking me for? You think they wouldn't know because we are sitting at a table?" Ginny glared at her brother, pretending she was mad, "Be careful, Ronald, I might ask Harry to challenge you with a duel."

"I dare you. Harry is my best friend."

"Why don't I dare? Harry is my boyfriend."

"Please, you two. Don't make a scene at the breakfast table." Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the savior, was always-what was the word-I couldn't think of a more proper way to describe, at this moment, the only word came into my already somewhat disturbed mind was 'fatherly'.

"Seems like your friends are very occupied. Hermione dear, do you want to come to my table and have breakfast with me?" Malfoy said in an intimate tone, and he had the guts to wink at me.

"No thank you, I'd like to live a few years more. Parkinson looks like she wants to murder me, or worse." I turned down his offer. I didn't want to know how Parkinson would react if I went to sit by their table, with Malfoy being so close to me.

"Dear, no one's going to hurt you when you are with me. Disrespecting you is disrespecting me. You must know, you are destined to be Hermione Malfoy someday." He winked again, and his tone sounded even more intimate.

"Fu…" I almost said it but thank Merlin I didn't. I couldn't lose my temper over Malfoy, otherwise, he would think he got me, "Oh, I thought we talked about it, didn't you say you want to be Draco Granger? You always liked my muggle surname, don't you?"

Ron let out a burst of quiet laughter. And Malfoy wasn't as entertained as the rest of us.

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