
Driving me crazy

Skylar got out of the car and brought out all the bags of groceries. She saw there was no way she could carry them all at once while walking the distance back to the mansion, so she decided to flag a taxi.

She had only stood for a minute when the clouds darkened and torrents of rain started pouring. She cursed Richard as she threw the bags back into the car. When she was done, she was already soaked and as she was about to enter the car, the rain stopped.

"What? you choose now to stop? was your plan to drench me all along? tell me the truth, you work for Richard, don't you?" she lamented at the clouds.

"Mum, is that lady okay?" a little boy holding a woman asked.

"Just walk away son, walk faster." the woman dragged her son on one hand as she held an umbrella on the other.

"Hey! I may look crazy, I may sound crazy, I may act crazy, but I'm not crazy!" Skylar yelled at the retreating forms of the boy and his mother.

She turned to look at herself on the car window. Her hair was messy, her cloth was wet, mascara was running down her face. She looked more like something from a horror movie. She concluded that the boy who thought she was crazy was actually being nice.

She wiped her face with her handkerchief and ran her hands through her hair.

"At least now I actually look crazy instead of ghoulish."

Reaching for the grocery bags, she took out a bottle of milk and was going to drink straight from the bottle to calm her hungry stomach when her eyes caught sight of an approaching taxi.

She used all the energy she could muster to flag him down. She didn't care about her appearance, all she wanted was to go back to the mansion, murder a devil and go to sleep.

The taxi man helped her transfer the groceries to his car while she called the tow company. When they were done, they drove off. Skylar kept muttering "That crazy bastα®d." which made the taxi driver uncomfortable.

Richard sat in the living room endlessly scrolling through the TV stations.

"I am only here because I want to be here and not because I'm worried about her." he said, trying to convince himself. He looked at the picture he was sent of her lying on the mall floor, covered in groceries.

'I didn't go too far did I? well, if I'm lucky she'll resign and leave my life.'

Richard thought about how his life was before that morning; he had not had that kind of excitement before and it overwhelmed him. He didn't know whether to accept it or nip it in the bud.

Previous housekeepers were always docile. They feared him and did everything to please him but she challenged him; he didn't expect that.

She seemed so gentle when she was with his mother but is feisty when she is with him.

'She must be a master manipulator,' he thought.

The front door opened and a very furious Skylar walked in with bags. She saw the devil sitting on the couch but paid no mind to him. She took the bags and set them on the counter and then went back for the others. She went to and fro till she had brought in all the bags.

She knew he was watching her but she didn't acknowledge his presence. When she finished putting away the groceries, she picked up a knife and a rope and walked out to the living room. When she was in front of the handsome devil, she showed him the materials and asked;

"How do you want to go; fast or slow?"

Skylar is furious haha. Richard must be scared to bits. Well, a hungry Skylar is a scary one.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

I jumped over a fence once, I felt like a gangster haha.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment if you want to.

Dee1creators' thoughts
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