

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 25

"Aster: Ordis, is there a quick way to get better at controlling Chroma?"

I asked while watching Asui fight Mashirao.

Ordis: Operator, the best and quickest way is to spend time transformed as Chroma.

Aster: That's just great...

I muttered without thinking.

Toru: What's just great?

Aster: T-Toru! When did you come here?

Toru: Just now. You know, you have a habit of talking to yourself sometimes.

Aster: Ha-haha...really? I never noticed.

"I can't tell her that I'm communicating with an A.I. that's in my head now, can I?"

Toru: Are you thinking about losing control during your fight?

She said with a worried voice.

Aster: You noticed that huh?

I said as I lowered my head. For some reason it didn't surprise me that she noticed.

She put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

Toru: You were emitting a bloodthirsty aura. It didn't feel like you.

Aster: You felt..aura?

That puzzled me a bit.

Toru: Well...I was training with my dad since forever. A trained martial artist can pick up subtle things like that.

She said in matter of fact tone.

"What is this, some kind of eastern fantasy novel?"

Aster: Don't tell me you fly around on top of a sword.

I smirked.

Toru: Hahaha yes but don't tell the others.

She said jokingly and we stayed silent for a bit.

Aster: It's good that nobody else noticed.

Toru: Well yeah, the others shouldn't have any idea about that. I don't know about All Might though.

I sighed.

Aster: Students losing control of their quirks is not that uncommon. I don't think there will be any problem.

She laughed when she heard me.

Toru: Of course not silly! One if the reasons that we're here is to learn to better control our quirks.

I smiled and shrugged.

Aster: I still have a long way to achieve that.

Toru: Don't sweat it, all of us do!

She said excitedly and raised both of her hands in the air.

"I need to do something about it though...I have to work harder than the rest of my classmates."

Aster: You're right, we just have to try our best.

Seeing that the fights were coming to an end, I got up and walked towards the rest of my classmate with Toru in tow.

All Might took the time to give everyone tips and comments about their fights and abilities. Everyone except me.

All Might: Ok everyone, you did good! We're done for today so get some rest. Phoenix-shounen, please stay here for a minute.


Aster: Ok sir!

I told Toru to not wait for me cause I will go to my house today. She sounded a bit sad but understood. After that All Might approached me.

All Might: How are you feeling?

Aster: So you DID notice!

All Might: Hahahaha of course I did! Who do you think I am?

He said with his usual smile while pointing his thumb to his chest.

Aster: I'm ok. This form will take me a while to get used to but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

He silently looked at me for a few seconds.

All Might: We're going to need to work on that but since you're ok then all's fine.

We said our goodbyes and I took off. Quickly arriving home I opened the door. The moment I took a step inside, Ordis spoke.

Ordis: Incoming transmission Operator!

"Incoming what?"

A brief 'beep' sound was heard followed but a disturbing noise. It sounded like the voice of a man, a woman and a child overlapped and talked in a strange language. Sometimes the male voice was prevalent, sometimes the female or the child's.

It stopped after 15 seconds.

Aster: What the hell was that?

I said while being creeped out by what happened.

Ordis: It's a language called Enochian. I translated it. These are coordinates for something.

Aster: Coordinates? For what? And who sent them? And while I'm asking questions, how can anyone send us anything? It's not like you're registered to the phone book.

Ordis: It's unclear who sent it and why. The transmission didn't mention any other details besides the coordinates.

"If someone wanted to hurt or kill me, he wouldn't do such an obvious thing. Probably..."

I closed the door and went inside the apartment.

Aster: How far from here is that place?

Ordis: It should take you 1 or 2 hours to reach there if you're transformed and run fast.

Aster: That far huh? Maybe I'll go there later while being careful.

I put that in the back of my mind and ordered pizza.

Aster: Priorities!

I took a bath while waiting for the delivery. After it arrived, I wolfed it down and prepared to go to the mystery place.

Before I left, I wrote an e-mail with the coordinates and the text 'If you didn't find me at school, I went there yesterday' and set it to be sent automatically to Toru at 09:00.

"If nothing happens that I'll cancel it when I come back."

With that out of the way, I morphed to Excalibur and started running from rooftop to rooftop straight to the indicated location.

The sun was beginning to set and the city lights started coming to life here and there.

It looked nice but I didn't have the luxury of sightseeing since I want to return back early. Strangely, I didn't get too tired even after running for so long.

Ordis: You're getting close Operator! Just keep going!

I stopped at the edge of a rooftop of the last building before a park. I discreetly looked around for anything suspicious. Nobody was there.


Ordis: Operator, the indicated place is inside this park.

Aster: A walk through the park at night, what could go wrong?

I jumped down from the building with a front flip. It was quite tall so I took sometime to reach the bottom. A few meters before I went splat, I rocket jumped and the vertical momentum was transformed to horizontal.

I landed gracefully and started walking inside the park like nothing happened.

Ordis: No matter how many times I see it, this still defies the laws of physics.

Aster: Shut up Ordis!

Suprise chapter! I didn't abandon the novel, it's just that the break took longer than I thought. Enjoy and as always, thanks for reading!

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