

A normal guy was randomly chosen to transmigrate to another world. He ended up in the world of Boku no Hero Academia with powers from the Warframe game for the amusement of powerful deities. -- Disclaimer: Everything from MHA, Warframe and other stuff I might use that are not mine belong to their respective owners.

Gearhawk · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 15

The thing with my warframe suits is that even though they act as armour and protect me, they also allow me to feel everything that comes into contact with them as if it touched my bare skin.

Currently, I found my self in a very enjoyable but embarrassing situation. Toru had just jumped on my back while she's wearing her hero "suit". That means that I can feel her hugging my back as if we're both naked.

"O-O-Ordis! What should I do right now!? This feels amazing! Tell me, should I say something?"

I spoke to him in my mind as I panicked.

Ordis: Operator relax! Relax! Why are you acting like this because of a human woman's chest?

"You don't get I-"

Before I could get a hold of my self, I received a second attack.

As she was hugging me from my back, she came closer and whispered.

Toru: Thank you for protecting me.

Then the feeling of her soft lips on my cheek blew my mind. As I sensed something inside me, cold air was expelled from the "exhaust" attachments of my warframe.

At that time, feeling the cold air blowing on her, Toru let go of me and she let out a laugh.

Toru: Hahahaha that tickled.

Barely registering what happened, a voice broke me out of my paradise.

Eona: Ahem! Need I remind you that there are still people here? And also a few cameras so no hugging.

"Good thing that Toru is invisible. If everyone had seen that ki-kiss I would have exploded from embarrassment!"

Toru: Stingy!

All Might: Please return to the monitor room everyone! Time for the next match!

As I was walking back, I kept remembering the feeling from back then. I also thought that Toru kept glancing at me. It might have been my imagination though since I can't really tell with her invisibility.

While we were watching the rest of the matches, I wanted to go talk to Toru but she was yet again surrounded by the girls.

"It's ok, I can always talk to her at another time."

But as I thought of that, Minoru and Denki dragged me to a corner.

Minoru: Hey Aster, tell me, how does it feel to be hugged by a girl?


Denki: Yeah, give us some tips expert-san!

Aster: I don't know what to tell you guys, I also didn't expect what happened.

Eona: What didn't you expect to happen?

Eona popped out of nowhere from behind me.

Aster: Nothing! I was telling them that trick you pulled with Mezo.

I said quickly while took a step back.

She took a step forward.

Eona: Really now?

She smirked and took another step forward.

Aster: Of course! That was very clever! You are also very strong!

Eona: You know, you're not that bad yourself!

She said and came even closer. Right now she was close enough that her hands were on my chest. She leaned in and whispered next to my ear.

Eona: Perhaps we could have another match at that building tonight. I won't go easy on you though.

Cold air was once again expelled from my shoulders.

Aster: I- I c-can't! My day is full! And the night too! Perhaps another time!

I said walking backwards while being flustered.

She had a mischievous smile on her face as she briefly looked towards Toru. She then laughed and said.

Eona: Fine, but I'll be getting my fight one way or the other.

Then she walked out after saying goodbye.

After seeing that, Minoru fell on his knees crying and kept repeating 'Teacher please accept me'

Coming to he conclusion that I will never understand women and especially Eona, I put what happened, in the back of my mind. Additionally, not wanting to deal with Minoru, I went and sat next to Katsuki who looked deep in though.

Aster: Yo Katsuki! Are you thinking of becoming part of my fan club after you saw my victory?

Katsuki: What did you say you transforming bastard? I would have killed you if we'd fought!

He seemed to snap out of whatever bothered him.

Aster: Whoah! I really like your explosive personality.

Katsuki: You-

All Might: Heroes Win! Super!

All Might's shout after a match ended, interrupted Katsuki.

I didn't provoke him any further and thus time passed and all the matches ended.

After we were dismissed, I was ready to talk to Toru but as I got up, I heard a strange unintelligible whisper.

I looked around and everyone acted like normal.

"Was I the only one who heard it?"

"Ordis, did you hear anything?"

Ordis: Nothing operator.

"How come that every time something strange happens Ordis is not aware of it? Maybe it really is just me."

Deciding that there is nothing I can do, I walked out of the classroom to go home.

Toru: Hey Aster!

Toru came next to me as I walked.

Aster: Toru? You won't go home with Kyoka?

Toru: Nah, she has something planned so she'll stay for a while longer.

Aster: I see.

"I see? Come on say something better, this is a good chance!"

Toru: Y-you know Aster, there's a new place that opened up and people say that they have amazing ice cream, s-so I wandered if you'd like to go together...

"What? Right now? Hell yeah I do!"

Aster: I would be happy to!

Toru: Great!

She raised her hand in the air.

Toru: You're gonna love it! They have lots of different flavours! It's amazing!

We walked for 20 or so minutes before we reached a pretty nice looking shop.

We entered inside and got amazed by the sheer amount of different flavours that they had. It was a tough decision to make but in the end I got a cone with black forest flavour and Toru got something called fruit blast.

We were eating the ice cream as we walked and at some point I felt a tug on my hand.

Toru: Aster, let me taste your ice cream.

Blushing a bit, I lowered my hand and she licked the ice cream.

Aster: How is it?

Toru: Hmm yours is better but let me have another taste to make sure.

She gave the ice cream another lick but it was slower this time.

"I have to admit, that seeing the ice cream form the shape of her tongue as is it slowly slithers around the frozen treat, is kind of erotic."

Toru: Yup! Yours is better.

Feeling flustered, I didn't know how to answer.

Aster: Let me try some of yours.

She moved the cone closer to me and I timidly approached is a gave it a small bite. The flavour was really nice and refreshing.

Aster: Mine is good but I think yours is the better one.

I said and after a bit we both laughed.

We kept talking while walked, until Toru got phone call and had to return home. We went to a bus stop and waited a few minutes for it to arrive.

Before she boarded, she came and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, along with the words 'Once again, thank you for today'.

I kept grinning like an idiot on the way home. Though judging by the looks that some women gave me, I didn't look that bad.

Ordis: Operator I wonder. How does it feel to be less proactive then the girl you like?

Aster: I hate you.

It's very hard to not go too fast when writing about a relationship for some reason. At least that's what happens to me. Anyway, here's a chapter where we have a bit of "on screen" interaction with Toru. Tell me your thoughts and as always, thanks for reading!

Gearhawkcreators' thoughts