
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 35 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

Your move."

"For the love of god! Can we do anything besides tic-tac-fucking toe in here?"

I glanced at All for One and tilted my head to the side just a bit, "If we play anything else, you accuse me of cheating."

Which was actually kind of valid all things considered. Inside of what might as well be my mind it was hard to actually focus on things that weren't directly related to what I wanted. For example, we tried chess, but, we found that if I stopped paying attention to the board even for a second, then the pieces might end up moving, or the entire board would vanish and we'd spend over an hour arguing about what piece was where.

And both of us hated checkers.

"We could try role playing again." I smiled and leaned back into my non-existent seat. The dull white void of nothingness changed around us as I pictured a simplistic book store, All for One switching from his classic suit to a turtleneck complete with glasses. From terrifying wall street villain to nerdy book lover just like that.

"No thanks! You're a terrible storyteller that focuses way too much on romance." All for One looked at his new apparel and sat down at a desk letting a large bored look fall over his face. "Honestly, the fact that you even consider yourself a writer is an insult to anyone that has ever picked up a pen. Not only do you never even let me fight, but you basically force me to resolve everything by talking! Worse yet when there is a fight, it's over like that!" He blinked. "Besides, you never even let me get to the fun part."

"Sorry, but I'm not going to picture you having sex in my mind with anyone, it's not my fault you just lack the ability to be wholesome."

"Guh," All for One slammed his face into the desk and let out a long groan. "Why is it that whenever I talk to you I feel like I'm eating way too many sugary sweets?"

"Because you're bitter enough that talking to you is like drinking cranberry juice." I liked cranberry juice, especially cranberry lemonade, that stuff was the bomb. "But look, I get that you're unhappy, but there's only so much I can do for you in here."

Admittedly, I was doing most of it to make sure that the megalomaniac villain that had stuck himself inside my head didn't go crazy and drive me crazy by proxy. Besides, it kind of gave a whole new meaning to the term talking to myself. It was a bit like having a roommate that lived in your car, you needed to have a good relationship or one day he'll send you both crashing into the bay.

"I mean, there's always the lobster."

All for One shuddered. "Your wife is evil."

"Hey!" I snapped and smiled at him. "That's why I love her."

"I'm aware!"

Years ago he would have gone onto a rant about how if he had actually managed to kill Rei then I'd be easier to take over, blah, blah, blah. Eventually he learned that's a good way to get onto my bad side.

"But, can we just talk about letting me go? I mean, you barely use my quirk, and you never even keep what you take all that long. I'd rather serve out my time in prison, at least there I can scheme." He had the look of a desperate man at his wits end.

The few times I had used All for One, it was after heavy debates with my most trusted confidants, so far I had only used it to take away quirks from a few dangerous villains, and again to remove someone's quirk that would otherwise kill them. Each of those quirks had been given to something that was soon to be dinner, just because I still didn't want to risk another person's soul being taken over.

"Look, we've been over this, you're either going into something without hands," Even then that was still iffy. "We're having you for lobster, or you die with me."

Technically there was a fourth option of him somehow redeeming himself and I decided to give him to someone I trusted. But, that was incredibly unlikely. Giving him to Nezu might not be the most ethical thing in the world, but I was also kind of drawn to that brand of chaos.

"What on earth did I do to get such a fate?" He sat up and looked me dead in the eye. "Don't answer that question."

I shrugged and then stood from my seat, giving myself a long mental stretch. "I know I say this everytime I leave, but really, try to figure yourself out."

"I'm well aware of who and what I am," He crossed his arm and frowned at me.

I smiled, All for One was a Tsundere.

With a breath I opened my eyes and found something heavy resting on my shoulder, and something resting on my lap.

"His eyes are open!" Shoko shouted and stood to look me in the eyes. "I was about to set your hair on fire."

"It does that anyways," Fuyumi leaned onto my back even harder, I could see more and more of her mother in her every day.

I grabbed Shoko by the arm, and reached around grabbing onto Fuyumi's waist as I stood, causing both of my girls to scream as they found themselves dangling a foot or two off the ground. I gave Shoto a quick toss up and caught her before she really fell so I could hold her on my shoulder. "What are you two doing?"

"Dad!" Fuyumi screamed, flopping downward so that her hands were touching the ground. "Put me down!"

"Answer me first! You know the rules, thirty minutes once a week, no one bugs me!" That rule had been broken so many times that I didn't even know why I bothered anymore. Touya was the only one that really respected it, with either Shoko or Fuyumi showing up to get something out of me, or Rei deciding to have some fun and try to seduce me.

And it didn't matter what she called it. Wearing Yoga pants and stretching right in front of me was pure seduction and it always worked.

"We're hungry!" Shoko laughed, her legs kicking near my face. "Mom said you have to feed us!"

"Touya went out with his friends." Fuyumi twisted in my arm and pulled herself free. "And Mom's at grandma's so you're responsible."

I snorted and looked at Fuyumi, at twelve she was already capable of basically living on her own, and was on her way to rivaling Rei in cooking prowess. "Both of you know how to cook."

"Yeah! But!" Shoko grabbed onto my shirt and pulled herself down. I let her go and she fell to the ground. I expected a thud but she landed on her feet. I was pretty sure that Shoko was a ninja at this point. But, I couldn't prove it because she was also completely unaware and could walk into a door. "Mom's not here."

"I'm aware." She'd be back later tonight, both of us (mostly me) couldn't sleep without the other in the room and there was no way she'd do that to me! Especially since it was Saturday and that was the night we locked the bathroom door and enjoyed a nice bath of mutual nakedness.

Ten years since I got here and seeing Rei is still my favorite thing in the world. Especially when she lacks clothing!

"I told you he'd forget!" Shoko shouted.

I blinked and looked at the two of them. No Touya, No Mom.

"Oh!" I snapped my fingers. "You two wanna go to that sushi place right?"

"Yes!" They both shouted and Shoko even jumped up into the air, huh, all that volleyball practice was working I guess.

"Alright, let's go," I whispered in a hush tone and pulled them both into a hug. "Remember, don't tell your mother."

"We won't."

They both lied.

Fuyumi and Shoko were basically extra ears for Rei and extra mouths for me.

But, it wasn't that Rei would exactly be mad at me, she actually liked the sushi place Shoko and Fuyumi liked as well, but, making it seem like it was something special was special to my girls. Just like Touya with that burger place, and Rei with whatever restaurant we wanted to try next.

Or that burrito place at I-Island.