
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 17 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

The Sports Festival Still Continues

"Thanks... Recovery Girl..." Izuku muttered as he wiped his face.

"Yeah, whatever," the youthful heroine sighed and shook her head. "You really did a number on Todoroki you know, not that he didn't hurt you too."

"Ahaha, yeah," Izuku laughed as he scratched the back of his head (the damn hair was still burnt, that part hadn't healed) and glanced at Shoto, who was occupying the bed next to him. "Sorry about that, Todoroki."

"It's fine," the heterochrome said.

In the last exchange of the match, Shoto had managed to hit him with some of his fire. At the time Izuku had only realized that his hair had gotten burnt, but in reality he suffered a few third-degree burns on his right side. He didn't feel it, probably because of the adrenaline, but the damage was now clear as he lay down, exhausted from the healing and overuse of his own Quirk.

Shoto had gotten three broken ribs and the cut on his arm, and he was about as tired from the healing as Izuku was. Although he was being pretty quiet about it at the moment.

"DEKU!" Ochako yelled as she burst into the room. "ARE YOU OKAY?!"

"Be quiet! I have people resting here!" Recovery Girl huffed at her.

"S-Sorry!" she whispered. "But Deku, you were on fire! A-And I mean that in both ways!"

"Uraraka, don't run in the halls!" Tenya scolded as he walked in behind her.

"Midori, you beat him!" Mina exclaimed as she came in next. Upon seeing Shoto lying down, she scowled and made her way to his bedside. "And you! How dare you humiliate me by holding back like that!"

"I... am sorry?" he asked more than said. "It's not really that... simple."

"ALL OF YOU!" Recovery Girl shouted as she bonked Mina, Ochako, and even Tenya with the cane. "Either shut it or get out! This is an infirmary!"

"I apologize Recovery Girl," Tenya said quickly with a bow. "We'll all be mindful of the setting."

"Good," she said with a strong nod. Then, pointing her cane at Mina and Ochako, she said, "And I expect you girls to do the same!"

"R-Right!" Ochako said with a small bow.

"Hmph, fine," Mina pouted as she crossed her arms.

"S-So, Deku," Ochako said, turning to the greenette and speaking much more quietly, "how are you feeling?"

"Tired," he said with a smile. "But other than that, I'm fine."

"Good, I was worried," Ochako sighed in relief. "And you were really cool y'know! How you fought, I mean!"

"Yeah, you were dodging even better than you did in the battle trial a month ago!" Mina praised.

"Ah, well, I mean," he scratched his neck with a chuckle. "I only won because Todoroki is an idiot, honestly."


"Quiet," Recovery Girl shot Tenya down before he could even start.

"He's right," Shoto said. "I think, anyways... I have a lot of things to think about actually."

"Oh... Well, alright then," Tenya said.

"Not that you weren't a bit too blunt, Midoriya," Shoto clarified. "But still, thanks."

"I kinda couldn't think of another way at the time," Izuku said. "So, sorry."

"No need to apologize."

"Oh God, get a room," Mina sighed with an eye roll.

"This is our room right now though," Shoto said with a tilt of his head.

"I... Wait, you're right," Mina said with wide eyes.

"Anyways, you guys should be out there watching the next match," Izuku said as he looked back to the three guests. "Plus, Uraraka, your match is after Kacchan's. So go on, I'll be fine."

"Yeah, okay," she nodded. "I just wanted to check up on you. I'll go back now."

"I'll also go," Tenya said, "to support my classmate!" before he turned around and quickly walked out.

"Bye– Oh, he's gone," Izuku sighed. "Oh well. I'll see you later, Uraraka."

"Yeah, bye Deku," she smiled at him before turning and leaving.

"I'm leaving too, byyyeeee," Mina said as she left with Ochako.

"They're colorful," Recovery Girl said.

"Especially Mina," Shoto said. When he received questioning glances from Recovery Girl and Izuku, he explained, "She's pink."

'OH MY GOD!' Minoru screamed in his head. 'Bakugo is the super strong violent one! Why do I have to fight him? WHY DID SHIOZAKI HAVE TO LOSE TO HIM?!'

"Minoru Mineta, please make your way to the entrance tunnel," the voice of Aizawa said over the intercom.

'Should I just give up? No! A hero never gives up!' He mentally argued as he made his way through the hallway. 'The guy who always sticks it out to the end, even in impossible situations... That's the hero in most popular manga, right? Man, being the hero is taxing on my willpower! But I've gotta show them that I can stand in there with the best!'

He reached the tunnel to walk out onto the field and took one more deep breath to calm himself. He was resolved: he wouldn't give up, even if he knew he'd lose. Even if his safety had to be sacrificed.

"Alright! Let's begin the next match!" Present Mic shouted. "The last match was exciting, but this one might be too! Minoru Mineta, the Hero Course turned Gen Ed student who beat a Hero Course student last round, come on out!"

Minoru steeled his expression and walked out. The crowd's cheering was louder this time, which made him feel kind of proud, but he ignored it in favor of focusing on his quickly approaching match.

"Next up is Katsuki Bakugo! Please, can neither one of you destroy the ring this time?! GREAT!"

"Oi, Purple Midget!" Katsuki called as he stepped up. "You want to be in the hero course, right?"

"Yeah," he confirmed with a grin. "Blond dick!"

"Fuck you!" Katsuki snarled. "You're getting too excited! I'm gonna enjoy knocking you down a peg!"

"You're the one on a high horse here!" Minoru called back.

"Are both contestants ready?" Midnight asked.

"Yes!" Minoru yelled.

"Yeah!" Katsuki roared.

"Then begin in 3... 2... 2... START!"

Minoru had a plan. It involved using his balls as small trampolines to outmaneuver Katsuki, and trying to throw them and hit the blonde's hands to essentially disable his Quirk. But no matter how well it would've worked, there was no way he could've dodged as Katsuki fired at him in the blink of an eye and–


The infirmary shook and Izuku thought that it might've been an earthquake for a moment. But then he remembered that it was Katsuki's match.

"Woah, Mineta just got hit right in the face and was instantly knocked out!" Present Mic's commentary was played through the intercom.

"Well, at least Kacchan didn't torture him for the length of a whole match," Izuku mused.

"Mm," Shoto nodded in agreement, but said nothing more.

Izuku looked over and saw that his dual-Quirked classmate was staring out of the window. He was obviously lost in thought. Well, he did say that he had to think about some things earlier.

"Todoroki," Izuku said, getting the boy's attention. "What is it?"

"I used my fire," Shoto said simply. "Despite everything that happened, everything I'd decided, you got me to do it. But even after giving up all that, I still lost..."

"Todoroki, when was the last time you used your fire?"


"I meant before today smartass!" Izuku exclaimed.

"... Eight years, maybe more," he sighed.

"Quirks are physical attributes, just like muscles. If you're eight years out of practice, of course it won't be as strong as it can be. You may have a stronger Quirk than others, but you still need to practice to be able to use it."

"I guess you might be right."

"Of course I am. That's why I said it, after all," Izuku chuckled. "So you'll train to get stronger?"

"I don't know if I want to," Shoto said, surprising Izuku. "I only let go of my resolve because, in that moment, I forgot about my father. I can't just do that in the future."

"Is there any way–?"

"I know what I have to do, so don't worry about that," Shoto said. "I... just have to prepare myself."

"Alright," Izuku smiled at him. "I'll be holding you to that."

"Thanks... Midoriya," Shoto smiled barely noticeably before turning back around and looking out the window again.

"You two are both cleared to go now," Recovery Girl said. "Or you can stay, at least unless I'll need more space for patients."

"Alright, I need to see Uraraka's match!" Izuku beamed as he got up to go. "Todoroki, you coming?"

"Not quite yet," he said. "But I'll be there to watch your match, Midoriya."

"I'll be counting on it," he grinned before walking out.

Izuku passed medical robots that were carrying Minoru's burnt and unconscious form to the infirmary while he was on his way to the stands and sighed at Katsuki's apparent inability to hold back. He was up at the stands soon enough though, just in time to see Ochako and Tsuyu off.

"Both of you, good luck on your match!" he smiled at them as they walked past him.

"Thanks! Good to see you up and around Deku!" Ochako said as she waved.

"Glad you're fine Midoriya, kero," Tsuyu said simply as she followed the gravity girl.

"Midoriya, welcome back!" Tenya greeted. "You didn't miss much! Mineta was knocked out instantly by a single explosion before he could even move!"

"... Sounds like Kacchan," he chuckled as he went to sit down.

"Oh, I don't know if I want Ochako or Tsuyu to win!" Toru sighed.

"I know, right?" Mina agreed. "Well, whoever can do better against Bakugo, I guess."

"That'd be... Tsu?" Toru asked.

"I dunno, Ochako's smart!" Mina said. "I do think Tsuyu would have a better chance though. What do you think, Midori?"

"Against Kacchan... Tsuyu would probably have a better chance because she's more agile and can maybe use her tongue to attack while keeping her body out of harm's way," he mused. "But in this match, I don't know who will win. Tsuyu is probably quick enough to avoid Uraraka's fingers while she can get attacks in. But unless that fluid she secretes can do actual damage on its own, they're still both essentially close-range fighters."

"Okay," Mina nodded while smiling at him. "You said way more than you needed to, but okay!"

Ochako was waiting to get called out. After winning her first match with Eijiro, she was now more prepared to walk out than the last time. She was nervous to be fighting Tsuyu, who had become a pretty good friend in the month that they'd been at school, but she was definitely ready.

"ALRIGHT! Let's get this match GOOOIIING!" Present Mic yelled. "First out into the ring is TSUYU ASUI!" (Time passed). "And next is OCHAKO URARAKA!"

Ochako walked out and looked across at the frog girl, who was giving her a wide smile. She smiled right back.

"Good luck Ochako," Tsuyu said, "kero."

"Good luck to you too Tsuyu," she replied.

"You girls ready?" Midnight asked.

"Yep," Ochako nodded.

"Kero," Tsuyu also nodded.

"Alright then! 3... 2... 1... START!"

Tsuyu jumped at Ochako immediately, but before she reached her she jumped to the side and around. She landed a kick on her back and then backed away as Ochako whirled around to get a hand on her.

'Hit and run tactics, huh?' Ochako thought as she ran at Tsuyu. 'Won't work forever!'

Tsuyu jumped over her and wrapped her tongue around Ochako's wrist as she did. She yanked the arm back with her tongue before Ochako could get her other hand on it, and used it to throw her across the ring.

Ochako slid to a stop at the edge and looked up to see Tsuyu already upon her. She pushed up and reached with her hands to grab her, but Tsuyu grabbed both of her arms by the wrists and held them up before moving to throw her out of bounds.

Which she did, and Ochako hit the grass with a grunt before rolling onto her back.

"Ochako Uraraka is out of bounds! Tsuyu Asui wins!" Midnight called out.

"Good job, kero," Tsuyu said as she offered Ochako a hand up.

"C-Congratulations," she sighed as she accepted it and stood up. Then, punching the air, she exclaimed, "Man! If only I could've grabbed you!"

"I know, that was the entire point of my strategy," Tsuyu said. "Kero."

"The matches for the semifinal round have been set!" Midnight called attention to the large screen once again.

Match 1: Momo Yaoyorozu VS Izuku Midoriya

Match 2: Katsuki Bakugo VS Tsuyu Asui

"Like I thought, Asu-er-Tsuyu's agility let her get around Uraraka's hands," Izuku muttered. "I was holding out hope, but Uraraka wouldn't realistically have been able to grab her without more hand-to-hand combat experience..."

"See?" Mina said to Toru. "I told you it's totally mutual!"

"Totally mutual!" Toru repeated, excitedly pumping her arms.

"What're you two going on about?" Denki asked.

"Nothing that you'd be interested in," Mina said.

"Yeah, girl stuff!" Toru backed her up.

"Like what, gossip?" Eijiro asked.

"You could say that," Mina grinned.

"Hey girls, mind letting me in on this?" Kyoka asked, leaning down next to Mina.

"I'd also like to hear," Momo said. "N-Not because I'm interested in gossip, but I c-can't trust you all to keep secrets without my help! Obviously!"

"Alright, Kyoka, plug your earphone jack into the chair while I tell Yaomomo," Toru suggested.

"Alright," Kyoka nodded before plugging in.

"Alright, so," Toru leaned towards Momo and lowered her voice, "Midori and Ochako totally like each other!"

"I-I can't believe you're spreading such private information!" Momo announced. "But... is it true?"

"I mean, it makes sense if you think about it," Kyoka mused. "But I'm not interested in relationships, so I don't really care."

"Oh, you're talking about relationships?" Eijiro asked. "Yeah, it's not my thing."

"Wait, are you talking about Midoriya and Uraraka?" Denki asked.


"Did you say my name?" Izuku asked.

"NO!" Mina and Toru yelled.

"A-Alright, geez," he mumbled, turning back around.

"Jamming-Whey, have some awareness," Kyoka said as she jabbed him in the head with her jack and pumped his head with a beat of her heart.

"Anyways, isn't it so cute?" Toru asked. "OH! We should totally help them get together!"

"I'd rather see them do it on their own though," Mina said. "Unless they really drag their feet about it."

"Momo Yaoyorozu, Izuku Midoriya, you're up next!" Midnight called. "Make your ways to the preperation rooms!"

"Oh, guess we should get going," Izuku said as he got up. "Good luck Yaoyorozu."

"To you as well Midoriya," she said with a smile.

Shortly after they left, Tsuyu came back alone.

"Tsuyu, shouldn't Ochako be with you?" Toru asked.

"She said she had to take a phone call, kero," the frog girl replied.

"Great!" Mina cheered. "So, don't tell this to anyone! It's a girls-only secret!"

"And apparently Kaminari," Kyoka sighed.

"I also heard, but I'll keep shut!" Eijiro said with a grin.

"... Will he?" Toru asked.

"Yeah, he's the reliable kind of guy," Mina said. "Anyways, about that secret..."

"Hey Dad," Ochako greeted as she entered the prep room.

"Hey, how're ya doin baby girl?" he asked excitedly.

"I'm good," she replied as she sat on the bench. "Got a bruise or two, but I'm fine."

"Your mother and I saw the whole thing on television! We're so proud of you Ochako!"

"Thanks Dad," she said with a smile. "I wish I made it farther, but it's better than other people did."

"What are you talking about sweetheart? You made it to the final round of the U.A. sports festival! That's plenty more than anyone else I know can do!"

"But it would've been better if I won more than one match in the tournament round," she said. "The pro heroes request interns based on our performances in the festival. Getting an internship with a good hero will get me some publicity and experience, so when I do go pro I'll be able to get enough money to fulfill my promise quicker–"

"Ochako, don't fret so much over us," he laughed. "We're fine, honest. And even if business gets bad sometimes, we have enough to hold us together."

"Daddy," she sighed, putting her hand on her forehead. "I'll keep my promise, okay?"

"Fine," he relented. "But take your time! I'm sure you'd rather spend some time with that boy of yours, haha!"

"And I– Wait, boy? W-What boy?! T-T-THERE'S NO BOY!" she exclaimed.

"That green haired one who carried you in the first round, wasn't he that Midoriya kid who you said saved you during the entrance exam?"

"U-Uh, yeah, that was Deku," she confirmed, now regretting multiple decisions over the past month (including telling her parents that Deku had saved her). "B-But it's not like that!"

"C'mon, really?" he sighed. "Don't you like him?"

"N-No, I don't!"

"Come on Chako, be honest with your old man," he chuckled. "You even call him by a special nickname!"

"S-So what if I do?" she sighed exasperatedly. "Ya know what? Even if I do, that's not as important as helping you and Mom. I need to focus on my hero training to achieve my dream and help you."

"I'm sure he'd support you in your dream if you were together!"

"Dad, I'm not arguing with you about this," she insisted.

"I bet he'd say yes if you asked him ou–"

"I'm hanging up!"

"Oh, fine," he laughed again. "I love you Ochako. And try not to get so focused that you don't have fun, okay?"

"Okay," she sighed. "I love you too Dad, and say hi to Mom for me!"

"Ahaha, will do! Bye Ochako."

"Bye Dad," she said before hanging up.

Not two seconds later, the door to the prep room opened to reveal–speak of the devil–Deku. Ochako's eyes widened as she recalled what her father had said a moment ago, but she quickly mentally punched herself.

"Hey Uraraka," he said as he walked in. "What are you doing in here?"

"I-I was just talking with my dad on the phone," she said, looking down at the phone in her hands. "He said he saw me on TV. And he's proud. Y'know, parent stuff."

"Right," Deku nodded. "Well, you had a good match against Asu–Tsuyu."

"Yeah," Ochako nodded with a small giggle at his self-correction. "I wish I won, but I was able to show myself to the pros enough. And besides, I don't mind losing to a friend like Tsuyu."

"Yeah, I can see that," he chuckled.

"Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, get to the entrance tunnels," Aizawa sighed over the intercom.

"S-Sorry, I took all your prep time," Ochako scratched her cheek with a giggle.

"It's fine, but I guess I'd better go," Deku said as he turned to open the door.

"Deku," Ochako called, prompting him to stop and turn back. "I know Mina was saying all that stuff about girl power earlier, but... you'd better beat Yaomomo and make it to the finals, okay?"

"Yeah, sure thing," he smiled and nodded, a determined look covering his face. "I'll win!"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I'll be watching and cheering for you!"

"Thanks," he nodded before walking out.

Ochako sighed when he left, immensely glad that he had walked in after the call.

'God, what am I doing with my life?' she thought as she buried her face in her hands. 'I should go up to the stands so I can watch the match,' she realized before standing up and hurrying out.

'I wonder why they were talking about me...' Izuku thought as he reached the entrance tunnel. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but he heard Ochako talking when he got to the prep room's door and decided to let her finish before he entered. 'Oh well, I'll ignore it. Gotta focus on my match.'

"LET'S START THE SEMIFINALS! The first student out is 1-A's president, Momo Yaoyorozu!" Present Mic called, getting applause. After a second, he called, "And next, funnily enough, is 1-A's vice president, Izuku Midoriya!"

Izuku walked out and looked up at the stands. Shoto was sitting in his seat already, and Ochako ran out of the corridor to find her seat soon enough as well. Once she had, he returned his focus to the ring and Momo.

"Midoriya, good luck," Momo said as she readied herself.

"You too," he said.

"Alright, you're both ready?" Midnight asked.

"Yes," they said simultaneously.

"Then let the match begin in 3... 2... 1... START!"

Momo started by making strange boots that could apparently anchor her to the ground between steps. Not that Izuku could've picked her up and thrown her out of bounds so easily unless she let him, but it was still a sound strategy.

Izuku jumped at her, but she made a shield to block his punch (which he dented). Then he jumped away and pulled her shield with him using his Quirk before throwing it at her. She rolled out of the anchoring boots to avoid it and remade a new pair as soon as she was upright again, then made what appeared to be some kind of wrist-mounted weapon on her right arm.

Momo started running at him, though slower than she normally would be able to because of the boots. Izuku jumped and suspended himself in midair for a second to kick her, but she caught it in her left hand and created a pair of rubber handcuffs that bound them together. She shoved him to the ground and jabbed him with the wrist-mounted weapon, which was apparently a taser as it sent an electric shock through his body.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Izuku yelled as he instinctively shot his free foot up and smashed it across Momo's jaw.

He stood up and tried to drag the class president to the edge of the ring with the help of his Quirk, but she grabbed his ankle and tripped him just short of it. Not that he was making good headway anyways while his body was still reeling from the taser. Then, since he was close enough to the edge, he used his Quirk to spin his body around on the ground, and he pulled her around with him until she was dragged across the boundary line.

"Momo Yaoyorozu is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya wins and progresses to the final match!" Midnight announced with a crack of her whip.

"W-What?" Momo asked. "I... lost..."

"Hah... Good match Yaoyorozu," Izuku panted. "Can you unlock the cuffs?"

"Uh, yes," she said with a nod as she created a key and unlocked them.

"Is your jaw okay?" he asked. "Sorry, I hit you pretty hard."

"I-It's just a bit sore," she smiled. "Nothing a trip to Recovery Girl won't fix. Besides, I should have guessed you'd react violently to an electric charge. Sorry about that, by the way."

"Yeah, it's fine," he sighed, laying down flat on his back. "I just need a second."

"Is he okay?" Ochako asked as the group looked down at Izuku on the field. Momo had walked off a few minutes earlier.

"I dunno," Toru said. "He refused the medical robots."

"He's fine," Hitoshi sighed. "He's just a little dazed from the electric shock."

"Mm?" Mina tilted her head. "How do you know that?"

"Isn't it the exact same thing that happens to Kamari?" he raised an eyebrow.

"It's KAMINARI," Denki said. "And yeah, he's right. Midoriya just needs a second."

"He's getting up!" Tenya said. "Thank goodness!"

Sure enough, Izuku was now making his way off of the field. He was walking fairly slowly though.

"H-He still doesn't look too good," Ochako said worriedly.

"Worried about him?" Mina whispered in Ochako's ear.

"YEAH I AM, OKAY MINA?!" she shouted at the pinkette.

"Owowow! My ears!" Mina whined as she sat back in her seat.

"Mina! Are you okay?!" Toru asked.

"Honestly, that's what you get," Kyoka said with a small shrug.

"Shut up," Hitoshi sighed.

"Katsuki Bakugo, Tsuyu Asui, you're up next!" Midnight called. "Please make your ways to the prep rooms."

"Good luck Bakugo," Tsuyu croaked to the blonde.

"I DON'T FUCKING NEED IT!" Katsuki yelled as he followed her into the hallway. "GOOD LUCK YOURSELF, FROG FACE!"

"Oh my God, he wished her good luck in the most aggressive way ever!" Toru burst out laughing. "It's kinda adorable!"

"I wholly disagree," Ochako said firmly.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Mina asked. "I mean, he's loud and obnoxious and kinda looks more like a villain than a hero most of the time, but he doesn't seem like that bad a guy."

"It's..." Ochako's shoulders slumped. She couldn't tell them what she knew–what Deku and his mother had each told her in confidence. So what could she say outside of flat out lying? "... I don't think he deserves to be a hero."

"What?!" Toru exclaimed. "Why not?!"

"Yeah, his Quirk is built for it!" Mina agreed.

"What, did he say something particularly offensive?" Eijiro asked.

"No, it's not that," she sighed. "I'm sorry for saying anything, I can't talk about it."

"Eh? Why not?" Denki asked.

"When someone knows some info that they can't share, it's called a secret," Mina informed him.

"No shit," the blonde said. "Why is it a secret though?"

"It's not my secret to tell," Ochako sighed. "Sorry, can't say anything else."

"It's fine Uraraka!" Tenya said. "We will all respect your privacy!"

"Well fine then," Mina pouted. "Let's not talk about Bakugo then. Hmm... How about–"

"Hey Deku!" Ochako greeted the greenette as he shuffled to the stands.

"Hey Uraraka," he sighed as he sat down.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Mina poked his head.

"I still feel tingly," he said.

"Bakugo's fighting Tsuyu next," Ochako said. "Who do–"

"Kacchan," he muttered as he gripped the arm rests tightly enough to make his knuckles white.

"... You okay?" Ochako asked.

"Still tingly," he responded. He looked like he was shivering.

"Where's Yaomomo?" Toru asked. "She left the field before you."

"Oh, she wanted Recovery Girl to check her jaw," Izuku said. "She should be here soon."

"I'm already back," Momo said as she sat down, holding an ice pack to her cheek. "And I'm fine."

"Good," Izuku sighed. "Sorry again."

"Really, don't worry about it," she waved her hand.

"Hey Deku," Ochako said, "I didn't realize it until now, but you fought both of the students that got into our class through recommendation."

"Yeah, guess so," he said.

"... Deku, you okay?"

"Hm? Fine, why?"

"You don't seem fine," Ochako tilted her head.

"I'm just nervous," he smiled at her. "You know, I didn't think I'd make it to the last round. And on top of that..."

"Bakugo?" she asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I'm trying to come up with plans, but there's only 3 or 4 viable ones that I can come up with."

"T-That's more than enough!" she exclaimed. "B-Besides, Tsuyu can still–"


Izuku, Ochako, Mina... Okay, everyone present flinched as Tenya began violently vibrating.

"I-Iida, what's wrong?!" Ochako asked.

"Are you dying?!" Toru shrieked.

"Are you tingling too?" Izuku tilted his head.

"Oh, that's just my cell phone," Tenya informed as he took it out. "Hmm... Oh, it's my mother. I'll need to take this."

"Okay, hurry back!" Ochako said as he walked away.

"First up to the ring for the last semifinal match is Katsuki Bakugo!" Present Mic called. "And then Tsuyu Asui!"

Both students walked out to face each other on the ring, before answering Midnight that they were ready. Then the match started with a bang as Katsuki shot an explosion straight at Tsuyu. She jumped out of the way, only to have to dodge two more consecutive blasts before being able to get close. She wrapped her tongue around his arm, but he swung her around by it and slammed her into the concrete before firing off another explosion. She skidded to a stop at the edge, where she shook it off before jumping forwards again.

She dodged a few more explosions before jumping at him again. When he tried to hit her with his fist, she leaned back to dodge under it. But he opened his hand and blasted straight down onto her face. As her back hit the floor, she kicked up with her long leg and hit Katsuki in the chin. But he was able to catch her by the ankle, then used an explosion to spin around and throw her out of bounds.

"Tsuyu Asui is out of bounds! Katsuki Bakugo wins!" Midnight called. "The final match will be Izuku Midoriya versus Katsuki Bakugo!"

When Katsuki looked up at him in the stands with a wild grin, Izuku audibly gulped.

"I-It'll probably be harder to win if we aren't in a small hallway," Izuku sighed.

"Hello Mother," Tenya greeted. "I'm sorry I didn't get too far in the tournament. I was fighting Midoriya though, so it was to be expected. I tried calling Brother earlier, but he didn't pick–"

"T-Tenya..." His mother's voice was hoarse, raw. It immediately put him on edge. "T-That's fine... *Sniff* B-But I'm calling a-about... W-Well, it's Tensei. A-A villain got him."