
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 13 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

Minoru And His Team

Minoru had made it through the obstacle race! And with decent placing too. After being kicked from 1-A by Aizawa, he had realized that he was being rather straightforward and short-sighted in his Quirk's application. He had worked on that ever since, and was now able to more effectively use his power to make his way through the race. It mainly consisted of throwing his balls on the ground and then leaping forwards from them, but it worked. Now though, he had a bigger problem.

'Who the hell will team with me?!'

He looked around and saw everybody joining into groups. They were mostly sticking to their own classes, and the few people he knew from General Studies that had also passed the first event had already joined together as well.

'Shit... Well, nobody from 1-A would want to team with me, that's for sure. I gotta find someone from 1-B with an opening for me, and hope they're competent... Otherwise, I won't be able to show everyone how much I've improved in Round 3!'

"Are you looking for a team?" a girl's voice asked from behind him.

Minoru turned and looked up to see a beautiful girl with vines for hair. His mouth dropped open, before he collected himself and replied, "Yes!" He tried to reign in his first gut reaction–something else he had thought to work on after getting booted from the hero course, as heroes needed popularity and public approval–and once he was sure he had mentally prepared himself, he asked, "Could I join yours?"

"Of course!" she smiled brightly. "You're the one from General Education that confronted 1-A a couple of weeks ago, yes?"

"Yeah, that was me," he nodded.

"Well, is it true that you were kicked out of that class?"

"Yeah," Minoru sighed. "On the first day, Aizawa-Sensei tested out the physical applications of our Quirks. He switched me out with someone from Gen Ed because I got last place."

"How upsetting!" she gasped.

"THAT'S THE KIND OF GUY TEACHING THAT FREAKING CLASS?!" a tall boy with silver hair and thick eyelashes shouted as he appeared by them. "No wonder that class is rotten!"

"Tetsutetsu, please don't be so intolerant!" the girl with the vines said.

"Sorry, Shiozaki!" he grinned. "Wanna form a three-way team?"

'THREE WAY?!' Minoru inwardly yelled. 'They're testing my resolve!'

"I think that'd be great," she said before turning to Minoru. "What do you think?"

"It'll be great!" he smiled, before extending his hand. "I'm Minoru Mineta, by the way!"

"I'm Ibara Shiozaki, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" she smiled brightly as she took his hand.

'Her hand is so soft!' he realized.

"And I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!" the boy announced as he took Minoru's hand next. Then he leaned in uncomfortably close and said, "Let's get those 1-A bastards!"

"What exactly do you have against them?" he asked.

Tetsutetsu scoffed, "Heh. They got a ton of spotlight after that villain attack, so everybody's been fawning over them like they're the only hero class here! We passed the same exam! We just gotta show them all that we're just as good, if not better! And that applies to you too, right Mineta?"

"Yeah," the Gen Ed student nodded. "So, what sort of formation should we use?"

"I have an idea about that," Ibara said. "We can take advantage of–no offense–your stature, Mineta. You could be the perfect rider! And Tetsutetsu's strength, too."

"Yeah? Let's hear it!" Tetsutetsu said.

"Mineta, would you have any objections to being inside of my hair?"

"... HUH?!" Mineta yelled. 'Am I dreaming? What did she just say?!'

"I can make a cocoon with my vines to protect you and the headband, and Tetsutetsu can can act as our rear guard. Then I can grab other headbands and give them to you under the cocoon."

"Great plan!" Tetsutetsu grinned. "Let's do it!"

"Yes!" Minoru whisper-yelled, pumping his fist before looking up at Ibara. "Sounds good to me!"

"Oh, and what's your Quirk?" she asked.

"Pop-Off! These balls on my head come off. They can stick to any surface or person, so it's great for immobilizing! They don't stick to me though, they just bounce off. Oh, and they regrow after I take one off, although my head starts bleeding if I use too many."

"That can be useful! We can immobilize people and then take their headbands! What a wonderful Quirk!" Ibara clasped her hands and smiled brightly once more. So bright that Minoru had to look away.

'She's so genuinely nice! I almost feel bad for the way I'm thinking about this... Almost. They're making it very difficult to stop my nature from coming out... I mean they're literally putting me inside of her hair! I might need to do something to touch her in some way later... I just hope she doesn't hate me for it.'

The hug from Ibara after the end of the Cavalry Battle was thoroughly satisfying for Minoru, especially since she accidentally hugged his face against her left breast. Really, she was too pure for her own good. But it seemed like she was genuinely glad to grant him the hug, so that removed most of his guilt.

'Still though... This is HEAVEN!'