
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantaisie
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The rise of the mini boss (2)

The day after Desmond's mini-boss coronation, half of the guild executives were fired. They didn't protest or anything, they just simply left. It was shocking to the old staff, as they were confused about the whole situation. They thought they were also going to be fired, but an emergency meeting was called with the remaining executives and department heads.



Several people, draped in suits, were impatiently sitting on the chairs around the large conference table. Some of them were tapping on the table with their fingers. Some of them were biting their nails. Feeling impatience and fear, they waited for John to arrive.

Soon the wait was over as John made his way to the meeting room with his signature tablet. Everyone stood from their seat as a sign of respect and authority. For they all knew, John was the advisor to the old guild master. The second in command after the guild master himself on having a say on major decisions. Since the guild was entirely a sole property of a single man, others don't have any words on it.

Not everyone stood, though. There were a couple of grumpy and goofy old geezers looking at John with uninterest and annoyance. They were veterans of the guilds. They were here even before John was appointed as the advisor. Since they were either crazy about their field of work or simply because they didn't care, they weren't a part of the politics blooming inside the guild.

"Sit, sit," John said while adjusting his contact glasses. He stood beside the head of the table. He didn't sit there as he knew that belongs to someone else.

"Good morning to all. I assume you've already caught the wind of what is transpiring inside the guild." There were murmurings among the chairs. "And I can assume that you think firing them was nonsense."

"Yes, it was nonsense." One of the old geezers who had goggles on his forehead grumped.

"Care to explain the reason why they were fired?" Another one chimed in. This time, it was a young executive.

"They were our guilds' top executives. They were the ones who took care of the guild when the guild master died. How can you just fire them like that?"

"Yes, we've already lost more than 80% of our guild's power. How are we gonna survive now?"

"Would you fire us as you did with the others?"

Many questions were raised, naturally. This was within John's calculation and he also has prepared sufficient answers for that.

"I understand your fear, but what we did is for the future of our guild. If those men were to remain in our guild, then we were sure to be doomed."

various whispers and murmurs again began to wander around the room.

Seeing this, John pressed on his tablet. The projector on the table suddenly lit up, and it displayed various files and images on the screen.

John explained the exact reason why the fired ones were fired. He did say about the source, too.

"How can they do that to us?"

"We were doomed if it wasn't found out."

"What are we gonna do now?"

As expected, they were greatly confused, but relieved.

"So, where is he? I'm here only because of him. To think that arrogant and narcissist son of a bitch has this much genius in him. Call him. I want to talk to him." the same old geezer with the goggles on his forehead annoyingly said.

"Well, now that our problems are... sorted out, let's talk about the future of the guild. The future of us. For that, I'm inviting your new guild master. Please welcome, Desmond Shepheard."

Again, the whispers started. They were greatly confused by the sudden announcement that the 16-year-old will be the new guild master. They knew he would be the new guild master when he was off the age, but to think he would be ascending that throne at this age was...a bit unheard of.

The doors of the meeting room suddenly slammed open and entered the boy in question.

He was fully in a black suit and a big sunglass and with a haughty and arrogant smile plastered on his face. He walked like he own the place, well technically he owns it. People in the meeting room had the urge to beat the living shit out of the haughty boy, but they didn't act on their urges. As much as they want to beat him, it is a universal truth that he is now their boss.

[Wow, look at their faces, just like me, they want to beat the shit out of you.]

'...Let them bark. I'm the only boss here.'

[You do realize they are the last of the loyal ones, right?]

'What? You care?'

[The less, the kind of you are there, the better for the world.]

Without replying, Boss Desmond haughtily sat on the head of the chair and put his feet on the table.

"Sit, sit. Don't need to stand up. " No one was standing up.

He took off his glasses and breathed on it, then slowly rubbed it on his blazer before putting it back on.

It was the purest form of cringeness.

[Holy fuck, I'm getting goosebumps seeing your shitty show.]

'Jealous, are we?'

[Mother fucker! You think any fucking piece of a turd ever wanted to be like you? You should see your face in the mirror.]







Complete silence enshrouded the conference room as the people patiently and cringely waited for their new boss to speak.

"Kuhhh, kuhhh," Desmond cleared his throat, "My dear comrades, as all of you know, our guild is sinking. Sinking to a depth that me—the current us, can never be able to swim up from." He took off his glasses and looked straight at each and every member present there.

"Brat, enou--" The old man with goggles tried to talk.

"Na, na, na. It's not time for you to talk, Doctor Frankenstein." Desmond cut him off.

"Who th--"

"No matter what we do with our current works, we cannot hold up anymore. We need to change our plan. Only then we can move forward."

"What's on your mind, sir?" One of the economic executives of the guild asked.

[Mead and fuck]

"Mead and—Kuhh, kuhh." He cleared his throat again. "Our economy is going down. We need to get that back up first. For that, I've already given our money machine to Doc over there." He pointed at the old inventor, the old geezer furrowed his brows. "Doc, the stage is yours."

"How the actual bloody fuck you know about mana manipulations and energy conversion?" The old geezer started with a rant.

[By copying others' work from the future, of course.]

"Cause, I'm a genius."

"...Fuck you, you useless piece of shat. You were all muscles and no brain. How did you get so talented in less than two months? Did you copy it from others? Did you threaten them with your authority?"

[Ask him, ghost grand daddy, ask him.]

"Old man, I can either give you the complete formula or you can just fuck off."

"Whoa... Is that how you talk to your elders? Didn't your father taught--"

"Doc." The entire room started to get cold. "Don't say a word about my father."

"Or what? you gonna kick my ass?" In front of the experienced geezer, a mere kid's aura was nothing.

[Whoa, old geezer has some oil in him.]

"Nah..." Retreating his aura, he smiled again. "I'll just give the complete formula to someone else."



"...Mother fucker."

"What is this formula you're talking about?" The medical head asked in confusion.

"Remember the scanning machine you build?" asked the new boss.

"Yes, what of it?"

"What were the cons of that product?"

"The battery. It cannot be used for a long time due to the immense power needed to power the device."

"What would happen if we eliminate that problem?" Desmond turned towards the business head.

"If we can eliminate that, then this product can become our honey spoon."

"What about a cell that can be powered by mana? What would that worth be?"

"Mana cell have been researching for more that centuries, but no one has figured a way to convert mana into usable cell. If something like that can be made, then we've hit the jackpot. The patent is enough for making us rich, like the higher ranked guilds. Not to mention we would also be promoted in terms of ranks. The whole shape of the world can be changed with that."

"Pfff...Ha haa haa." Desmond wasn't able to hide the sinister laughter he was getting. The pure happiness of being rich and powerful made him over the moon. He clutched his stomach, thinking about the money. The others were warily looking at him.

'Something is really off about this little bastard,' Thought the old inventor.

'He must be feeling really happy about saving his father's guild. Truly a happy moment.' John wiped the corners of his eyes.

"What are we waiting for, lets get rich, shall we?"

Yeah, cheers to us. We've won second on WPC 328. Thank you all for voting.

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