
Preparing the Table

The next day, in the eastern region of the Verlassen fiefdom where one of the hotspots of the monster tides existed, hundreds of flying ships flew over this 200 kilometers wide region that was inhibited by the common populace. 

And under the curious gazes of millions of people in the main cities of the region, Kahn's flying ships that carried his forces of Covenant soldiers landed in dozens of kilometers of open grounds around the military outposts at border of Xena. 

This was a region that was under the care of the female orc semi-saint commander, Nadia Cenmiko. One of the three native semi-saints of Verlassen fiefdom. 

Unlike the north where it was only winter throughout the whole year, this was a flourishing region that was also close to one of the biggest forested hotspots of monster tides. 

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