
The Ultimate Space For Jams

Equipping our hero gear, we head out to where our bus would be. And finally, I could equip the remainder of my gear that I hadn't been given access to during the trial.

"What's with the new equipment Kou?" Hagakure skips up to me, pointing at my gauntlets.

"Well, right alongside the number of heroes that I've met," I slam my gauntlets together, "I've also fought a lot of them. These gauntlets serve as a way for me to bridge the gap between me and those with physical quirks. After all, I'll get trapped if I'm placed in a prison of concrete."

Seeing my dead look, Hagakure giggles, "Is that coming from personal experience?"

"Of course…" I hang my head low.

"Shouldn't we file into two lines by our numbers Class President?" Iida suddenly butts in.

"UA busses aren't like that Iida." I shake my head, "The seats line the side of the bus… not the normal front to back."

Understanding something new, Iida skirted away and left me alone with Hagakure once more.

Hagakure wanted to ask more about my costume, but the bus had already arrived, and we were forced to board.

Once we were all sitting and heading off to our destination, Hagakure turned towards me once more, "What's with the goggles tha-"

However, her quiet words were cut short by Tsuyu saying something to Midoriya, "Your quirk reminds me of All Might's."

This made my entire thought process stop for a moment.

"That s-s-so!? Haha, but mine isn't, like-"

Thinking about Midoriya's quirk, the comparison wasn't all that bizarre. Especially when you consider the fact that his costume was like All Might's and if I had to guess, his move set were of similar names too. But upon the face of a certain man with blue oval-shaped eyes with no visible sclera coming to mind, I dismissed the correlation.

"But All Might never gets hurt! That's where the likeness ends!" Kirishima states, "I'm kinda jealous of that kind of simple enhancer-type quirk, though! There's a lot you can do with one, and flashily too! My 'hardening' power isn't bad for punch-ups, but I hate that it's just not that flashy."

"Now stop that right there…"

Everything turned dead silent, and everyone's hearts seemed to have caught in their throats when they heard the dark undertone to my voice.

"Thinking of yourself or your quirk as inferior to that of someone else's is a surefire way to dig yourself into a hole. You ARE a student of the greatest class that UA has to offer. This means that your quirk has been deemed the greatest amongst the participants. Continue with that sort of mentality, and you'll be cast aside… after all, no one wants a hero who doesn't even believe in his own quirk. So, what if your quirk turns out to be ugly… so long as the job gets done and the civilian is saved, it doesn't matter how your quirk looks or what your quirk does."

Breaking my intense stare with Kirishima, everyone seemed to take the time to understand the meaning behind my words. The rather uncomfortable silence was broken by Ashido.

"B-by the way… w-what is your quirk Kou?"

Having never expected this sort of question to be brought up, I start to dread on how I should answer. However, before I need to, I'm saved by Shota.

"We're almost there. Settle down…"

A wave of disappointment could be felt from everyone since they couldn't know my quirk.

Walking into the immaculate building that was the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint), a large bulbous figure welcomes us.

"Flood wrecks, landslides, fires… etc. etc. This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters, and its name is… The Ultimate Space for Jams!!!"

Having a mini side conversation with Shota, the Space Hero 'No. 13' turned back towards us.

"Before we begin, just one thing… or two… or three… or four… I'm certain you're all already quite aware, but my quirk is called "Black Hole". No matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, I'm afraid it will turn into dust."

"Now that's a quirk perfect for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disasters." Midoriya exclaims.

"Yes… it is, however, a power that could also easily be used to kill people. And in that way, it's no different from the quirks of everyone here. Naturally in this society of superhumans, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use enforced. We can tell at a glance that that is the make-up of this world.

That being said, please don't forget that each of you possesses a quirk that can go awry. One wrong step is all it takes to be able to kills others accidentally. During Mr. Aizawa's physical strength test, you learned of your respective power's true potential. And during All Might's trial of battle, I think you took away a true sense of the danger of brandishing those powers against one another.

This lesson will serve as a fresh start! Let's get to studying about how to wield our quirks for the sake of human life! Your quirks emphatically do not exist to hurt others! Please leave this exercise having fully understood that your quirks exist to help people! That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!"

Having finally finished with her long speech, Shota points at the grand area behind him.

"All right, first thing's first…"

But Shota's words are slowed when black portal suddenly comes into existence in front of the USJ fountain.


"What is that!? Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam?" Kirishima dumbly asks.


As the villains start to speak, I outstretch both of my hands, and turn towards Iida.

"Iida, run as fast as you can out of here and go get more heroes. This is not a situation that can be solely handled by Shota and No. 13."

"But Aizawa-sensei told us not to move…" Iida alternated between staring at the villains and at me.

"It doesn't matter what Shota said… I am making it your duty to get more heroes Iida." I snarl, "This is an order as your class president."

Just as the villains finish with their monologue and Iida turns towards the door that leads out, Shota jumps down to keep the villains away from us. As soon as he does that though, a black mist appears in front of us.

"Greetings, we are the villain alliance. I apologize for the presumption, but we took it upon ourselves to enter UA, the base of heroes, in order to engage with Mr. All Might, the 'Symbol of Peace'. We were wondering if we might be allowed the opportunity to extinguish him you see."

Both Bakugo and Kirishima rush forward, only to have their attacks faze through him. Having been attacked, the specter's essence expands outwards and starts to cover our entire group.

Grabbing Iida by his armor, I huck him outside of the areas attack.

Just before I'm taken by the black mist, I yell, "Iida, you must save us!"

Once consumed by the black mist, I find myself falling from the sky and into the top of the Mountain Zone where a ton of villains were waiting for us.

Plopping down on the ground beside me was Yaoyarozu and Jiro.

Approaching us menacingly, I purse my lips, "Man, you guys don't have any qualms about fighting children? Aren't you guys' adults, how could you stoop so low?"

Angered by my comment, one of the villains rushed forward without another thought. Taking a swing, I duck below and then place my outstretched hand on his neck.


Using my quirk, I quickly sidestep the villain who fell to the ground unconscious after experiencing my quirk pointblank.

Shooting my quirk I charged in my left hand towards the weakest looking villain, he fell unconscious as well. Putting my costumes goggles on, I unravel the capture tape from my neck.

"Yaoyarozu, make larger amps for Jiro to use and then make batons as well. I'll take care of most of these villains, but you two still need to defend yourselves."

"But isn't it dangerous to do that?" Jiro asks.

"Well, that's what the amps are for. Support me from the back with your quirk." I turn around a look at her, "I'm trusting you."

Giving me a light nod, I turn back to the armada of villains in front of me who were looking at their downed comrades, wondering what had occurred.

"Thank you for waiting…" I bow, "But the show is now ready to start."

Dashing forward, a kick a person wearing a boar mask in the face. Throwing my capture weapon out, I grab two villains and slam them into one another. With their unconscious bodies, I start to use them as bludgeons.

One of the villains who managed to duck under my wild swinging, rushed forward only to be knocked back by a wave of sound that rattled his brain enough to knock him out. Dropping the bodies my capture weapon carried, I hop back towards Yaoyarozu and Jiro to find Jiro's jacks hooked up to much larger amps.

Looking at me strangely, I present to her the villains which had begun to funnel in on our position, giving Jiro the greatest opportunity to use her quirk.

Understanding what I wanted her to do, visible sound waves came from the amps that hit the villains and caused them to pass out. Though the amps burst after she'd done that, there were only three other villains left for us to handle.

"W-what are these kids?" One of them asked.

"I-I don't know, b-but I don't think we can handle them."

"B-but the boss."

Having had enough, I once again rush towards them.

"Nightmare Barrage."

Rapidly firing out an innumerable number of beams in a single moment, the huge number of beams hit two of the villains who screamed for a second before then having their eyes roll into the back of their heads.

With only one villain left, I wrap my capture weapon around his neck and drag him towards me.


Punching him in the face with my gauntlets, the villain hurtles backwards until he's planted into a spire atop the mountain. Turning back to my fellow stranded classmates, I give them a thumbs up, but quickly turn around when I found myself staring at an open topped Yaoyarozu.

"I-I'm heading down the mountain to help Shota… so, j-just make sure… y'know… everything's dealt with." I awkwardly dismiss myself, running down the mountain, back towards the main area.

Running as fast as I could, I arrive to find Aizawa being held down by a large, black humanoid monster with a very muscular body that has many scars on it. His brain is exposed atop his head, with his large eyes beneath it. He has a beak like mouth with an array of sharp teeth.

Watching as Shota's hand gets twisted back behind his body, he lets out a sickening grunt amd scream. Gripping him by the head, the monstrosity slams it into the ground.

As this is happening, the black mist appears next to what appears to be the main villain and state that he'd let Iida get through their defenses and that they should probably disperse.

"Actually, before that…" I started sprinting down towards Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta who sat at the edge of the Ocean Zone, "Why don't we use this opportunity to take the symbol of peace's pride down a notch."

As his hand touched Tsuyu's face, he gives his praises to Shota who had supposedly cancelled his quirk. Having finally reached them, I go to punch the man with hands all around his body, only to find my fist buried in blackened flesh.

"Nightmare Barrage."

Even as I continuously shot waves of my quirk into the monstrosity, it only twitched under the influence of my quirk, never succumbing to its dangerous, degrading effect.

Letting out a painfully loud screech, the monstrosity starts to put its pressure down onto me, causing my knees to buckle and the gauntlets to crack. Falling to my knees with the unbearable weight atop me, my burden is relieved when the doors to USJ flew open.

"HAVE NO FEAR!" An angry All Might huffed, "FOR I… HAVE COME!"

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues." - Iida Tenya

Kogatsucreators' thoughts
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