

"What time are you leaving?"

"Pedro will pick me up at seven.I don't even have anything decent to wear."

"There's this new boutique I saw not far from where I live.They have very beautiful dresses and it's affordable too.We can leave now."

"And I'm only buying a dress mom.Not more than that."Rose always ends up making her daughter go over board in shopping.Rose loves beautiful things and she wants Piper to look her best at all cost.

"We'll see."Piper knows the twinkle in her mother's eyes,and it's gonna cost her big time.A few hours later she returned with more than she expected. Including three dresses she bought heels,and lingerie too.Her mother firmly believes she should charm Pedro tonight and yet again she told Piper if she chose to spend the night it would be fine with her.Not that it was gonna happen.