

It all started when Sebastian moved to Joburg in search of a better life. He was so sure that the city held his key to success. He always thought that life at Limpopo was rather stagnant and if he stayed there for too long nothing would work out. He had big dreams and extremely high hopes.

He was trying to make ends meet with the little money that he had saved. He realised that life was not as easy as it seemed and soon or later, he was bound to run out of money at some point. It was clear that he had to find a part time job while perusing his dreams. Luckily enough God answered his prayers, he managed to get a job at a construction site near where he was renting, the wage was very low, but he did not mind because he was staying alone, and he did not have to worry about transport fees.

Months passed and it seems as if his dreams were rather on hold. Nothing was working out and he was sinking into depression, and like many young men he was very lonely. He stood near the half-built house as it was lunchtime and started thinking about his future, a lady passed, and the other workers started whistling and trying to get her attention. The lady passed and didn't even bother to look back. Sebastian quickly ran towards her and tried to talk to her, she looked at him coldly and dismissed him. He immediately felt some challenge, something that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Weeks passed and the lady always walked past that building, and Sebastian would always try to talk to her getting the same cold response everyday till one day when she responded nicely. "I guess you are not the type of person who gives up easily, I think it is important that you know that you don't look attractive at all, and I can offer you nothing but friendship and try to maybe transform you into a better person." She said this with a smile and walked away.

Sebastian was left feeling confused, he waited for her the next day so that she could explain what she meant. She was surprised to hear that to the lady, whose name was Aletta , transforming someone into someone better was more of a hobby. Aletta grew up watching a lot of fairy tales then started watching a lot of Nigerian movies, she was obsessed with turning people's lives around. She was a writer and made money through writing books, fairy tales to be specific. Sebastian agreed reluctantly and that is how their friendship started.

They were now best of friends because both were rather lonely , Sebastian did not have any friends, but Aletta did have a best friend who was away most of the time because of "work". Both of Aletta's parents were never around because they were always busy traveling and working. Time passed and they were now very close, the transformation plan was still written down, but no actions were taken. "I think it is time we start transforming you into a Joburg hunk, you really do smell and look like a village boy" said Aletta one day as they were relaxing outside, Sebastian stood up, looked at Aletta and said, "lets start now or we will never start".

Aletta took her wallet and they left for shopping; this took the whole day as Sebastian had to get a fresh new haircut too. All of this was paid for by the Aletta who insisted even though Sebastian was uncomfortable.

He stood confidently in front of the mirror for the very first time after his transformation and smiled. It felt like he was looking at a total stranger. How could a "village boy" turn into such a young dashing city guy? He looked so handsome that he almost fell in love with himself. He then slowly turned and looked at Aletta who was sitting silently on the bed admiring her "work of art". She was smiling or rather blushing .

He looked at her and embraced her, maybe he even cried a little, "thank you" he kept on saying repeatedly. Well, that was not it, Aletta then took out a cheque book and wrote down a sum of R20 000, "you have been telling me about you dream ever since we met, this is my investment to you"

Well, all of that was in the past, and it was now half a year later, Sebastian had already started his business , selling Tshivenda herbs that he took straight from his grandfather's garden. Business was booming but he was not yet making millions, but he was making enough money to afford a small car and a small house. Slowly but surely, he was turning into Aletta's dream guy, she constantly looked at him and thought maybe she was crazy, but it was evident that she was falling for him or maybe she had already fallen for him and very hard. She tried so hard to keep it to herself, but this was killing her. She hated it when Sebastian was talking about other girls. She then decided to break the silence and tell him how she felt, she was tired of feeling this burning sensation every time they were together.

Sebastian was confused, he always thought that there was no way that Aletta would fall for her, he now saw her as a best friend rather than someone he could love, he realised that what he had felt before was just a crush nothing more. He did like her, a lot, but as a friend. He looked at her deeply in the eyes and wanted to tell her that he couldn't date her, but what came out of his mouth was "I love you too Aletta, yes let us date". He said this because he did not want to hurt her, and he felt indebted to her after everything that she had done for him without expecting anything in return. Everything was extremely awkward between them, they were now a couple, but it did not show, it was as if they had turned back into strangers.

This carried on for some time and every time Aletta tried to make a move on Sebastian , he would come up with excuses, "let's get married first babe" he always said with a sad smile. This carried on for some time and Aletta was always crying because she could see that she was forcing things, but she was unaware that she was now obsessed with him. Sebastian noticed her sadness and to make her happy, he proposed to her. Obviously, she was overjoyed, she jumped up and down with excitement and did not even notice the sadness in Sebastian's eyes.

Sebastian was slowly drowning in depression, he needed something to shift his attention to and he found it, a dating app, here he met with so many ladies whom he talked to and tried to get comfort, it was on that dating app where he met a lady named Kinky, she was extremely beautiful and looked very innocent, he started talking to her and they connected on a deeper level, it was as if Kinky understood him more than anyone, it was evident that she had been through a lot judging from the way she talked, she was very matured and Sebastian started falling for her. He was now happier every day, and he was spending quite a lot of time on his phone than usual. Aletta noticed this and got very angry, she was getting more and more obsessed with Sebastian and believed that she made him , he belongs to her "he is mine" she always said as she stared in the mirror with her blood boiling with anger.

Kinky and Sebastian started dating and he would fake "business trips" just so he could travel to Cape Town to see Kinky, and they would spend the whole weekend together. He told Kinky about the problem with his fiancé and Kinky told him about how she was a hooker. They were now so in love and were even planning on running away together to start a life somewhere. But Sebastian did not want to hurt Aletta, he constantly felt indebted and guilty that he was cheating on her.

Months passed and Aletta was still Sebastian's fiancé , it seemed as if he had no plans or whatsoever to marry her. She then decided to call her best friend Caroline whom she had not talked to for months, she was surprised to hear that she was in town, they planned to meet at their usual spot at a café where they met for the first time when they were both in high school. Caroline was about to greet her when Aletta started crying uncontrollably, she was devastated and depressed and had no one to talk to, she explained how her fiancé was taking her for a ride, how he was cheating on her. , she was there for her, she offered her the best advice because she was so knowledgeable about life, reason being she had lost both her parents at a very young age and had to grow at the orphanage, nobody wanted to adopt her and at the age of 18 she had to move out and try to fend for herself, she was not intelligent therefore going to varsity was not an option. She was very secretive about her life. Aletta had no idea that her friend had even turned into prostitution, Caroline looked at her with sadness in her eyes, she felt sorry for her friend who showed signs of someone with bipolar, one minute she was crying uncontrollably the next she was laughing and talking about how Sebastian belonged to her, the next she was angry and swore at the lady who was "seducing" her perfect fiancé. "Talk to him, let him know how you feel and don't try to force your love onto him" said Caroline looking at Aletta, "if you carry on with this you will get hurt, please Aly, if you have to let him go then so be it". Aletta looked at him with anticipation in her eyes and said her goodbye as she rushed home to prepare a meal for Sebastian so that they could fix things.

Sebastian returned home, he quickly rushed to the bathroom leaving his phone and bag on the table. It seemed as if he had a runny stomach. As he was still in the bathroom his phone received a text message. Out of curiosity, Aletta viewed the text, she was shocked to see that the text was from Kinky, this was Caroline's nickname, well she thought maybe this was a different Kinky, she then scrolled though the chat and her heart dropped to her intestines, loads of text messages back and forth between Sebastian and Caroline where he was complaining about how much of a burden her so called fiancé was, the way that she was so suffocating and boring, how Kinky made him feel alive, how he loved Kinky, even inappropriate images were shared. She placed the phone on the table and pretended as if she did not see anything. Sebastian returned from the bathroom, and she looked at him, she didn't know what to say to him and she faked a headache and went to sleep.

The next day when Sebastian was at work, she decided to call Caroline to come over to the new house that she was staying in with her fiancé. She also wanted to introduce her to her fiancé. Caroline did not really mind because she was also interested in knowing who had stolen her friend's heart. Upon arrival she noticed that something was off with her friend, but she brushed it off.

"Would you forgive me if I were to take your husband Kinky?" asked Aletta looking at Caroline with cold eyes, this was the first time She had called her by the name Kinky because she always teased her and said that name does not suit her. Caroline stared at her wondering what is wrong. She then answered reluctantly "I would not forgive you". Aletta then stared at her cup of juice and asked again with an angry tone "Why should I forgive you then "? Caroline was confused, she had no idea what was going on. She looked at her again hoping to find answers, her eyes then caught on something on the wall, it was Sebastian's photo, she was with Aletta. Caroline started shaking, she dropped her glass of water on the floor and stood up in disbelief. "No, it can't be" she kept on saying. Aletta stood up. She walked slowly towards her and said, "end things with him". She was walking to her room when she heard Caroline responding in a shaky voice "I can't, I've fallen for him, please Aletta we both know that he doesn't love you, you and I know that you are forcing things, why can't you just let him go. Why don't you just grant me this little happiness for once in my life. Don't you think I also deserve to be happy"? "Happy?" scoffed Aletta, "at whose expense? You of all people should know that I have been through hell and back, don't I deserve to be happy?" continued Aletta shaking with anger. Caroline looked and her and said "I really can't leave him knowing how he feels about you, stop forcing your fairy tale love onto him" she said this grabbed her bag and was about to leave when Aletta pulled her by her hair and threw her against the wall, her head banged hard against the wall and she was unconscious, it was as if Aletta had developed a new aggressive personality, she took a vase that was decorating the table and started bashing her heard showing no mercy, she did this while laughing like a madwoman. She then suddenly stopped as if someone had ordered her to. She looked at the lifeless body of Caroline that was on the floor covered in blood and stood up; she started crying uncontrollably trying to revive her. Then she stopped again and said to the dead body "you made me do it" she then started laughing again as she pulled the body to the back of the house, it was not possible for the neighbours to see all of this because the house had huge walls around it, she then started digging and digging till she couldn't dig anymore, she stuffed her body in the shallow grave and planted spring onions and flowers on top of the grave. She went in the house and started cleaning. Took Caroline's phone and texted Sebastian saying, "I can't do this anymore, go and focus on your wife, I got another man, and I won't be entertaining you anymore".

This came as a shock to Sebastian who was not convinced that the text was sent by Kinky, reason being the writing style was too polished, it was proper English with no grammatical error. He knew that Kinky was not intelligent. He knew that something was up but thought maybe everything will come around. Weeks passed and his suspicions were now rising, he tried to call her multiple times and her phone was off. He missed her dearly and realised that he knew nothing about any of her friends, her real name as he always called her Kinky, or even the place that she stayed at because they always met at hotels and motels. He tried to take the text to the police, but they said the evidence was too little and they couldn't help him because he did was not Kinky's family/husband.

he tried to find clues, but nothing made sense. This started depressing him because he kept on having the same dream repeatedly. In his dreams he Saw Kinky crying because it seemed as if she was being consumed by spring onions and flowers, it seemed as if she was struggling and out of breath. He always woke up after hearing her scream in agony, he had no idea if the scream was from the dream or from the house. His depression was getting worse, and he started neglecting everything, this was not only depressing him, but Aletta was also drowning in depression as she was not feeling guilty and realising what she had done she also noticed that Sebastian did not care about her, she remembered Caroline's words when she said she was forcing her love on him, and this was evident, she always knew this but was always in denial. Sebastian did not even notice this because the only thing he had in his mind was finding Kinky. "I'm going to Cape Town on a business trip" said Sebastian one day to Aletta who responded with a said voice "ok babe". He took his backpack and left, he wanted to go to the places he and Kinky went to the last time they were together.

As he was sitting in the plane, he thought about something, Aletta, he realised that she had lost weight rapidly, her eyes seemed semi open, and her voice was faint. He realised that he had been ignoring her for quite a time not and felt sorry for her. As soon as he arrived at Cape Town, he checked his phone to check if Kinky had replied to the texts he sent. Instead of a text from Kinky he got a text from Aletta. In the text she was confessing and apologizing to Sebastian, she also told him where Kinky was. The text was concluded with "I guess this time around there won't be any happy ending for me, I'm sorry for trying to force my fairy tale love on you"

Sebastian quicky got a plane ticket back home, he flew into the house angry and fuming but was welcomed by an unpleasant sight, Aletta had overdosed on sleeping pills and was sleeping on the floor. On the table the was a paper written "I am really sorry" this was sealed by droplets of tears.

The rest was history. Aletta's parents took care of the burial of both Kinky and Aletta. Sebastian started losing his sanity because of constantly blaming himself for the death of the two ladies he once adored. He had moved back to his village and worked on his grandparents farm, he is still seen working and talking to himself, sometimes he just cries as he thinks about Aletta and Kinky.