

Somewhere in America

Wu Jia was in her gym carrying out her regular exercise on the treadmill when Sun Lifen came looking for her

Wu Jia was the daughter of CEO Chen, one of the richest CEO in City C. He married Wu Jia's mother, Wu Zihua. Zihua was from a rich and respectable family. She had married Chen Zian despite her father's warning. Fifteen years after Jia was born, he brought Han Meili and her daughter Chen Yuan to the house claiming that Chen Yuan was his wife and Yuan his daughter. Han Meili was from a rich family and she was the only daughter of her family so she never lacked anything.

Three years later, an incident happened which almost led to the burning down of the Chen Mansion and all evidence pointed at Jia. Jia was disowned and sent out of the house by her father, despite the pleadings of her grandfather and mother. Chen Zian seized Jia's credit cards and freezed all her bank accounts.

Jia travelled to America with the little money her mother and grandfather gave her, she met Sun Lifen who was a year older than her. Sun Lifen was her classmate and friend in college. Lifen accommodated her in her apartment.

Jia studied English language when she was in college so she didn't find it difficult to communicate with the Americans. Jia loved singing and dancing a lot and wanted to be a musician. She started singing and dancing in Bars and Hotels until a middle aged woman noticed her talent and decided to groom her.

Mrs Smith groomed young people who could sing and dance and she noticed Jia talent and decided to help her.

After one year of grooming, Jia released her first album titled 'Loneliness', the song was a hit and she released many other albums like My life, Happiness, Beauty etc.

Jia changed her surname from Chen to Wu and erased every record that showed that she was related to the Chen Family. Lifen became her best friend and manager. Her stage name was Enchantress. Only Mrs Smith and Lifen knew that her name was Jia and she was from Beijing. The Americans thought that she was American by birth because she sang all her songs in English. She was a very low profile person. There was hardly any news about her and she never did a video for any of her songs.

In three years she had released thirty five songs and twenty five of her songs were ranked as No.1 in most song charts. Jia had also received a two times award for best female singer in America and she was ranked the number one richest female singer in America. Many male singers had tried to date her while the female singers tried to be her friend but she wasn't interested.

"Jia have you heard about this male singer called Valiant?" Lifen asked excitedly, she only called Jia her name when they were alone

"Yes, I heard about him from the news yesterday" Jia answered uninterested, she paid little or no attention to her fellow singers, she only liked Valiant because of his songs and voice.

"He's just like you, he has never made a video for any of his songs and he is a low profile person but I heard a rumour that he is from Beijing. He is so handsome and his voice is so good, I really wish I could date him..... " Lifen rambled on as she was daydreaming about meeting Valiant and dating him

Jia came down from the treadmill and took a towel and a bottle of water and left Lifen in the Gym.

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