
Her groom

When a man start to love a woman it going to be like a turning point to a woman who doesn't expect his love for her to be real

omotundunoladoja · Fantaisie
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" Stella they is still one place we need to go",Alex said breaking the unwanted silent "where? she asked taking her head off his shoulder she lean on ," let go" Alex said holding her hand,he first of all take her to get some snacks for both of then since the one they bought has finished. " wow ,we are in monkey world " Stella said surprisingly "Alex ,why can't we see this monkeys near the other animal, when we are seeing others" Stella asked looking at the monkey inside the cage,the monkey is hairy but the no hair on his buttocks , his two palm and face , his larger that what we can imagine. " this place consists of many entrance, if we are to use that entrance... ," he said pointing to the left opened space, that is the by left corner around them, he stopped when he realized she is not listening, her full focus was on the huge animal in front of her. " Stella, Stella, Stella " he called her the third time more louder than the other two , she jerked back when she heard her name. "I realized that you've not been listening ,what are you watching that you make your full attention to the monkeys" Alex said considerately " my dad told me , the monkeys description" Stella answered , " so let just say this place bring you back to memories of your father" Alex suggests , Stella didn't bother to talk since he had know the answer already ,she only nod her head for confirmation that he was right " let be going then " Alex suggests , but Stella decline by shaking her head "Alex look at that" Stella called pointing at a direction ,Alex follow her points and realize what she tell him to see . They see a monkey carry her child, placing the child head on his left hand , the child head was on his hand ,the child legs was on his belly. " see the way she is even sitting like women that is breast feeding " Stella said amazingly "you know Charles Darwin also state that human being are created from apes,that science research for you, they never claimed of something with out proper research" Alex explained," That true ,but you know what you read is going to be different when you see it , as my father as described it for me already ,while am watching now I can see another similarities " Stella said " let checked the remaining one, before going back" Alex said and start going and Stella also follow him . They see another monkey standing that is almost similar with the big monkey they saw earlier ,he place his hand on the tree ,standing akimbo like a human, just then they see a very large monkey that is bigger than the two ,it twice the size of the two. They read the board hanging on one side outside the cage, it is bold written that ,male and female monkey is inside they quickly sense that the larger monkey is the male,while the other one was female. The huge monkey give the other one food while the female give the male to food,they behave intimate. " wow"Stella was amazed while Alex was busy staring at her reaction, " Alex don't you..."Stella stopped when she turned and notice his gaze on her .

" it getting late already let me dropped you of " Alex said when he see that she as catch him staring at her and he don't want to be a pervert in front of her.

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sorry for not been posting fans, my account has a problem with login , but it has settled now ,thanks for your patient ,sorry y for the delay.