
Her groom

When a man start to love a woman it going to be like a turning point to a woman who doesn't expect his love for her to be real

omotundunoladoja · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


Isabella called all the team leader ,to give them information on what Gabriel told her earlier . " Is this all the team leader , that are here" Isabella asked staring at them " No ma ,we are nine in number but we are only eight here it remains miss Lizzy" one of the team leader said " okay , what your name miss" Isabella said smiling, she noticed she was the first person that show some love to her the first time she comes to the office " my name is Anna ma " she said smiling at Isabella " okay so Mr --- " she clear her throat as if her throat was blocked , she wanted to say Gabriel at first but remember he had told her not to call him that, Boss told me to tell you that there is going be general meeting in the next ten minutes , where is miss Lizzy office " Isabella asked them " I can go and check on her for you ma " one of the team leader said " okay, then can I know your name " Isabella asked him"my name is Jeffery " " okay nice to meet you,Mr Jeffery" Isabella say smiling at him" everyone can now go back to there post , don't forget in the next ten minutes" she said and dismissed everyone .

knock knock knock , " who is there " Isabella asked looking up from where she was packing some files " it me Jeffery " he answered her " come in" Isabella said " ma Lizzy is not inside her office and everyone is waiting for you and boss " he informed her ," okay please just drop this formalty am Isabella, I will be pleased to here that rather than ma all the time" Isabella said smiling at him" okay Jeffery ,I will be on my way" Jeffery said and was about to open the door when he had her voice again" I will be there soon" she announced" okay " he said and leave her office .

Isabella quickly go to Gabriel office to inform him , she knock the door thrice but she didn't hear any response,she opened the door and entered what she saw make her surprised,she saw Gabriel with a woman, sitting on his table her short skirt was was facing him, he was kissing her caressing her body, they stop when they see her . she was confused,she don't know what possess her to wait. " what is she doing here" the woman on Gabriel's table asked staring at Isabella as if she was looking at the most disgusting thing" Lizzy go to your office" Gabriel said not looking up at her, " Who is she to you that you dismissed me in front of her, this not the first time am doing this with you when someone entered" she said now standing up from the table to take proper look at her ,her shirt was open showing full view of her cleavage . Gabriel was roughing his head angryly , looking no other place but Isabella's face waiting for her reaction , the woman beside him was also staring intently , she was thinking inside her how pretty she is than her and also know they is something going on between her boss and this woman while busy checking her out , she was statue by her reaction .

Isabella closed her eyes for a minute before opening it ," am sorry sir , everyone is waiting for you in the meeting room, sorry to distract you " she said and quickly go out of his office " Lizzy go out of my office now" Gabriel said this time around loud and clear than the other one he said earlier.

Isabella wait for Gabriel at the front of meeting room,her eyes was red when she look up and see Gabriel coming. " what are you doing here" Gabriel asked silently as if he don't want anyone to here him " Am waiting for you,as your personal assistance I need to follow you after your arrival not before your arrival" her voice was cracking before she can finished her word " okay" Gabriel said looking at her, when he was about to enter the meeting room,he had some sound, he looked back and Isabella also do the same . They see Lizzy cat working to the meeting room, her heels was making this kind of noise . when she see Gabriel's attention was at her she smiled at him looking more seductively, on getting there she touched his chest softly and Isabella instantly wanted to keep clear in other to give them their privacy but Gabriel beat her to it he holds her hands in other not to leave his front " what do you want Lizzy now get out from my sight" he said calmly and harshly at the same time, Lizzy was shocked with the way he just talk to her but she quickly wave it away" I will be expecting you soon" she said and catwalk inside the meeting room, he looked at Isabella and see she didn't spare him a gaze ,her gaze was on the hand that is holding her hand , Gabriel know she was scared and at the same time surprised with the way he holds her hand. " let go" he said and still hold her hands and they both entered the meeting room hands together.