
Her groom

When a man start to love a woman it going to be like a turning point to a woman who doesn't expect his love for her to be real

omotundunoladoja · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


When Gabriel got home,he saw that Isabella has not arrived ,he decided to wait for her inside the sitting room,he off his tye and his suit leaving only his shirt with him ,he loose three button out of his shirt and sit on the couch waiting patiently for his wife .

After forty minutes she opened the door looking unkept , her hair was somehow rough ,she was holding her heels and her bag was inside her armpit . Gabriel look at her form head to toe and started laughing, it takes him about five minutes before he can control himself, " so tell me how do you look disgusting like this" he said staring from her face to her exposed breast that looks irresistible, Gabriel also was having a hot feeling inside him and some unwanted sweat is appearing to his forehead but trying to act neutral in front of her , Isabella was very angry with the way he was laughing at her ,she angrily leave hi front and when she was about climb the stairs case up , she had his voice harshly " don't you dare climb that step or --- " " or what" she shouted breaking his word ,he looked back from where he was sitting to know if it truely his wife the woman he married, " well done you are just starting to show your colour" Gabriel said and stand up from where he was sitting and start walking to where she was standing but before he could reach her she quickly wanted to run for her life with the way he was staring at her has if she wanted to get burnt with the hot gaze of his but before she could take two or three steps, it was already to late ,he streach his hand to grab her hands,he got hold of her and drag her inside with her long hair ,she was shouting seriously with the pain he was casting on her ,he drag her inside their bedroom and he opened their bathroom door and they both entered inside the bathroom,he on the tap of the washing base and he bring down her head inside the water for three minutes before bringing it back up and wait for her like a minute before taking her head inside the water back this time it last about five minutes before he leaves her hair,she sit on the floor of the bathroom gasping for air,she sit eyes was red , she was looking dazing.

" That what you received from disobeying my order" he said offing his shirt angrily looking at her like a pest , she was quick to realized his intentions and she wanted to stand up but her eyes was dazing ,she is looking at Gabriel as if he was four and and she decides to go to the direction that they is not Gabriel is in among the four not knowing that the real Gabriel is in where she was finding way to go before she could stand-up he had finished offing his clothes,it remains his inner pants on him he doesn't wait for any minute before he pounced on her and drag her shirt forcefully and torn it scattering all the button of her shirt inside the bathroom ,he forcefully drag her shirt down and her pants down and entered her forcefully,she screamed suddenly that cause an earthquake, the kissed her mouth angrily and she closed her mouth tightly given him know access to her lips ,he hold her chin angrily, forcing her to open her mouth before he started kissing her ,she bite his lower lip hardly that she could taste the liquid form of blood in her mouth , Gabriel stare at her harshly after he was satisfied he takes his bath and go out of the bathroom leaving her lifeless inside the bathroom .