
HER DARK HEART He Transformed Me

Prologue Walking down Carrer de Moret, Valencia, insearch of my prey. Definitely,a male will have to fall into my trap. Steadily and confident,with my two hands in my black hoodie pocket,I walked. And then I saw him,caught in the act,doing the usual. "Leave Her Alone" I said to him almost whispering. He laughed out stupidly, "Pretty girl,u wanna join her" he asked showcasing his brown teeth as he kept on laughing. With lightening speed I got to him, reached for his neck,I dragged him up choking him as he pleaded "Who are you" he asked breathlessly. ELPHABA. He grew limp instantly,dead and useless. I dropped him. Smiling mischeivouly I walked away leaving the girl gaping at me in fright. I am ELPHABA. I kill. I show no mercy. I have not always been like this,my family used to be the happiest,the most cheerful and laughter was like our second name. In just one day,I lost everything. Every damn thing. Now I'm back,to repay,to avenge and to destroy. A story filled with Suspense, Love, Betrayal and Awakening.

Genevieve_Edwin · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs



Being born with a beautiful blue hair made Audrey feel weird and special at the same time.

Everything about her seemed very different,from her hair colour and hair length,her ocean blue eyes,her oval face and pointed nose giving her the beauty of a goddess.

Her shape not left out making her stand out among her peers..

Everyone who comws across her always want to be her friend,picking her and ignoring her friends has been a norm and something she and her friends has learnt to get used to.

She's beauty with brains,having so many self taught abilities. A lot of things about her has made her wonder if there's more to her life than she knows or will ever know.

Once she spoke sweetly to a withering flower,the next day she met it shining,beautiful and healthy.

Receiving so much love from both her parents and sister,she just couldn't ask for more.

A knock was heard on her door as she got up lazily dragging her self to the door only to be greeted with a bucket of water poured all over her body.

Happy Birthday Pumpkin!!! Olivia screamed giggling.

What a nice birthday gift from you Olivia Da Rosa!!! Audrey scoffed glaring daggers at Olivia

"I just had to come up with something sweet, you know😁.

Something memorable for my Cute Little sister" Olivia teased smiling cheerfully.

"I'm so going to kill you Audrey screamed as she picked up her mopping stick and chased Olivia out of the room both of them laughing.

Unknown to them, Glinda stood afar watching them

😍Olivia's POV😍

I already announced Audrey's birthday on the school group chat this morning.

As we stepped down from the car,Happy birthday could be heard from all angles.

Different people wishing her happy birthday all smiles.

I pray she doesn't pee on her panties out of shyness.

"I don't know all these people how come they know today is my birthday? Audrey asked no one in particular in a whispering tone as she snuggled close to me.

I smiled knowingly ignoring her.

She held unto me like I'm not the mastermind😂😂

Happy birthday Audrey,you look beautiful today came a short beautiful girl as she stood in our front smiling sweetly at us.

"Thanks a lot,thank you"

This is too much Olivia,why aren't you saying anything she nudged me.

Just take it that you are too special darling" I told her earning a scoff from her.

I tried so hard to suppress my laughter, as she left me behind and hurring into her class.

Eighteen looks good on you baby,I screamed so she'd hear me.