
Her, Again

Kristi, a young, beautiful and brilliant girl who just graduated from college. Being from a not-so-rich-middle-class family she has loads of student loans piled up that she has yet to pay. She has always worked hard to achieve her dreams, yet she is so far from achieving it. Alexander Mikaelson, a man known for his looks as well as work. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "failure". Whatever he touches turns to billions is what people from his field say. But deep down inside he is broken. (Why? You'll know when you read the book!) These two different people when come together there will be fights, sparks, love, jealousy, betrayal and heart break From searching for a job to falling in love with the CEO, come let's take a look at Kristi's roller coaster ride. (This is my first story ever, so I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes in the story and no bad comments please ) *love_love

Aurora_the_dawn · Urbain
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Survival

After my quick and short tour of the office with Henna, she showed me my cabin where I'll be working till the actual PA comes back.

I almost tripped when I entered my (for now) cabin when I saw the surprise waiting there for me.

"Damn that's a lot of paperwork, what a nice way to start with the first day, YAY" I muttered under my breath while eyeing the piled up paperwork that the PA left for ME to complete. Sweet.

I started with cleaning the room which was a mess since no one bothered to clean it after the PA took her leave.

"Looks like you have easily adapted with your surroundings Ms. Brown" someone said from behind which almost made me drop the files that I was holding.

I was too much involved in my cleaning that I didn't see a large figure standing at the door.

"Good morning Mr. Mikaelson, and yeah I'm trying to get used to things so I started with cleaning this room, it was a mess" I said while panting like an animal *thanks to the cleaning*

"Ah yes, I was kinda really busy with the work so I forgot to ask them to get it cleaned. You should've told Henna she would have got it done for you" he said while observing me head to toe.

*Is he checking me out?Nah! Get your head out of the gutter Kristi!*

"That's totally fine sir, I'm almost done" I replied while fidgeting with the files I was holding because his gaze was so freaking intense!

"Well Ms. Brown please come in my office I have few things to discuss with you before you start working" with that he walked out of my cabin without waiting for a reply.

*Its going to be an adventure working with this man and well I HATE adventures!*

I took a deep breath before knocking at his office door, taking my sweet time before facing that man when I heard him say "Get in Ms. Brown" *shit how does he know?*

"Please sit down Ms. Brown and here is a list of things that you should know about me beforehand" he handed me a file while explaining it.

"I'm a man of culture and my time is very precious. I respect my work and I expect the same from everyone who works with me and I hate tardiness in both looks and work" He said with a straight face.

"Is there anything you wanna ask Ms. Brown?"

"No, Sir. I get it" I replied with the same straight face like he has or I think I did.

"Well then welcome to our company, hope you'll keep your word and won't disappoint me."

"Thank you sir and yes I'll keep my word"

"Your first task is to go through these files and make a report on them and I want it done before you leave this office today" He said while handing me out 14-15 files.

"Sure sir. Is there anything you need me to do sir?" I asked while taking those files from his hands.

"Yes, I want you to make my coffee everyday starting from today onwards. You can make it however you like I don't have any specific demands for that" He said while looking at something on his computer screen.

"Sure sir will be right back" I took my leave with that.

*Well that was not that bad I guess*

It took me around 10 mins to work my way to the place where they keep all their refreshments.

Thankfully no one was around as everyone was busy in work.

I wanted to make Mr.Mikaelson my mom's special coffee which she taught me.

This used to be my lifesaver when I was in college and it still is.

And till date nobody has ever disliked its taste!

I knocked on his door with coffee on my other hand, I heard a faint "Come in" from my boss.

"Sir here's your coffee"

"Okay, you may leave"

*Wow that's rude*

I walked out of his office and was on my way to mine when I saw a blonde with boobs spilling out of her top *why wear it then?* enter my boss's office with a slight disgust on her face which I am sure was directed towards me.

*wtf is wrong with her!*

With the looks of it anyone can tell why is she here.

*Ew thinking of it gives me chills*

I went to my office to complete the work that my boss gave, which is a lot!

I can't wait to get done with the day.

*I miss my bed* (sobs in tiny)

*YES! I'M DONE!* I did a little victory dance.

After straight 5 hours of going through the files I'm finally done and its almost time everyone leaves for home. Yay!

I went to my boss and knocked on his door, "Come in" i got from the other side.

"Sir here's the report that you asked me to make"

"Keep it there on the table, I'll go through it once I'm done here" he said.

I did what he asked and took my leave.

Well today was not that bad, hope tomorrow would be the same.

"Hey Ms. Brown how was you first day" someone called me from behind.

"Hi Marcus, it was good not as bad as I expected and please call me Kristi" I said while smiling at him.

"Oh that's great Kristi" he replied with a sexy *the guy next door* smile on his handsome face.

"So how will you go home? Brought your own ride?" He asked

"Nah I'll take a bus from here" I said

"Come I'll drop you off and no I'm not trying to get in your pants with these tricks.You can trust me" He said, a soft laugh escaped his throat.

"Okay I'll trust you this time" I said with a wink.

Well I was tired and could really use his help.

"Then, Shall we?" He said while opening the glass doors of the company for me.

He is a sweet guy not like those pervs who think with the thing between their legs.*hope I'm not wrong*

"Good night Marcus and thank you for dropping me off" I said while getting off his car.

"Anytime Kristi and Good night. See you tomorrow" with that we both went our own ways.

*And i slept like a baby that night*