
Chapter 1: A Desperate Escape.

The rapid thud of her footsteps reverberated through the ancient woodland, with each desperate breath, she inhaled the earthy aroma of the forest, its musky fragrance intermingling with her own sweat. Amidst the hushed whispers of nature, the raucous cries of men began to fill the air, their voices echoing through the ancient woods. Gradually their shouts gained momentum, crashing against the serene backdrop, signaling an impending disturbance in the harmony of the forest.

Hema's steps faltered as she arrived at the edge of the cliff, a mixture of exhaustion and disappointment washing over her. Her eyes traced the terrain beneath her, contemplating the sheer drop that lay ahead, forcing her to confront the reality that her path had come to an abrupt end. She cast a quick glance behind her, her eyes widening in disbelief as the men pursuing her closed in with relentless determination. "Woah, that's high." She managed to laugh, a hint of irony lacing her voice even in the face of immense danger as fear crept into her mind. "I need to find a way out".

The men, now closer, shouted in recognition their voices echoing through the forests. "There she is, over there by the cliff!" One of the men bellowed triumphantly, his words punctuated by heavy footsteps as he closed in on her position. From the corner of her eyes she spotted two men emerging from the undergrowth, surrounding her and cutting off all escape routes.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breaths quick and shallow. With each breath her resolve grew stronger, her laughter morphing into grim determination as she realized the dead end. As the men closed in on her, their triumphant laughter filled the air."We've got you now, you filthy thief." With anger blazing in his eyes, the second man brandished his dagger, its cold steel glinting in the sunlight. In unison, the other men drew their weapons, the metallic gleam matching the intensity of their hostile intent.

"Give me back my gemstone" his footsteps grew heavier and closer, the anger contorting his features into a mask of fury. Clutching the bag close to her body, Hema took a firm step back, ready to defend herself if necessary. "Stay back, I don't want to hurt you". "Hurt me? Ha! Don't play with me child" The men's laughter, mocking and derisive, only fueled her resolve to protect the gemstone.

One of the men, consumed by a tempest of rage, lunged at Hema with a sudden burst of energy. His weapon aimed directly at her vulnerable shoulder, driven by a primal desire to claim what he believed was rightfully his.

She remained undeterred by the brutal assault on her shoulder. The wound began to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, the gash rapidly closing, knitting itself back together leaving behind nothing but a regenerating flesh. A defiant smile danced upon her lips, her eyes locking with those of her pursuers. "I warned you," she taunted, her eyes blazed with a crimson glow. As blood flowed around her hands. It coalesced and took shape, forming a long sword.

The men gasped. "Blood! Blood!! She made that from blood!!" one of the men's voice pierced the air, transforming into a high-pitched shriek of pain and terror. His body convulsed and his legs gave way beneath him. "That's impossible!" he stared unbelievably. The men hesitated, their confidence waning as she made an unwavering stance.

The forest held its breath, anticipation thick in the air. Hema's eyes darted from one man to another, her senses honed to the fullest. With an explosive burst of movement, she surged forward, her body a blur of grace and lethal precision. She closed the distance between herself and the unsuspecting target in an instant. The blade in her hand glinting in the sunlight descended upon her foe with a swiftness that defied comprehension. Time seemed to slow down as the man's head detached from his body in a spray of crimson.

His lifeless eyes frozen in a final moment of shock bore witness to the swift and brutal fate that had befallen him. The severed head tumbled through the air as silence befell the scene, only to be broken by the thud of the lifeless body hitting the forest floor sending a wave of terror upon the remaining men.

Her smile widened as she turned to the remaining men. "Who's next?" she demanded as her gaze swept over them.

Realizing that the tables had turned, the men exchanged nervous glances. Panic gripped their hearts, and as if possessed by a collective fear, they turned on their heels and fled, their screams of terror echoing through the air. She released a sigh of relief, her eyes gradually returning to their natural green hue as the rush of adrenaline subsided. With a whisper, she uttered, "Ad sanguinem revertor!" The word hung in the air as her command took hold, causing the sword in her hand to vanish, dissipating into thin air.

Hema's senses sharpened. Amidst the stillness, a gentle rustle arose from the depths of the nearby bushes. Closing in cautiously, a half-horned Maine Coone kitten sprang out and leaped onto her. "Well, there you are, Luna. I'm sorry I left you at that wretched place when mommy was running for her life" she lamented, her voice tinged with remorse. The cat meowed affectionately and licked her face. She chuckled and gently placed the cat back on the ground. "Come on, let's go show Nana what we've got and explain to her why I had to use my powers again."

As Hema ventured deeper into the foreboding woods, the air grew colder, the fog hung in the air obscuring their path ahead. The mist enveloped her delicate figure, clinging to her pale skin and swirling round her red hair. She softly hummed a haunting melody that echoed through the dense forests. Her voice resonated eerily through the silence, the melodic strains intertwined with the gentle whispers of nature. The soft sigh of the breeze carried the harmony through the air.

As she conjured delicate bubbles into existence, the bubbles, suspended in the air, seemed to float within the embrace of the fog, not mere soap bubbles; they're delicate spheres swirling with crimson liquids resembling miniature worlds filled with swirling eddies of red, floating gracefully around her fingers.

Beside her, Luna moved gracefully through the dense undergrowth, her black fur glistened with a faint silvery sheen, her eyes glowing like twin orbs of radiant moonlight. A soft yawn escaped Luna's jaws, revealing sharp fangs that glistened in the moonlight. Though seemingly nonchalant, Luna remained ever watchful, ready to protect her owner from any unseen threats.

As they delved deeper into the fog-shrouded forest, the mist-clad path led them to a weathered stone surface, its rugged texture marred by the passage of time. Moss clung tenaciously to the stone bearing witness to the weight of time, its intricate lines worn by countless years.

An ancient symbol stood out, an enigmatic lock that concealed the sanctuary of the cottage where she and Nana sought refuge. Hema's hand, guided by a bond forged through trust and understanding, found its way to Luna's mouth. With a delicate gesture, she allowed her half horned feline to graze her finger with her fangs. Luna bit down with gentle precision, drawing forth a single droplet of blood to be dropped on the waiting symbol, a precious offering to awaken the ancient lock.

With a quiet determination, she guided her finger towards the ancient symbol, her voice resonating with a hushed command "Aperi mihi" she uttered, the words imbued with an ancient invocation. With a soft, audible plop, the drop of blood landed upon the intricate symbol etched onto the stone. As the crimson droplet made contact, a subtle whisper escaped from the stone, as if an ancient secret had been unlocked, its etchings shifting and rising, revealing a hidden door concealed within its depths.

The creaking door swung open under Hema's gentle push, revealing a vibrant scene within. Luna, brimming with energy darted inside disappearing into a small compound that unfolded before her eyes. A sense of intrigue stirred within Hema as she observed the unfolding scene before her.

To her left, a tranquil fish pond shimmered under the play of dappled sunlight, its still waters reflecting the hue of enchantment. A garden adorned the surroundings bursting with an array of captivating flowers, each exuding its own unique magic. Turning her gaze to the right side, Hema's eyes fell upon a small farm that revealed itself before her. A sense of humble serenity washed over her as she beheld the quaint and well-tended land.

At the heart of the farm stood a modest scarecrow, its presence lending a watchful and protective air to the surroundings. The ingredients planted in neat rows whispered of their potentials, destined to be harvested for the potent potions and elixirs brewed within the cottage walls.

Luna's excited journey came to a halt as she reached the verandah where a single rocking chair was positioned. The verandah itself was adorned with intricately carved pillars, exuded a rustic charm that spoke of years gone by. Worn, yet sturdy, the wooden planks under their feet carried the stories of countless sunsets and conversations held in its embrace.

Seated there, an elderly woman with a crown of gray hair. As Hema's gaze settled upon Nana, the woman with beaded strings adorning her glasses, her attention was immediately drawn to a scar that marked Nana's left eye. It spoke of stories untold and adventures lived, a visible reminder of a life filled with daring escapades and challenges overcome. Donning a dress and apron, cradling a staff that exuded wisdom and power, while she exuded an undeniable undercurrent of something contrasting lurking beneath the surface of warmth.

Luna nestled closer to her, sensing the genuine affection that emanated from her. With gentle strokes, the elderly woman patted Luna's head, a silent reassurance and affectionate welcome. Her voice, laced with warmth and familiarity, addressed the feline. "Welcome back Luna, Hema didn't get you into trouble, did she?" Her smile radiated the love and mischief from a grandmother's heart. The feline responded in contended purrs as it soaked in the affectionate touch.

With a hint of a smile playing upon her lips, Hema approached Nana, retorting, "Haha, very funny." She gracefully took a seat on the small stairs leading to the verandah, teasingly reflecting Nana's remark while hinting at the underlying bond they shared.

Hema's eyes sparkled with triumph as she extended her hand, presenting a small bag she had carried around her waist. Her nimble fingers reached inside, retrieving the glistening gemstone. Its vibrant hue caught the light as she raised it up to the sky, admiring its mesmerizing beauty.

"Look, I got it. The gemstone to complete your staff." she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and accomplishment.

With a hearty laugh, her memory resurfaced, the incident of her encounter with the assailants vivid in her mind. The laughter spilled out uncontrollably as she recalled the confrontation that led to her getting the gemstone.

"Funny how such a little gemstone cost the head of one of the pests that tried to kill me," she shared between her laughter , the memory of the encounter adding a touch of dark humor to her voice. Still holding the gemstone aloft, she reminisced about the perilous moment on the cliff. The memory brought a mix of relief and trepidation.

"I seriously thought I was a split second away from taking a nosedive off that cliff... But hey, desperate times call for some unconventional maneuvering." she admitted, her tone a blend of wistfulness and determination.

Handing over the gemstone to Nana, she watched as Nana's knowing gaze met her own, fully aware of the risks she had taken and the warnings she disregarded. "That's one way of telling me you used your powers again, Hema," Nana remarked, her voice laced with a subtle hint of concern. "You're not a child anymore, you're a young adult. Using your powers in front of humans, you're aware of the consequences. You can't say that you're not." She continued as she walked into the cottage.

Following Nana to the kitchen, Hema scratched her head, a mixture of guilt and frustration evident on her face. She let out a heavy sigh, acknowledging Nana's words.

"Nana, I'm aware…and it was self-defense, I promise," she begged, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I even got stabbed, see?"

She maneuvered her clothing, revealing a glimpse of her shoulder as she attempted to show Nana the nearly faded scar etched into her skin, a tangible evidence of the danger she had faced. However, Nana's attention remained fixed on the task at hand, paying no heed to the visual evidence.

Hema's expression softened, her hand lowering as she acknowledged Nana's concern. "Fine, I'm sorry, I won't use my powers again." She replied with an earnest tone. As she reached for an apple, Luna swiftly leaped onto the table, snatching it from the bowl with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. With a playful twinkle, Luna bounded away to savor her newfound treasure, prompting Hema to burst into laughter at the feline's antics. Undeterred, she selected another apple, settling comfortably on the table with crossed legs.

Nana focused intently on the gemstone, carefully placing it on a small stand. From a nearby shelf, she retrieved a tube containing a mysterious potion, its contents shimmering with latent enchantment. Delicately, she uncorked the tube and poured the potion onto the gemstone, which responded with a vibrant display of shifting colors from its original ruby hue to a resplendent amber.

With the new gemstone now aglow, she adeptly positioned it within the intricately carved slot around the crown of her staff. The gemstones nestled beside it gleamed with renewed brilliance, each radiating its unique chromatic essence. Drawing upon ancient words of power, she uttered into incantation "Ligacendere" invoking the binding and awakening of the gemstones.

In response, a magnificent display unfolded before their eyes as the gemstones shimmered and bathed the room in a captivating dance of hues. Hema's amazement mirrored Luna's excitement, their gazes fixed upon the wondrous spectacle that Nana had orchestrated.

As the vibrant lights subsided, a satisfied smile graced Nana's face, her wisdom and mastery evident. She turned to Hema, the twinkle in her eyes carrying a hint of playful rebuke. "Apologies?" she scoffed, the corners of her mouth betraying a teasing grin.

In a moment of exasperation, she sank into the isolated couch, seeking respite from her weariness. Her gaze fixed upon Hema, an unspoken plea for understanding etched in her eyes. "Do you truly grasp why we must conceal our identities from humans, let alone other elementals?" she questioned, her tone tinged with both fatigue and urgency.

Hema, ever the rebellious spirit, couldn't resist a touch of sarcasm. "Yes, Nana, the Mythos of Legends you've regaled me with countless times," she remarked, her eyes rolling in playful exaggeration. She rose from the table and found solace on a nearby sofa, positioned closely to Nana's couch.

"It's because we are different, blah blah blah"

Hema quipped, playfully mimicking boredom with exaggerated hand gestures and comical faces. Unable to bear Hema's mockery any longer, Nana struck her head gently with her staff, prompting a pained groan from her as she held her head in response.

Hema, now nursing her head, gazed up at Nana, her eyes meeting the seriousness in Nana's gaze. Nana's voice echoed through the silent house, commanding attention as she delivered the stark truth. "It's because we stare death in the face, Hema. We are marked as targets, relentlessly hunted, subjected to merciless massacres, and mercilessly erased from existence," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of unspeakable horrors.

The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, engulfing the room in a suffocating silence. Breaking the stillness with a resigned sigh, Nana continued, her weariness apparent. "It seems I must remind you once again, but this time, Hema, it is the final warning. I will not repeat the reasons why we hide, why we protect ourselves from the severed ties of our vessels, the bodies we inhabit, the souls we cherish, the magic we bear as both gift and curse, and the dignity we cling to," she declared, her voice carrying a somber finality.

Hema, fully attentive now, sat up, recognizing the gravity of Nana's words. She understood that this was not a mere repetition of an old tale but a heartfelt plea to safeguard their very existence.