
Help I’m the captain of the dreadnought

How would you feel if you were transported to your favorite game? This is what happened to Fritz. Him and Millions of other players are transported in the popular mmorpg Into the unknown, a open world in space, Fritz has been grinding for years and has achieved the most powerful ship in the game, the dreadnaught. Read as he summons many women, for either guidance or for pleasure. Will he lead his ship towards riches or will he be floating in space for all eternity? The book will be going through a re-write so please don’t jump to conclusions

Nether_Ark · Romance
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29 Chs

Reward and bonus rewards

"Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you that the first event is now over, and my oh my it's obvious who won so why don't we skip the formalities and announce the winner. Congratulation fritz you received 1,000,000,000,000 Scrap metal and 1,000,000 Electric components, you'll also be receiving a bonus prize for having more than 90% of health."

My moth dropped when he mentioned the amount of metal and electrical components I'll be receiving. 'I think I need to sit down.' Wu then continued to speak.

"I almost forgot you also received 2,000,000,000 food Resorces, don't want your crew members to starve now don't you?" I soon felt my entire body trembling with excitement not only will I be rich, I can finally upgrade the rest of the ship!! I got on my knees and started to bow at the screen with happiness. The rest of the crew are celebrating on the fact that we won the first event.

Wu just chuckled and resumed to speak. "Okay now that you have received the normal rewards, it's time for the bonus rewards!" I finally snapped from my excitement and turned serious and waited for Wu to continue.

"But you'll need to be at your summoning pool so see you there!" I stumbled when he said that and nearly landed on my face, but Mai was able to wrap one of her mechanical arm around me. 'Well that could have gone better, but now I'm wondering why I need to go to the summoning pool.'

I then told Linda to stay here and me Olivia and Mai go to the summoning pool. As we made our way to the pool, I saw one of the beast men in the middle of the hallway as if she was waiting for someone. She looks up and turns her head in our direction and looked at me, she then makes her ways towards me and when she is close to me I was able to get a good look at her. Her hair is blue with a tint of silver on the ends of her hair, she also has wolf ears and tail, her body is not as curvy as Mai but she has quite the curve her breast are big as Linda's.

"You are Hanna, correct?" She then flinches in surprise and starts to fidget.

"Y-yes um I wanted to ask if I can talk to you privately." Mai, and Olivia started to glare at Hanna, I then turn to them and chopped there heads causing them to bend down and grab there head. I then turn back to Hanna and agreed to meet with her later. She smiles and runs away with her tail wagging in happiness. 'Wonder what she wants to talk about."

We then continue to make our way to the summoning pool. A giant screen then appeared in front of us with Wu.

So now that you have arrived I will explain why you are here." A sperate screen appeared next to him and soon it showed many women. I was confused on why there are many pictures of women. 'Is he a pervert? They look so familiar."

Wu then coughed to get my attention and explained why there are many pictures. " So here is the bonus reward. Every 2 weeks you are allowed to summon one character from the Gacha system from the game." Confetti then appear out of nowhere and soon disappeared. My heartbeat then quickens in happiness because I can summon any women across from the gacha system. Does that mean I can summon the bikini version of them.

"The way it works, all you need to do is approach the pool, and you'll see this screen." A screen the appears with many letters, it showed a F all the way to SSS.

"You may choose on what type of class you can summon, for example you may summon someone with a passion for cooking or for agriculture, but it is random on who you will summon." I then start to feel my blood rush to my lower area and start to fantasize on who I am going to enjoy.

"Hahahaha sorry to disappoint you Fritz but you need to earn their trust before you can sleep with them." My world shattered like glass when he mentioned that, and I slumped in sadness. Mai and Olivia grinned when Wu mentioned that I need to gain their trust, I on the other hand just wrapped my arm around my legs and started to mumble about me socializing with women.

In my entire life I am horrible at talking to women and have never dated anyone else after going through that hell thanks to her. I then decided to take a deep breath and clear my mind and focus on the present. I then stand up and approached the summoning pool. I then start to think on who to summon.

'Should I summon smart to decrease the research time, or someone who can use magic and create some magic tech?' I spent the next half hour thinking on who I should summon, but I couldn't think of anyone because of the possibilities. I then decided to hold on the summoning for another time so I can think. I then make my way back to my room and decided to see the chat.

As I pull up a screen, I see something interesting.

"Everyone I just found a black hole but it looks like there is something on the other side, does anyone know what this is??"

I then Sit up and ran towards the bridge. 'Man that person is lucky I need to get there quickly before anyone else!'

"Linda scan the nearby galaxies for any Black gates and set a course when you find one." Linda then starts to relay the order and, in a few minutes, we are already in hyper speed. Black gates are rare dimensions that contain many treasures that can help a person gain power and wealth. but you need to face the dark army that guard the place and those are annoying to deal with.

Soon we appeared in front of the Dark gate and see many ships surrounding the gate ready to enter. But when we arrived all the ships left, and some people wanted to raid us. But we removed them.

"Now with that out of the way..." I point forward towards the hole. "Full speed ahead."

Hey gyuys After the next chapter it will be the first summon so make sure to comment on who you want to see

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