
When the cat befriends its prey -2

Ziana's eyes never left the kitchen counter, mesmerized by the skillful movements of Zayden's hands. Despite following a tutorial on his phone, his every motion mirrored that of a seasoned chef. She couldn't help but wonder if it was one of his reaper traits, the ability to effortlessly mimic and replicate skills that interested him.

But the lingering question persisted: Was he truly cooking for her? The thought gnawed at her, making her almost groan aloud in frustration. She didn't want to become the subject of his mockery or find herself indebted to him over a simple bowl of noodles in the future. After all, she had learned that this guy never did anything without a hidden motive.

"I can just get some instant noodles," she mumbled, her interruption punctuating the air and momentarily distracting Zayden from his culinary prowess. The hesitation in her voice betrayed her reluctance to accept his gesture.

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