
Chapter 6

General Artemis and I have been going back and forth, for nearly twenty minutes. About his plan to use us to bust open that bunker, and potentially kill everyone inside. I had our science officer run a scan of the bunker, and there are approximately three hundred people in there. If we bust those doors open what do think is going to those people in there? "General, what I'm saying is let's show them what this ship can do. Give demonstration of the Helios's fire power." I hope he will listen. "I'm sure that they will come out to talk."

[I'm not here to negotiate! I'm here to put down this insurrection by any means necessary!] He is ADAMANT this old bastard! He won't relent! Then I remember something. Something that happened in the Africa campaign, that bothered him to no end. That's where he got his reputation, as the Butcher of Beni-Mallal, a town at the foot of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. He hated the name and it spread like wild fire. By the time of the insurrection of Beni-Mallal, most of the African nations had joined the UEA. The war had, by all accounts ended. Many of the UEA forces were being drawn down, then Beni-Mallal occurred. Newly minted Colonel Artemis led his regiment into the city, to put it down. But, wouldn't you know, those pesky insurrectionist fought back and pushed his first effort right out of town. In the end he ordered his men to shoot anything that moved, and had my squadron fly in and flatten half the town. I was against it! So he had me relieved of command. It turned into the bloodiest battle of the whole campaign. It took months of negotiations to regain the trust of the other African nations, but most of all Morocco. It almost ended the Generals career.

"General," I speak emphatically, to gain his ear. "Sir, lets not have another Beni-Mallal here." His face visibly pales at my statement.

[Then What do you suggest we do Captain?] He asks obviously taken aback by this and pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Now don't get me wrong, victory is the end game here. However, I think we can avoid unnecessary blood shed and if it can be achieved, then we should try to resolve it that way. Use of force should be the last resort, if all else fails.

"Lets do as I said; giving them a well needed demonstration will cause them to consider negotiating with us, sir." I watch him mole this over in his mind, as he debates other options; one of his aids says loud enough 'that's a good idea.'

He glances at his aid with an annoyed expression on his face, that almost makes me want to chuckle, but I fight it back since I don't want him to feel ridiculed in front of his men. [Very Well Captain, lets go with your plan and see. But, if I see that it's not working we will proceed with my plan. Is that clear Captain?]

I nod. "Crystal Sir." As far as I can see this would be the only way he would agree to this. It won't look like he just came to kill everyone, in order to silence decent. If it comes to that point he can always say 'hey we tried to talk.' What I want to know still is why these folks would do this; especially now that we are on our maiden voyage on the Helios. Not that they would know that we were on our way. I think there's more to this than we're being told. At least more than I'm being told.

[One more thing Captain, you and Major Roberts will lead these negotiations, should they occur.] Ok, wasn't expecting that one.

"Yes Sir, I understand." I glance at Mandy and she looks a little surprised at the turn of events, however I take it in stride as I nod to Mandy that it will be fine. "We will start the demonstration in fifteen mikes. I suggest you clear out of these coordinates ASAP General." I send him the numbers for the firing solution and he nods.

"Make sure that BUSTER bomb lands close enough to really shake em' up; other wise it's just a waste of ammo." He adds.

"Yes Sir." He ends the transmission, and I sit back in the Captains chair letting out a breath. "Weapons. Heat up the main guns and prep a BUSTER bomb." The BUSTER bomb is an eight thousand pound orbit to Earth heavy high explosive ordinance, that originally was deployed from a satellite in orbit. With the weight and the altitude and it's thrusters when deployed from orbit the impact is like a large meteor hitting the surface. It will take out an area over a mile wide; it just devastates everything within that one mile radius. It was used once during the Unification War; I was young, but I remember my father criticizing the UEA for using such a weapon. He wasn't the only one to condemn its use; the upside of it is that the Stans opted to join. The conflict in that part of the world to a large degree stopped.

It is my hope that the people in the bunker get the message, keeping the hound at bay, without such a high loss of life. Mandy clears her throat causing me to look up. "You know this could back fire on us. There so many variables, in which we go down hard here it's not funny." She says; she's right on this, things could go south fast for us.

"I know, but it's worth the risk if we can save lives." Mandy looks a me and smiles; yeah it's idealistic, but I think it can be achieved. "We can do it Mandy, I know we can."

Mandy folds her arms, her eyes betraying her uncertainty of our success as negotiators. "My father is a retired Naval officer and I always remember him saying you can't negotiate, with people who have nothing left to lose." She has a point, though I don't get that feeling here; I feel this will move in our favor.

"Weapons are we ready to fire?"

"Aye Sir, primed and locked."

"Fire main battery on target." A flash is seen streak towards Mars surface. From here we can't see the damage caused from the main guns, but I imagine it's bad. Although we aren't hitting the bunker directly.

"We are on target sir." Says the ensign. Yes, this should've caught there attention.

"Continue to fire for thirty seconds. Then drop the BUSTER bomb at the selected sight." I watch the light show simply fascinated by the display, then it stops and I feel a slight thump as the bomb is released. We won't see it clearly from here, though General Artemis must be enjoying the show. He's the type to ask for more, just to be sure his opponent understands what their options are.

"Sir," I turn my attention to ensign Carter, who is manning the weapon station. She is young, with short blond hair brushed to one side, and light blue eyes. She has a very light complexion, and freckles that run across her cheek and nose; very pretty. "The BUSTER bomb has made contact and successfully detonated."

"Thank you ensign." She smiles then glances at Mandy who is right next to me, and quickly turns back to her screen.

Mandy clears her throat. I turn to her and shrug my shoulders. "You've always enjoyed getting that kind of attention from pretty girls." Mandy says in a very low voice; it seems that my buddy in the Navy was right, there are no secrets on board a battle ship.

"Don't worry," I say to her. "You know I'm not the type to stray." I look at her and wink my eye and she smiles slightly shaking her head. "Open a channel." I order. "I want to talk to whom ever is in charge in there."

"Aye Sir." The com officer responds. "Channel is open Captain."

"This is Captain Antonio Valdez of the ISV Helios. I would like to speak to the person in charge, of your group, please respond." There's nothing but silence; I wait for a moment moment, then I repeat myself. Still no response. This is not good because if we don't get an answer soon I will have to fire our weapons again, only this time it will have to be much closer.

Just as I looked towards Mandy shaking my head, just then the voice of a man comes over the com. [I hear you, I ask you please do not fire your weapons, there are women and children here!] His accent is Middle Eastern maybe Persian.

Thank God, someone finally answered. "Who am I speaking to?" I need to establish contact with the leader.

[I am Bijan Ahmadi, I represent the will of those who are here.] This is good; now I need to get him to agree to negotiate with us.

"Mr. Ahmadi. I will hold fire, however we need to discuss a way to end this situation, before it gets beyond my ability to control." He has to understand that I'm not the overall commander here by now. "We... I hope to resolve this without the need of any casualties on either side."

[You have frightened the women and children firing you weapons of death, so far above in the sky, where we cannot defend ourselves!] He pauses for a moment. [I spit on you! May the hand of Allah descend upon you and destroy you!]

I sit there waiting for a couple minutes, pondering my next words; this guys a fanatic and he won't think twice about sacrificing all those women and children that with to make his point. "I am sorry that the women and children were frightened. Now, Mr. Ahmadi, we stand at a crossroad. Our orders are clear; however I think we can work this out, so no one has die, in particular those women and children." I hope he feels like listening.

[I do not fear death! Allah will welcome me with open arms!] He shouts over the radio; this guy is stupid and closed minded.

I have to prod him some more. "Mr. Ahmadi, this is not a war that you win and even if you meet your honorable end, what of your wife? Your children? Will they die without living a full life? Giving you grandchildren; a future?" He doesn't respond. "All I need is for you to stop and let us have a conversation. No one needs to die today. Today is not a good day to die." It's difficult to keep my voice calm and even, though I need to try.

[I am listening.] Another voice chimes in. Who the hell is this?

"To who am I speaking too now?" Something just changed in equation here, but I can't let it throw me off.

[I am Basha Ahmadi. The man you were speaking to prior is my brother, so forgive his youth.] This guy is well educated; I can hear it just in the way he speaks. This man is no fool. [I am the leader here my brother represents me when I am otherwise occupied. I will listen to what you have to say.]

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