
Heir's Revengeful Return

In the wake of a ruthless political feud, the Millers were destroyed by their rivals. The cunning plans of their political enemies wiped them out except for Don, their only son. Overwhelmed by sorrow and a burning desire for payback, Don sets off on a dangerous mission to take down the forces responsible for his parents' tragic end.

Author_Grace · Urbain
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24 Chs

Chapter 3

Unknown to Hillary, Don was the one who told Greg to announce that the participants come along with their first sons for the next part of the program.

Back in the Torres family mansion, while Hillary was still at the program venue, Rick, his first son visited the room where Don was kept and ordered the guards to drag him out.

"Are you the low-life bastard who wants to marry my wheelie sister? Hahaha...you're a joke of the century! Let's see if you're truly eligible to marry her!" 

Afterwards, Rick turned to a guard and ordered, "Give him his meal!" Without delay, the guard moved closer to Don, presenting him with a plate filled with worms and cockroaches.

"How could we know you're eligible to marry Avery if you don't eat this food? Now, begin to munch on it!" Rick glared. 

Don smirked and didn't move an inch towards the plate. This bastard was playing with the tail of the serpent, he thought. 

"Are you deaf?!" Rick growled in anger, pushing Don's head towards the plate; however, Don remained stiff, removing Rick's hand from his neck violently. 

"How dare you?" He said, giving Rick a cold stare. 

This made Rick furious. Who was this idiot to confront him? 

Without delay, Rick tried hitting Don in the face, but Don dodged his slap. This made Rick more furious. He faced one of the guards and ordered, "Strip the damn bastard of his clothes!"

Without hesitation, the guards began to undress Don hastily; however, Don decided that he wasn't going to move a finger yet. He needed to see what this fool was up to. 

When the guards were done undressing Don leaving on him his boxer shorts, Rick let out a sarcastic laugh. 

"We need to see what you have under those pants fool!" Rick said as he moved closer to Don, shouting in his ears and circling him, "We must find out if that prick of yours isn't too large or weighty for Avery's hog-tied body! Hahaha..." Rick burst into laughter. Then he signalled to one of the guards, "Strip the bastard of that too!" 

Without hesitation, the guard approached Don to remove his boxer shorts, but Don swiftly grabbed his hand, twisting it forcefully until the unmistakable sound of bones snapping echoed in the room.

"Ouch..." The guard groaned in pain with blood dripping from his arm to the floor! It was obvious that the guard's arm had been broken in pieces! He fell to the ground writhing in pain. 

Upon seeing this, Rick and the other guard's faces flushed red with anger as they found the scene before them unbelievable! 

Who the hell was this bastard?! They thought.

 "How dare you?" Rick growled as he rushed towards Don grabbing him by the collar of his shirt before releasing him. 

 "Deal with the damn fool!" Rick instructed the second guard. 

Without hesitation, the second guard, gritting his teeth in anger, lunged at Don. However, Don skillfully seized him by the waist, delivering a powerful blow to his face that sent him sprawling to the ground headfirst. Despite the guard's attempt to rise, Don swiftly pounced on him, relentlessly pummeling his face until blood began to gush. Rick widened his eyes in bewilderment at the sight of the guard, ruthlessly beaten by Don.

These two guards were seasoned, and well-trained for years, so how could this seemingly incompetent individual overpower them? Rick seethed in anger as he approached to strike Don, but to his astonishment, Don forcefully grabbed his hand, twisting it just as he had with the first guard. Don was on the verge of breaking Rick's arm when, in desperation, Rick shouted and pleaded, "Please, leave me! Let me go!" 

"Why should I!" Don growled. "If you release me, I'll ensure my father sets you free and gives you a substantial amount of money, while you leave with Avery today!"

 "Damn you!" Don replied, hitting Rick in the face. In Don's eyes, it was too late for remorse; Rick had crossed his boundaries. 

"I'm going to give you a taste of Avery's experience!" Don growled. He gave Rick a piercing look as he lifted one of his legs and twisted it.

Rick cried out helplessly, groaning in pain, but Don didn't let go of his leg still. 

When Don finally heard the creaking sound of Rick's femur, he left Rich making him groan in pain endlessly. His right leg was already limp, resembling a vegetable.

The bone connecting Rick's leg to his thigh was off, leaving him a defenceless paralytic! 

"I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget in your life!" Don growled as he entered the room to retrieve his bag. From it, he pulled out a small bottle containing a substance and poured it onto the bottle cap.

"Drink this, you dumb skull!" Don yelled giving Rick the substance to drink. 

Fearfully, Rick collected the substance and drank it hastily. 

As soon as Rick drank the substance, he felt some pain in his throat. He tried to speak but couldn't! 

"Ha...eee..eee.." Rick tried so hard, but he couldn't utter a word. He had lost his voice completely! He needed no one to tell him that he was now dumb. 

After a few seconds, Rick vomited what looked like a golden coin! Just after vomiting the coin, he tried to see if he would be able to speak, yet he still wasn't! 

Don picked up the golden coin and let out a sarcastic laugh. "Look here, fool! This coin is like a monitor. And as long as I remain with this coin, it'll make me know whatever you say or do in my absence!" Don growled as he advanced toward Rick, tilting up his face.

"You know what to do, huh?" Don glared at Rick who nodded fearfully.

Don picked up a gun from one of the guards lying helplessly in pain, and he shot each of them in the head, leaving them dead!

 Afterwards, he entered the room where he had been kept and locked the door behind him. 

Not long after, Hillary arrived from the questioning session with his guards. Hillary entered the Torres mansion with excitement, anticipating becoming the human rights leader of the Cena region by the following day. 

Excitedly, Don signalled to one of his servants.

"Tell Rick to see me at once," he commanded. The servant bowed and nodded, rushing off to call Rick. The house where Don had been kept was different from the Torres mansion.

Within a few minutes, the servant returned looking dishevelled and breathing heavily.

"Sir, two of the guards have been shot dead, and... er..."

"What? Speak up!" Hillary grew impatient.

"And... er... Rick... Rick..."

"What happened to my son?!" Hillary interrupted. From the servant's demeanour, he sensed something strange had happened to Rick. He hoped it wasn't death!

"Rick is lame and dumb."

"How? That cannot be! Where is he?!" Hillary growled as the servant led him to the house where Rick and the dead guards were. Seeing Rick's current state, Hillary froze to a spot, his countenance reflecting a profound mix of shock and sorrow. 

He wondered what had happened to his son, and was also shocked to see the guards' lifeless bodies on the ground?!

He had left Rick in a perfect state, so he wondered what in the world could have happened to him.

"How did this happen? How? And where are all the guards and servants I left behind? Let me see them all at once!" Hillary instructed.

At that time, Mrs Torres and Rick's siblings were away on a trip, so the guards and servants were the only ones around. 

Within a few seconds, all the guards and servants stood before Hillary. 

Hillary started to growl, "What happened to my son? If I don't get an answer, I promise to kill every one of you. Who did this to him?!" 

Everyone stood speechless, shocked to see the sight before them.

How on earth could he present Rick at the session tomorrow? There was no doubt that he was going to lose the opportunity to become Cena region's human rights chairman! He hoped this was a dream he would soon wake up from! 

Having done virtually everything possible to secure his victory, this unexpected turn of events came into the picture just when he was on the verge of celebrating!

He couldn't wait to find out the monster who did this to his son!