
HeaXt: A Billionaire Romance

"I want you," He said in a grunting low whisper close to my pinna. My insides clenched, as tears pooled into my irises. "Alas, I would only be an object of mere desire to you, and nothing like the heart that loves you." The words escaped me without any filter, as my gaze lowered. "I am not cruel. It's you who's always pushed me away, Byners." His hands rested on the small of my back and I let a gasp escaped me. His face tilted, with intense grey eyes staring right back into mine and then I closed them... like his lips closed onto mine. With a finesse that promised a never ending good time. If only- *** An orphan, living with her Abuela Catherine, and dog- Captain Sean Paul; Harley Byners doesn't have it easy in life. Working as a junior accountant at JAX Inc. in Modern day Seattle, Harley's life is constantly torn between making ends meet and battle her recurring illusions. When tragedy strikes, and Harley's already hard life gets worse, she finds herself crossing paths with the arrogant, and cold-hearted boss Alberto Seifred. To add to her penchant of misfortune, he is also interested in knowing her in places other than work. Will the shy and naive woman able to channel her way out to the world, especially when a hot headed billionaire and a whirlwind of illusions seem to constantly envelop her?

Madam_Lucrezia · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter 4


Lavender's blue Dilly Dilly,

Lavender's green Dilly Dilly,

You shall love me Dilly Dilly,

For I love you…

I turned in my bed, as my hands crossed themselves above my head. My cheeks warm, as I let out a groan. I hate summers. I try to kick away the duvet, yet my legs remain immovable. My arm tried to reach for it when my legs failed to do so. Why is this so hard…

Another attempt, and I felt the arms closed on me. My lips slightly parted from shock as I inhaled the scent of the room. Lavender Breeze. My eyes, a little too heavy from the sleep, tried to lift themselves only to be met with haze. What is this place? Where am I? I wondered. My head hurt as I tried to lift my fingers and my back churned against the bed.

"Aaah-" I let out a moan, when a hand rubbed against my cheeks.

My eyes tried to force themselves open but to no avail.

"Easy there. Close your eyes." The voice ringed in my ears, its familiar command making me do just that and I gave up against the effort to be awake. Gentle pats rubbed against my forehead.

Lavender's green Dilly Dilly,

Lavender's blue Dilly Dilly,

You shall love me Dilly Dilly,

For I love you.

The music pooled into my ears, and then died into a soft rhythm, occupied by an unheard symphony.

"What's happening," I mumbled, finding myself immovable and at rest. A queer peace washed over me as I could feel my breath turning heavy.

"Do you remember your Mother, Harley?" The voice ringed in my ears again.

Mother? I recalled in my head. A dark haired woman with shiny brown eyes, her cheeks were plastered with dimples and her lips were lush and plastered with a maroon lipstick. She was smiling. Her smile met her eyes, and he was holding hands with a man who looked like he was in his thirties. She looked too young for him. Almost as if she was fresh out of college. He caressed her cheek, and then kissed her. It was only a moment later that I noticed her belly. It was round with a bump. She was pregnant. She whispered something into his ear, pulling out of the kiss. The two seemed like they were so much in love…

Harley… The man said, and she smiled back.

My throat ran dry, almost with the need to sip on some fluid. A lump growing where there was no water or saliva, and I tried to break out of the trance. Only… I couldn't. The couple in the picture, hugged each other. Smiling at each other like they were the happiest.

"Now, Harley…"

The voice.

There it was again.

"Do you remember the day you got your dog?"

My lips almost moved instinctively to correct it. It's not a dog. He has a name. Captain Sean Paul. But the words didn't come. Instead, my head went back to the bright memory of the day I found Captain at the park.

He was only a few weeks old when someone had left him with nothing but a collar on. It read Sean. His golden fur had caught my eye, gleaming under the sunset when I was passing by the park on my way back from the Church. It was a Winter dusk. The cold had made my teeth chatter, and I was severely underdressed for the occasion. I had to stop by to get a beer from the vending machine there, to run into the crate. And there… In all majesticality, the glimmer of the golden fur invited my fingers to run over them. A bunch of dark round eyes popped out. The snout was adorable as the pup woofed. I had patted his head twice, and a second later, he had leapt into my lap. Almost to make up for the loss of heat in the growing cold evening. It was decided. I was taking Captain Sean Paul with me back home.

"Harley… Now feel my arms around you." The voice instructed.

I could help but feel the coherent warm travel from the nape of my neck to my chest. Drawing circles at the spot as if in a dilemma, and then it moved right. A curve tracing the edge of my boob, and almost like a water droplet let loose on a grassblade, the finger traced its way down to my bouncy done.


My lips moved, and I found them plastered against something soft. Almost a flower, and then I ceased any moment. My heart racing in my chest, my head puzzled, and my limbs immovable. What's happening?

"When it's over, you won't remember any of it…" The voice was throaty now, and felt a bit too close. I inhaled sharply, my lungs plunging in all the air they could and then, I drifted into a numbness that I had never felt before.

"You are so beautiful," The voice echoed in my ears.

I must be dreaming now... Or, the person is blind. I wondered.

My skin turned sensitive and ticklish with every moment gone.

'Weird', I thought.

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzz. Bzzz.

"Harley," The voice came.... Only this time it wasn't the same old, cold and commanding voice that stirred something within me.

"Wake up, Harley!" This time, it seemed a lot more familiar. Almost as if it was my-

"You lazy, thankless, woman! You are late!"

My eyes blinked open, and I found myself sprawled over the edge of my bed, as my camisole stuck to my voluptuous front.

Oh. Lord. Shit!

"Abuela! Abuela!" I chirped, almost jumping off on my feet.

She looked at me distastefully as her head nodded disapprovingly. This had become a recurring event now.

"I had the most weird dream. I swear. And this one didn't have any PJB sandwiches," I chimed as she stared at me.

"These dreams would be the end of you! This is the fifth time in a week. I wonder how you will keep the job!" She scoffed, her hand holding onto the spatula as she pulled the curtains.

"No sun!" I cried, whining as the sunlight filled my room. The room was a hot mess as such.

"Get ready if you don't want to miss the bus." She challenged me, her eyes almost cross.

"I swear it was the dream-"

"Now." And that's it.

I didn't wait to debate.

"I will be done in two minutes," I said, holding my aching head. For one thing, Abuela was right. These dreams are gonna be the death of me.


I dashed into the bathroom, reaching for my toothbrush before turning on the cold shower, not minding getting my hair wet. I stripped down naked, stepping in. Cold water ran across my body, and I flinched as it touched my back. I moved close to the mirror, opposite to the shower head.

My face looked like a mess. Red spots inched my neck, and when I turned around, there were red sore spots. Is this some sort of allergy? I wondered. I checked my arms for other spots only to find nothing. My legs felt Jell-O as usual, eyes looked sleep deprived and my backbone was killing me. Is it because of my boobs? I wondered.

"Harley, five minutes and you will be late!" Abuela cried from outside.

"I am trying to get done with it!" I yelled back.

I reached for the bodywash, rubbing some of it over the loofa and working it into a lather. My eyes still stuck to the mirror. I rubbed the spot gently, waiting for it to get removed. But to my dismay it stayed right there, unscathed.

"The fuck is wrong with my body," I rubbed constantly till the patch grew crimson. Oh. Fuck.


"I will get a cab." I screamed, knowing how it was a lie. I will probably have to walk till the next station.

Hurriedly, I scoured my body and washed over. Now I just need to get my hair dried… I try to reach for the blow dryer only to find it wasn't there.

"Oh just great!" I took the towel, and hurriedly dabbed my hair.

Wrapping another one across my body, I rushed to the closet, digging in my work clothes. I hunted a Beige crop top and a grey pencil skirt. Not great colors, but they will have to do… I remind myself. Getting all dressed I hurried to the kitchen to hug Abuela and pat Captain before I could go down the stairs, trying not to fall as I skip most of them.

"I will be back soon…" I said, pulling Abuela into a hug. It's not like she will remember anyway.

"Take care," She said, kissing my forehead.

"I will…" I smiled, patting Captain Sean.

I reached for the door knob.

"Take your brief-" She said, and then staggered in her steps.

"Abuela," I rushed to her, only to find her balancing herself against the counter.

"I am alright." She said smiling.

"Take care," She said cluelessly, kissing my forehead again. Oh God…

I hugged her tight. Her dementia is getting worse.

"I will, Abuela. I will." I said.

I leaned down, and hugged Captain Sean next. He buried his snout into my neck and I found comfort in his love. What would I do without my baby…

"Take care of Abuela for me. Be a good boy, Sean." I said, running my hand over his coat.

"Woof," He barked and licked my cheek.

"Aren't you getting late?" Abuela chimed. I smiled, almost forgetting I was getting late.

"I will get going…"