
Story Prelude :: Act ø - Vertirion The City of Earth [PT.1] -

[Hold Buffer Activated]

[Transportation Successful]


[Unable To Connect to Crystal-Net]

[Slingshot Mode Enabled]

[Searching Local Destinations]

[1 Result Found]

[Destination Start]


[Ending Hold Buffer]


Out of white light, and blue sparks, Winsor, Baron, and Daniel materialized as if out of thin air. Sybil had transported them out of the dangers they had faced in the Yellow Sea and teleported them somewhere?

Where exactly were they?

It was all dark.

Baron as if unfrozen from time started hyperventilating out of thin air, until he looked up, and calmed himself. Daniel was still in a fetal position, unsure of what was going on, was he paralyzed so much he was unable to move, or had he achieved some type of trance state?

"Oi, ensign!" Finally shouted Baron out in the dark, it would seem they were all three alone, and with just barely, enough light Baron was able to see Winsors face. Instantly at Baron's words,

Daniel looked up with a hushed whisper. Looking around, Baron understood where exactly they were, on top of them, was a giant dome that covered all sunlight. A single ray of light came from the open entrance and reflected unto a blue surface. The space was big and wide enough that darkness could permeate through it all. There were no windows. Only the single ray of light above.

The dome opened, and the sun shined through, making the crystal at the center of the room come to life. The crystal was so massive it span from the floor to the ceiling leaving a small gap between the two. Adorned with tribal symbolism and dropped in clothes with Darwinian imagery, smiths, and axes. The earth was their dominion, this crystal provided magic to them.

It came to life, almost as if waking from a deep restful slumber.

Then finally, the crystal illuminated the place, as a courtesy. However it's light was of dark as night. The crystal had aligned with darkness. As most knew, not by it's own volition. Crystals rarely choose darkness as an element. Only under very special circumstances. However this night light, was not to be afraid off, instead it held a sort of warmth to it, a darkly embrace.

As Winsor was breathing shallowly, and he had collapsed from the trauma, his eyes were half open, twitching at the pain, while his brain released enough chemicals to numb him for as much as possible.

The crystal had heard him, it wanted to cure him, but was not allowed, only those that fell under the race of humans can use Crystal-Net to activate spells. That is those that are willing to side with being a person, all of those that dare to be conscious in the crystal's wake. That means everyone, even the estranged races of Gliese.

Winsor was in a relatively vegetative state, fighting for his life; However that would soon end, and Baron knew it, he needed help.

If things had gone as planned, the teleportation spell would have taken them back to Valian, the City of Wind. Where most of the clan members call their homes. There they could see a minder approved by the cult, and get Winsor's armed fixed, then proceed with the plan.

They were then to Travel to the Lost Towers, and use the underground shuttle to launch into space. Only Winsor and Baron would do this, Thomas would have to hand over the baby boy first.

The minders would then install something called Auto Art, a simple prosthetic made of machine and magic, that could give Winsor his arm back.

Thomas was nowhere to be seen, so Baron prayed that he would return safely in the caravan, as it too had been programmed to return to Valian and land in one of the many secret hideouts without much fuss or uproar.

Baron could only hope. Could only pray.

But the pressing matter was Winsor, he was bleeding out and fast.

"Daniel!" commanded Baron in a deep treble.

"Findeth an umb'rbo porter, and wend to Valian as fast as thee can! Inform thee cult of what's transpired." barked Baron at Thomas.

Umberbo's were tame birds one could ride on, porters trained them to travel between the lands going through safe passage. Daniel agreed by bobbing his head up and down and headed for the only existing of this massive room, running with great stride. As soon as he passed through that door, it closed in on itself. Trapping Winsor and Baron in the middle.

Baron gave a small sigh of shock.

He knew exactly what was about to happen.

The light of the crystal changed color from blue to red, making the room feel blood-curdling,

Winsor winced at the new stimuli.

Baron knew, he knew!

As if right on cue, Baron heard a chime coming from far off into the chamber, then a purple light emanated from the wall, a portal opened, and from the other side, a tall figure came through.

A lady that had purple royal garb, that covered her whole body in one piece, she had a triangular-like hat, and her eyes were covered in a black mask. Half her face was concealed, but this woman made even Baron shake his knees.

Lady Titan, Queen of Vertirion City, Clan of Earth.

Soon after she appeared, the rest of her posse came through. Knights and soldiers of different ranks were most loyal to the queen. She was beautiful, she looks soft and she carried herself with such elegance it made her look almost like an angel, an angel of death that is. It was well known Lady Titan used Earth as a way to mind the dead. Not short of necromancy and other taboo spells.

Her soldiers already showed signs of putrefaction.

Baron got on his knees and made Winsor rest on his lap. Baron could tell Winsor was conscious, but his brain was fighting against it.

With a single snap from Queen Titan, the soldiers started circling Winsor and Daniel. Even though Baron had taken the form of submission towards the enemy. And well, Winsor couldn't move.

The nekro-soldiers circularly pointed their spears at Baron.

This was Vertirion, The City of Earth.

There was just one problem. Earth elementai hated with a raging passion all Wind elementais.

A small chapter, i know! But hey, who's keeping the suspense right? Absolutley not me. =^● ⋏ ●^=

Are you privy of Baron and Winsors relationship yet?

And who said anything about a space station?

Hope you keep reading to find out :D

Are you enjoying the series, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Twitter: @fjwritesfantasy

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