
Chapter 2 - In the Heavens

High in the skies, higher than the clouds, stood the majestic Celestial Palace. Lots of immortals live there, including the Angel of Light, Rafaela.

As Rafaela pondered, someone called her. She looked up and saw the centaur Hylos.

"Rafaela, I have found you," Hylos said. "You're being called by Kaja."

Rafaela nodded and went to Kaja, who was in contact with someone. Rafaela gently approached him and said, "Yes, Kaja?"

Kaja looked around and saw Rafaela. "It's good to see you, Rafaela. I called you because your squad needs you." He gestured on the screen, where Saber's face was looking straight at her.

"We need a healer, Rafaela," Saber said. "The S.A.B.E.R. Squad is nothing without your healing powers."

"But I don't have time to get into the costume —"

"No need for costumes, we can do it,"

Rafaela then nodded and flew down to earth, where the S.A.B.E.R. Squad was.

"Rafaela, good to see you!" Layla greeted with a smile.

"Where's the danger?" Rafaela asked as she looked around.

"At the City of Scholars," Saber answered. "Johnson can take us there."

Johnson transformed into a car. Everyone hopped on, and Johnson said, "Let's roll!" Then he drove all the way to where the danger was.

After a while later, they suddenly crashed into someone. When Rafaela looked at that someone, it was Selena, the Abyssal Witch.

She cackled as she grabbed Johnson and threw him away. Rafaela immediately went to him as the three of them battled Selena, and the new opponent, Hanzo.

"Healing prayers for you!" Rafaela said as she used her powers to heal Johnson. He recovered slightly, and gave a smile at Rafaela. Rafaela then healed him to full power, and he was back in the battle.

Rafaela hovered in the back, giving them healing, and attacking the enemies at the same time. When they thought they were going to win, a claw suddenly caught Saber, then came flying in was Argus.

Argus swiped his sword at them. Rafaela used all her might to heal them. But, Argus suddenly became a fallen angel, strengthening him, and defeating the four. All was left was Rafaela.

Rafaela was face-to-face with Argus. Selena and Hanzo retreated temporarily, healing up.

"Argus . . ." Rafaela cooed.

"Rafaela," Argus growled.

They stared for a minute, Argus eventually transforming back into his old self. Then, he said quietly while lowering his sword, "Go."

Rafaela blinked. "W-what?"

"Go." he said louder. "Go before Selena and Hanzo gets you. Go before I change my mind and harm you."

Rafaela floated backwards slowly, still staring at Argus, who now had his face down.

Suddenly, something swooshed past her. She saw Tigreal, who was now attacking Argus. Selena and Hanzo has joined the fight when Fanny came flying in. Then Harith used his magic to trap them, and Alucard came in with his sword.

"Wait! NO! NOT ARGUS!" Rafaela screames when Alucard and Harith cornered Argus. "PLEASE!"

The S.A.B.E.R. Squad got their consciousness back and pulled Rafaela to Johnson. "Come on, Rafaela! Let's go!" Cyclops said.

Rafaela screamed when she saw Argus got hurt. Why was she doing this? Is it because she saw her old Argus? The good Argus?

"RAFAELA! GO!" Saber ordered. She wiped her tears and forced to go inside the car.

"Go Johnson!" Layla said, then they drove off, back to base. Rafaela looked back, and saw Argus becoming a fallen angel again and battling them with all his might.

Oh gosh, I hope this is good! I had to read the backgrounds of the characters for this! And I had to think of those who are living in the Abyss and in the Heavens! I really hope this works!

Enderdragon_Embercreators' thoughts