She is feeling angry because she thought her husband left her and elope with his ex girlfriend of ten years. that's why when she climb the mango tree she lost her footing and fall down the tree. While she is in the air she had seen people cloth in white who are in a meeting "i'm dead", she exclaimed.They stare in her direction.And the leader of the group, shun her away " I'll lived", she happily said.
" Mama, maybe i am a monkey in my past life", she told her mom as she help her in preparing dinner.
"Of course not, but if that is so you are the most beautiful monkey in the whole universe", her mom teasingly told her.
"But ma, i am serious,look i love climbing trees", her expression is so serious that makes her mom laugh merrily.
"Ha,ha,ha, okay if that's what you think then let it be, go my beautiful monkey call papa and Eileen ,dinner is ready",her mom said.
As she ponder more,she is really convince that she is a monkey in her previous life because she loves climbing trees , the reason why her dad made a tree house for her, unlike her older sister Eileen who is a good swimmer and spends her daily life in practicing after school, then compete in swimming competition which she usuaĺly won.
Two years after, she still loves climbing trees and spends most of her study time in the tree house. But there are changes she's getting taller, and getting in love. She spends additional time up in the tree for day dreaming about her crush , her college Professor in accounting subject. Prof. Carlo Asuncion, a very intelligent, kind and stunning man but much older than her.
"Here comes my crush",her bestfriend Leticia said giggling as she stare in their Prof. Asuncion as he comes their way.
" Yes, he is so gorgeous, looks like a ramp model", Marien agreed.
" Is he still single? at his age he might be married now", her other friend Karen said.
"How old is he now?", Marien ask, her interest arises the more knowing she's not the only one who shows special feeling for their professor.
" From what i heard from aunt zela, he is already 35 years old, too old for you and for you",pointing at Leticia then at Marien.
" Who is aunt zela?",ask Leticia.
" Mrs. Saval, the librarian, she is my aunt, my mom's older sister", karen said.
" Reaĺly? that' s why you are working at the library after our classes", Marien nodded, she had no idea that her friend Karen and their librarian were related.
" Of course i am a working student and aunt Zela had requested me to be assigned in the library because her previous assistant graduated last year", Karen explained.
" You 're so lucky to be assigned there, " Leticia said.
"You are more luckier because you don't have to work while studying, your family could afford to support your studies, it is not easy you know", karen said.
" Can you asked aunt zela if our Prof.Asuncion is still single?", Marien told Karen .
" Don't worry i will ask her, i will go to the library after our class, because there are new books arrival, we will have a lot of time chatting with each other while arranging the books", Karen promised.
" Thanks, hope we have our chances over his heart", Leticia said.
They go over separate ways as Marien and Karen attend their english class while Leticia attend her geometry class. The three of them were classmates in their accounting subject every monday,wednesday and friday. Both Marien and Karen were Bachelor of Science in Education course while Leticia is a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy course.
A few days more they had discover that Mr. Asuncion is still single but in a relationship with his girlfriend for ten years.
" Wow, that is hard to beat, then why aren't they married yet?", ask Marien.
" I don't know, Prof is in his last year in law course", Karen explained.
" Wow! impressive, the future attorney Asuncion,I really like guys who is a self mademan, he will be a good husband and father.."Leticia exclaimed.
" Shhh! they might hear you!", Karen said pointing at the students passing by.
"That's right!", Marien agreed.
. " Hello Marien, can I walk you home?", Bryan ask when he met him in the hallway. He is goodlooking and so charming but there are a lot of girls vying for his attention, meaning a ladies man.
" No thanks , Bryan! I am still capable of walking, with my two strong feet that can bring me whereever i want to go", she answered laughing, obviously she' s not interested with this guy. she don't want to be tagged as " Bryan girl."
Bryan was her classmate in foreign language subject in first year college,now they were classmate in humanity subject, he is the one who voted for her to be the class representative for their university beauty pageant this year which she decline. She had never been interested in beauty contest, but she's a head turner at her 5'5" height , well proportioned body and fair milky complexion. Infact there was once a talent scout who gives her a calling card if ever she decided to be a model or be in show business, but for what talent? she cannot sing, she cannot dance or act, what she's good at is climbing trees? the talent scout said she will undergo training to develop her talent. When she asked permission from her parents they were very angry.
" No! we are capable of sending you to school! all we want is for you to finish college and have a good decent work in the future", her dad told her.As if they are insinuating being a movie star is no good and indecent job, but she no longer argue parents knows best. Then the topic about showbiz had never been brought up again in their family conversation.
" Marien i notice that prof.Asuncion always looks in your direction and look! did you notice he is blushing when you look at him", Karen said one friday afternoon.
"Really? she is excited upon knowing that her crush notices her", that knowledge make her happy and inspired to do better in her study.After Eileen's beach wedding and separation from their family because she decided to live with her husband Armand.
Her parent's attention were focused on her.
She became more closer to her friends, everytime, the three of them were together they always talk about their beloved professor.