
Heaven's Flame

Anger and Greed has bloomed A sacrifice is made... A primitive evil as old as time is released. Secrets are revealed, hell has been let loose. An Adventure has begun. Beware the darkness that lurks In-between. ... Only the flames can resist. THE HEAVENLY FLAMES. Fifteen year old Adriana's home is destroyed before her eyes along with everything that holds a sliver of comfort for her and is held captive for 3 years by a necromancer. She escapes the clutches of the necromancer only to find out that her life is more bound to magical forces in the world. Just as she finds love, a new evil arises and Adriana must join forces with other magical beings to find the flame keepers (who are sworn to fight against evil). With a determined necromancer in pursuit of Adriana, would she able to defeat this new evil before it's too late? ENJOY !

Sunus_Writes · Fantaisie
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73 Chs



*Manipulating energy to will is second amongst their abilities.*

Adriana's stomach churned as she sped past doors and hallways, her hands tightly holding onto Diana's waist. It was the fastest ways to travel after the feral beast, on Diana's electric boots

Diana's electric current was a zag of lightning that enforced itself upon Diana's legs, making her fast on her feet, and even faster on wind. Diana was compressing energy beneath her feet, and using them as stepping stones to walk on the wind. Using the electric boots gave her a boost and upgraded her ability to sense energies. The electric boots also gave Diana an overall muscles strengthening giving Diana the ability to carry loads, like Adriana.