

A week later, Tolu appeared again on the show, but the show was shot in her living room at her demand. The show host asked her if she was strong enough for this show because she was still wrapped with bandage.

Tolu told her that she was on a mission, so she would manage to continue with the show. The presenter agreed to continue because the doctor told him that she is strong enough to handle the programme from her home.

With the assurance of the doctor, they announced that the programme would continued, when the whole nation heard it they were so glad that she was returning for the show.

The presenter opened the show saying, "Despite an attempt by the evil people to shut this most important celebrity Ms Tolu up, but God spared her life and she is here again to finish what she has started. But this is the question that I know should be on our minds: Why do they want her life?

Only a slow mind will not know that that shooting is directly related to her story that she has been telling the whole world on this show, I think there are so much more to come from her which the people do not want her to tell you.

However, I deeply appreciate all of you that has been calling to ask about her wellbeing, now you can see her that she is getting better and better by the day"

He turned to Tolu and said, "You are welcome back to the MTC show, in your absence the whole nation has been so worried and we had received millions of concerned messages that showed that you are so important to the whole nation."

Tolu responded, "I really appreciate every one of you out there who has been so concerned and praying for my recovery, and though I am still on the recovery part, but I decided to show up on the show so that you can see that evil cannot swallow up or silence the good, thanks a million for your love and prayers."

The host said, "That is well said, evil surely will not swallow the good nor silence it. To step into the story today, I will want us to start with a question that many had sent to us after hearing you the last time.

Many remembered after hearing your story that it was truly a very popular story some few years ago, we even hosted a young man here on this show who came to ask people for financial help on your behalf"

Tolu answered and said, "Yes that was right, the person you were talking about is now the love of my life, the person I am about to get married to, he is the one I have been referring to all this while as Ayo"

The presenter asked, "Do you mean the one who was Your boss and a friend to Richie?"

Tolu said, "Yes, he was the one who stood by me all through that painful ordeals, the one that I loved failed me woefully even from the moment I was scrambling for help when the acid was upon me, he moved back from me.

The police called their ambulance and I was taken to the hospital. Later, the police men who pursue the people who poured acid upon me returned, and they told us that they caught those men; though they were denying that they were not the ones the police were looking for.

So the police said they would keep them till I would be able to recognize them. But that did not happened, because the men hired high powered lawyer who pleaded that they could not be detained too long without trial.

This means they would not wait in detention till I would be able to identify them. Due to this, the police told Richie that would need to come to the station later to identify the men, since he was there when they commuted this crime; and by the statement he wrote down at the station that the people did not cover their faces, and he could identify them.

But I was shocked later when Richie visited the station to identify the men that he said they were not the one who poured that acid on me"

"Were they the one?" The host asked. Tolu answered, "Yes, they were the one!" With great amazement the show host asked, "And he lied that they were not the one, why did he do that?"

"He was threatened with the same punishment that I was suffering, and because he did not want acid poured on him he lied and the people walked out free" Tolu answered.

The show host was mouth gaped opened as Tolu talked, he said, "That is the greatest disappointment I have ever heard about in my life, he denied you justice while you were suffering dehumanisation to save him from jungle justice, and.....but wait.

How are sure that those people truly were the ones who poured acid on you? You know while I am asking this question? I want to be fair to him, if you did not go there to verify yourself you cannot be sure they truly were the criminals, and the police will let them go so that innocent people will not surfer as criminals."

Tolu answered, "Sir, they were the one, the police took their pictures and I later saw the pictures because Ayo collected and kept it" With her answer the host exhaled in shock, "God, what kind of a person is this Richie? He really did not love you"

Tolu answered, "I know, he is only after my beauty not after my wellbeing" He surely deserved what he got from you, but let us go back to the common question that the people were asking on this issue"

Tolu asked, "What is the question?" The show host said, "The people clearly remembered your story because it was on every media page then, but they were saying you don't fully resemble the the person they saw on the media pages then.

One man even pulled out your picture from one of the dailies then and sent it to us to prove that you were not the same person, and he buttress his point with another newspaper headline that reported that you died; what will you say about this?"

Tolu said, "First I am glad that the people remembered my story, and I am more glad that they want to verify the truth. If they will be patient with me I will get to a point in the story when everything will be cleared, because I will show to every one following my story every evidence that showed why I am the same even when I am not looking the same."

At this point the host said, "I am still very shock that Richie because of fear destroyed your case and chances for justice, those men walked away free and are still walking free in this society. Do you still have their pictures?

Tolu answered her question with a question, " Why are you asking?" The presenter said, "If you still have their picture, the police can still pull them in and you will get justice"

Tolu answered, "Sir, don't get involved in this, the people we are talking about are very dangerous, I believe they are the one that are still trying to gun me down" The presenter said, "I believe so too"

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