
Chapter 11


Today is just like other days,am sitting outside the school waiting for Zion as we are starting our assignment today, I recalled yesterday event gosh why am I always ending together with this jerk


What! Destiny my foot

The professor sent us an email about the assignment that we are to do some research in a museum, so me and Zion decided to meet up to start the assignment.

A/N I forgot to tell you they are studying history so don't be confused.

I felt a presence behind me, I knew its zion so I didn't bother to check. After staying like that for a few minute the jerk finally showed himself

"Hey" I said

"Hi babe" a scrowl form on my face

"Stop being flirty" a smirk form on his lips

"Come on stop ignoring me aren't we clear now"  clear my ass I know what's going on in your mind.

"And I know you're enjoying me being flirty" I glare at him and stood up

"Let's go we have a lot of work to do"

"Where are you heading to" I stopped on my track.

"What do you mean.." He walked to me and held my arm. I can't help feeling some electric through my body.

"Where are you taking me" he just kept quite, I gasp seeing a black BMW in front of me . He opened the door and pushed me in and he went to the drivers seat

"What's the meaning of this...don't you have mouth to tell me we are going with your car"

"Oh...babe just keep shut" I instantly keep shut. Zion started driving towards American museum of natural history in west side of new York city central park, its 4hours drive.

The drive was quite we didn't talk to each other. As we reached the museum, we started our research, I can see some girls glancing at zion bitches come on Lydia why do you care.

After for like 5hours researching we finished our research for the day and we are heading back to school when suddenly zion car broke down. and there are no cars on the road. He checked the car and it will not be able to move oh my god

"What do we do now? let's call for some help" I said and I fished out my phone to call Nicole her phone is switched off, zion tried calling too but not reacheable bad luck

"So what do we do now" he shrugged.

"OK listen don't freak out Lydia, let walk around maybe we will get some help" I can't help it that's the only solution

We tried looking for help but luck is not on our side and it's getting dark and starting to get scared and cold when suddenly I felt something on my shoulder

"Here it will keep you warm" he said with a smile wow I like this soft side of him maybe if he's like this "kind" we wouldn't be fighting always

"Thanks" I muttered. Wait am I blushing oh this girl

We saw a car heading our way zion stepped on the road to stop the card  indeed luck is on our side

"Hello how may I help you" I just stood there leaving zion to explain everything to the man

"Indeed you have a beautiful girlfriend let's go to my house, you should stay the night. In the morning I will bring someone to help you repair the car" what did I just hear girlfriend

We entered the car and he drove us to his house, zion is sitting together with the man and am sitting in the back, so I didn't get to talk to zion. The house is just fifteen minute drive, he packed the car in the parking lot. I dragged zion to one corner where the man won't hear us

"What did you tell him? I heard him saying girlfriend  I can see him smirking

"You heard it right, I told him you're my girlfriend"

"But why?" Why didn't you tell him the truth" before he could answer the man interrupt us

"Let's get inside" the house is a simple building, the inside is even finer I saw a woman with two kid they must be his wife and his children. Felix introduce us to his wife I came to know his name as his wife called him

"Hi am Lydia " I extend my hand to hand and we shook hand she has a lovely smile, zion greeted her too as they shook hand I counldnt read his expression the way he held her hand tell me something is weird. I glanced at the kid

"Hi kids I bend down and shook their hands, what your names"

"Am zack" the first one said with a smile he must be the eldest

"Am henry" the smaller one said he's cute I can't help touching his chin

"Nice meeting you zack and Henry " I turned to zion I saw an emotion I couldn't read  there must be something maybe he remembered his family gosh Lydia what's your problem mind your business .

After all the introduction and greeting they called us for dinner, nicole called me and i explained everything to her and she tease me before hanging up .as I glanced at the kid they are enjoying their food but Zion's mind is elsewhere, I touched his thigh and mouthed are you okay? He just smile and squeezed my hand. I don't know why but I can't help being worried for him I know we always fight, but there is this side of him that makes me want to know more about him.

After dinner I went to the room they gave us. Am sharing the room with zack, henry and Sandra then zion in the guest room. I laid on the bed but sleep don't seem to come I kept thinking about Zion I hope he's fine.

The kids are sleeping and their mom too so I went out quietly not to wake them, I walk toward Zion room hesitating whether to knock or not at last I decided to knock. I knocked two time but no response so I opened the door but he's not inside where could he be? I decide to check outside, I saw him leaning against a wall I went towards him

"Hey" he just looked me once and turn his head again

"Are you okay?" The words just left my mouth. He just kept looking elsewhere

"Come on Zion aren't we friends" so now you're friends lydia! A smile  form on his face making me smile too

"Oh so now you admit were friends..am touched" he place his right hand on his chest

"Only for today" blushing. So that night we talked and laugh its as if we've been friends for a long time.


So how was the chapter?

Zion and Lydia are friends now?

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