A shinobi named Asashiro Haruto's life at a young age was crumbled into pieces due to a not so pleasing attack that happened to them. He is now trying to become the Strongest Shinobi to end this suffering.
A long time ago, there was a powerful shinobi named Asashiro Hayato.
His original clan name was Hiroshige, but Hayato dreamed of creating the strongest clan in the universe. This dream led him to establish the Asashiro clan.
He was already halfway there because he was the strongest shinobi at the time, and the strongest woman he could find, Watanabe Karane, was the founder of the Flower style, one of the main chi elements today.
Together, they decided to create the Asashiro family.
The leaders of their original clans were not pleased with this decision, but what could they do to stop the union of the strongest shinobi and woman shinobi?
Thus, the Asashiro clan was born.
Shinobi age slowly due to their use of chi enhancement techniques.
Asashiro Hayato and Asashiro Karane were both 137 years old. This may seem unbelievable, but it is natural for shinobi who can maintain a protective chi enhancement layer 24/7.
Few generations later, the late Satan ran out of energy and vanished forever.
A new Satan was born, and in the early years of Hell's new ruler, he sent all of Hell's strongest warriors to the human world.
By chance, all of these warriors were sent to Hayato's world.
One peaceful day, these creatures arrived and swiftly killed many innocent humans.
Upon hearing the news, all the shinobi decided to create the largest shinobi army this world had ever seen. Thus began the most violent war.
Asashiro Hayato's army quickly eliminated 90% of the creatures within four hours, focusing on Hell's warriors as the main threat.
After three more hours, the other armies finished off the remaining creatures and began to catch up with the Hiroshige, Watanabe, and Asashiro armies.
"Where are they going?" you may ask.
They are going to an unfamiliar castle to see what is going on.
While others were running at a relatively high speed, Asashiro Hayato and Asashiro Karane used the Lightspeed Stage I technique to reach the castle in just 10 seconds.
This technique utilized an immense amount of chi, enabling them to travel at 15% of the speed of light.
Upon arrival, they were greeted by the guards of this cursed huge castle, whom they swiftly disposed of.
They quickly used their stealth techniques to not get caught. These techniques allowed them to be invisible and soundless.
"Here they are..." said Hayato.
"Well i thought they were more powerful" said Karane.
"We should still be careful because, Satan might be here" said Hayato.
"Okay!" said Karane.
Soon after they saw the strongest of those warriors.
Other warriors referred to him as "Number 1".
Neither Hayato nor Karane was impressed with him.
"I can't sense anything besides them. We should finish them off" said Karane.
"We should have some fun while doing it. Let's scare them a little bit" said Hayato.
Then they showed themselves. Quickly the Hell's warriors started attacking them.
They could not hit them at all. Karane and Hayato were making fun of them while dodging their attack flawlessly.
Number 1 started to show some promise as he almost hit them. Then Hayato said "Enough. You all shall be killed now."
Hayato activated "The Art Of Speed". It allowed him to be faster than usual and he used just 1% of it meaning he could travel at 50% of the Speed of Sound.
Hayato finished them of quickly but Number 1 was the only one who seemed to be holding up. Then Hayato said "Good Job! You did something! Now you can rest easy and die faster!"
As soon as he said that he killed him with the Gravity control Technique. That Technique allowed him to either Push, pull or press anything that gravity can conceive.
After that they both sensed something...
Karane was shacking...
Is that him?
is that...