
Harry Potter: The Story of The cunning

{Disclaimer} Harry Potter doesn't not belong to me, it is J.K rollings toy, and I'm just playing with it, The characters doesn't not belong to me, except original one's made myself, Amaris Opheus Underwood belong me, he is mine. ••• Amaris Opheus Underwood, A boy filled with a desire to hold money, Amaris uses everything to his advantage, to achieve that desire, he goes to Hogwarts in hopes that it will benefit him greatly. [La~Lisa~Money~La~Lisa~Money]

LightWork · Films
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Bonding time

It has been a week since we have cleaned up the shop, during this time my parents used magic to decorate and expand the shop to fit my standards.

What exactly am I going to sell? Well I have decided to start small and make my way up.

The shop' name is now, YUSHA'S STORE. ( I JUST MADE IT UP, HAHAHAHA! )

So the store is going to be selling magazines made by your's truly, the magazines will be seperated into different categories , such as daily new, fashion weekly from both muggle and magical , facts from the nerdy, articles along with second hand clothes that would be cleaned, the clothes would also be gotten from muggle and magical world, adding books such as literature, adventure, classic romance, dark, Death!....hehe...It is clear the wizardry world lacks divine culture, I will even add books of tales!.

Of course, of course, I will be starting small and slowly but absolutely surely I will make my way up, the magazine idea was inspired by The QUIBBLER, it was own by the lovegoods, ah..yes, the youngest lovegood, Luna right? Such a sweet heart. I will send her a gift for this year's Yule, why? I felt like it. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠◉_◉⁠)⁠/⁠¯ .

I was moving some of the products to the storage section we made with the expansion charm in the back of the shop, I came out front, I looked at the changes we made in a small amount of time, the floors were marble tiles, the wall were colored grey, there were shelvcases that were divided into different categories, the right side of the shop were clothe hangers, my mother was arranging the female section which contains of dresses,gowns,socks, coats, all were second hand but it was not easy to notice from how they were clean and organized while the male's section was being attended to by my father.

I started arranging the books we had gotten in small bulkes, placing there desired stations, the magazine section was still empty because I haven't started to work on it...yet.

Anyhow, after we have seen some profit, my mother suggested that she should sell some of her potions in the shop, she was a private potion mistress, so that could work, but that would defeat the purpose of my shop, I told her, I will be the one to make the potions in the future.


Three weeks later, the shop is now going to be opened to the Public, YUSHA'S STORE. Happy that my goals are coming together, I added discounts and put up some jewelry and muggle games on sale.

I asked my parents to help me get an employee and an attendant, because eventually my parents won't have time to help and I will some be going to Hogwarts, but I won't let that stop me, the local publisher, we found was a muggleborn born without a penny in his pockets, I made a contract with him, he will print out my magazines and books in exchange for money, eager to make money, he quickly signed the contract, poor soul, I had him sign a contract that will have if working for me for a looooong time. Eh.. not my problem! I am truly benefiting, why won't I ? I have been planning on different scenarios for years, I was just waiting for the right moment.

I was busy monologuing.

"Amaris!" My mother's voice reached my ears. "Coming, ma!" I went to the direction of her voice, she was on the front desk, wiping the table. "Yes, ma?". She stopped what she was doing and came to my side and kneeled, looking face to face with me, she cupped my cheek lovely, "Amaris, you know how much we love ypu right? .." Referring to herself and my father, Agatha smiled, her gapped tooth showing,when her son nodded , "daddy and I are so proud of you, no matter the output of this, remember we will always support you.Always." Her eyes were gentle and full of love.

"I know," I truly did.

" But I won't give up so soon...!" Determination filled my body, Agatha laughed, roughing his hair, " I never expected you to do so,...you have your father's stubborness after all.".

"HEY!!!" The reaction came from both father and son, Darven was coming back from work, he decided to visit his family, and heard the stubborness part causing him to be offended, While Amaris was pretending to be offended by the comment, because deep down he knew it was true. Both he and his dad looked at each other and laughed hilariously, both knowing the truth. Agatha seem amused by them, rolled her eyes.

We got sidetracked, that we forget to open up the shop, instead we were bantering and laughing at each other, well there was always tomorrow.
