
duel in the duel club

"It's incredible!" Ron's mouth widened in silent awe as he gazed at Ciaran and Professor Flitwick on the stage, their wands weaving intricate spells effortlessly. He waved his wand, and another powerful spell shot forth.

His eyes brimmed with longing, as if he envisioned himself shining brightly before a crowd of wizards, basking in their cheers. Ron couldn't help but chuckle foolishly.

Harry and Hermione were equally astonished. It was their first time witnessing a duel between seasoned wizards. Though they had faced Professor Quirrell in their first year, it had been under vastly different circumstances.

This, they thought, was the stuff of wizarding dreams!

Beside them, Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and other senior students watched with wide-eyed amazement.

Even Snape and the other professors observed with keen interest.

 Ciaran sent a barrage of small objects hurtling towards Professor Flitwick's head and face.

Professor Flitwick retaliated with a incendio charm, a burst of blue fire destroying the incoming projectiles.

"Alright, Ciaran, let's call it quits," Professor Flitwick said, stepping back to avoid a few stray objects.

Ciaran retracted her wand, swallowing the spell that had been on the tip of her tongue. With a smile, he declared, "That's enough." Turning to the young wizards, he added, "That concludes the demonstration! Pair up and practice as you would in class."

In the duel, it seemed Ciaran and Professor Flitwick were evenly matched, but Ciaran knew deep down that the professor hadn't exerted his full strength. Yet, even with her utmost effort, he couldn't gain the upper hand.

Professor Flitwick was undoubtedly a wizard of sixth-level mastery.

Though certain of this, Ciaran pondered who might prevail in a match between Professor Flitwick and Snape.

The young wizards gazed at Ciaran and Professor Flitwick with admiration and longing. Such a duel was the epitome of their aspirations!

Meanwhile, four adult wizards—Ciaran, Professor Flitwick, Snape, and Lockhart—moved among the students, pairing them off.

Lockhart initially intended to pair Neville Longbottom with Justin Finch-Fletchley, but Snape intervened, approaching Harry and Ron.

"I believe the dream team should be disbanded," Snape remarked with a smirk. "Weasley, you'll partner with Finnigan. As for Potter-"

Harry's heart raced, instinctively drawing closer to Hermione.

"I don't think that's a suitable arrangement," Snape continued icily. "Malfoy, come here. Let's see how you fare against the renowned savior, Mr. Potter. And you, Miss Granger, will be paired with Miss Burstead."

Draco Malfoy swaggered over, a smug grin adorning his face, followed by a Slytherin girl reminiscent of a portrait from Lockhart's book.

Miss Burstead was tall, sturdy, almost Dursley-like in her build, her chin jutting menacingly forward.

Hermione forced a smile, but Miss Burstead ignored her.

Ciaran turned her attention to the duel between Harry and Malfoy, hoping this encounter would unfold differently from its counterpart in the original timeline.

"Alright, face your partner!" Lockhart resumed his cheery demeanor. Gesturing to the stage, he announced, "First, bow to your opponent!"

Harry and Malfoy exchanged no nods, their wands gripped tightly.

"Raise your wands and prepare!"

Lockhart's voice rang out, "When I count to three, disarm your opponent. You've been taught this spell by your Charms and Combat professors. Remember, it's a disarm only. We don't want any accidents!"

"Three, two, one!"

Before Lockhart could finish, Malfoy acted, catching Harry off guard. Though it was a blatant act of cheating, Snape, the closest instructor, remained indifferent. Malfoy's curse struck Harry hard on the head. Thankfully, their magic levels being low, it caused no significant harm.

Still, Harry felt as though he'd been struck with a bat, his vision swimming. Remembering Professor Frémont's lessons, he retaliated.

"Expelliarmus!" His wand aimed at Malfoy, who wore a triumphant smirk, unaware of Harry's impending counterattack.

A silver beam struck Malfoy in the stomach, causing him to double over, gasping for air.

"I said, disarm only!" Lockhart yelled in horror.

Ciaran surveyed the scene, deeming it relatively harmless, and left the young wizards to their own devices. Snape and Professor Flitwick seemed to share her sentiment.

Outside the auditorium, some professors, like McGonagall and Sprout, frowned, though they deferred to Ciaran and her colleagues, seeing that the situation remained within control.

Malfoy gasped for air, a grin spreading across his face. "Serpensortia!"

His wand tip exploded, unleashing a long black snake. The crowd recoiled in horror, creating a wide berth for Harry and Malfoy.

Ciaran's eyes gleamed with interest.


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