
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 79: Protego Diabolica!

The fierce fire soared into the sky!

The silver-white fire turned into a torrent of flames, sweeping out!

Wilson controlled his fire to cover the entire tower top like a shroud. The silver-white fire surged toward Grindelwald, the scorching flames almost suffocating!

A dark blue wall of fire blocked the silver-white torrent!

Grindelwald controlled his dark blue fire to quickly expand, forming a solid wall in front of him, firmly blocking Wilson's attack!

In the next moment, both fires simultaneously retracted!

The two different colored fires quickly receded, curling back like waves, hovering over their respective masters. Under the reflection of the flames, the old and the young dueling on the tower top looked like demons!

Wilson raised his finger, pointing sharply at the old man across from him. The silver-white fire instantly sensed its master's will, suddenly transforming into a large firebird, rushing straight at Grindelwald!

Grindelwald swung his palm toward the gray-haired boy, the dark blue fire spread out again, transforming into a giant dragon burning with blue flames, attacking the incoming silver-white firebird!

The fierce fire creatures clashed!

Silver-white and dark blue flames continuously dropped fire as they bit at each other!

In just a matter of seconds, the entire top of the Nurmengard Castle was covered with inextinguishable flames, turning this ancient magical fortress hidden in the Austrian mountain valleys into a beacon!

Wilson and Grindelwald dared not be careless, each controlling their fire to attack the other, as this was not a child's play with spells!


One of the most difficult dark magics to master!

A slight mistake, and if they were entangled by the opponent's fire, it would almost certainly spell defeat, with the loser being burned to ashes by the opponent's fire!

Grindelwald spread his fingers, carefully controlling the dark blue fire dragon to fight the silver-white firebird, a smile appearing on his lips: "Young man, you're really pulling out all the stops, using such high-level dark magic right from the start. Anyone who didn't know would think you're a Durmstrang prodigy..."

Durmstrang was the best in Europe at teaching students dark magic.

Even across a channel, many pure-blood wizard families in Britain preferred sending their children to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts.

This was because Hogwarts had a very low tolerance for dark magic, while Durmstrang had teachers who even liked teaching students powerful dark magic.

If one didn't know Wilson, seeing his skilled use of the Fiendfyre curse, they would certainly think he was a prodigy from Durmstrang!


This kid was indeed extravagant!

It's rare in a duel for a wizard to start with a powerful Fiendfyre curse, yet this Hogwarts student named Wilson was using Fiendfyre to compete with the Dark Lord!

"No choice."

Wilson frowned, his fingertips manipulating the magic!

The silver-white firebird, under his control, fiercely struck the fire dragon's head, piercing its skull. Instantly, countless dark blue fire droplets fell to the ground like blood!

Seeing his slight advantage in the fire fight, Wilson continued: "Because I am facing the first Dark Lord... using small spells would be disrespectful to Mr. Grindelwald, which does not align with the etiquette we have learned."

"Ha? You call this etiquette?"

Grindelwald laughed, not minding that his dark blue fire dragon was at a disadvantage. His smile deepened, murmuring, "Interesting, after so many years, a sharp-tongued student from Dumbledore's school has appeared..."

Just as Wilson wanted to respond, Grindelwald suddenly raised his arms high. His smile, under the reflection of the dark blue fire, seemed somewhat sinister: "Alright, since you like Fiendfyre, let me teach you..."

With this whisper...

The Dark Lord swung his arms down again!

Grindelwald, like a conductor at a concert, commanded the dark blue fire to intensify. The fire dragon instantly disintegrated, scattering around, even shattering the silver-white firebird!

In the next moment!

Countless dark blue fire sparks floated in the air!

With Grindelwald's control, the dark blue fire turned into a massive encircling ring around the tower top, surrounding both of them in a circle of dark blue fire!

Grindelwald's eyes lifted slightly, his expression becoming extremely serious. The Dark Lord exuded an aloof and cold aura!

"Watch closely, young man..."

Grindelwald said, slowly raising his arm.

At this moment, Grindelwald seemed to become a conductor, directing a gentle performance. The dark blue fire circle expanded under his command...

In the next moment, Grindelwald clenched his fist, his arm raised high, ending the gentle performance abruptly, plunging directly into a climax!

The dark blue fire circle spun rapidly around the tower top!

As the dark blue fire rose again, Grindelwald's voice became incredibly loud, staring directly at the gray-haired boy, almost word by word: "Remember what Fiendfyre should be, remember the fear it instills, remember the true meaning of...

Protego Diabolica!"

With Grindelwald's deep voice!

From the dark blue fire circle flew fire dragons!

The Dark Lord used his fire as a dragon's nest, continually creating fire dragons, filling the sky around Nurmengard Castle with countless dark blue fire dragons, even some brushing against the Wards!

This is the true terror of the Fiendfyre curse!

Any wizard witnessing this would be awestruck!

"No wonder you're the Dark Lord..."

Wilson couldn't help but admire.

If this was the terror of Fiendfyre, then he should be able to do it too!

Wilson spread his palm, gathering the scattered silver-white fire into a bright flame in his hand, attracting a group of dark blue fire dragons!

The next second!

The dark blue fire dragons roared, rushing over!

This is the terror of Fiendfyre, each flame having a soul, following the master's will, attacking the designated enemy!

"Let it greet properly..."

Wilson raised his palm, the small silver-white flame floating up. This tiny flame, compared to the oncoming dark blue fire dragons, seemed weak...

As if any fire dragon could swallow it in one bite!

The silver-white flame suddenly exploded in the air, turning into countless dazzling fireworks, like shooting stars!

The silver-white flames quickly expanded, becoming terrifying firebirds, flying toward the dark blue fire dragons!

In the sight of Grindelwald and Wilson, the silver-white firebirds and dark blue fire dragons clashed, fragments of fire falling densely!

This was a magnificent Fiendfyre duel!

Anyone near the mountains witnessing the battle above Nurmengard Castle would be drawn to this splendid yet perilous fight!

With a brief numerical advantage, the silver-white firebirds tore through the dark blue fire dragons, diving into Grindelwald's fire nest!

Dark blue and silver intertwined!

Wilson and Grindelwald's fires bit at each other, vying for space, refusing to stop until one was extinguished!

Countless explosions echoed in their fire battle!

Every corner of the sky became their battlefield, their duel rapidly spreading along the castle's Wards, causing cracks to appear!

This space was too small!

Unable to contain the Fiendfyre duel of two powerful wizards!

If this continued...

The Wards of Nurmengard Castle would be torn apart, as the duel would cause a qualitative change!


Neither Grindelwald nor Wilson stopped.

They stared at each other, silently controlling their fires to battle!


With a massive explosion!

The Wards of Nurmengard Castle shattered!

The dark blue and silver fires broke free, immediately separating, floating above their masters!

The intense heat formed a strong pressure in the middle, keeping the different colored flames distinctly apart, creating a magical spectacle.

(End of Chapter)

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