
Harry Potter: Starting Over at Hogwarts

in 1989. Freshmen at Hogwarts are full of talent. A freshman named Wilson Wright entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. Original is Written by thick ink book. The author of "Behind the Scenes in Naruto World." -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense

IHaveNoNamingSense · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 38: Hang the Slytherin Prefects on the Wall to Commemorate My Lost Five Points!

Everyone couldn't help but twitch their eyes.

This is Wilson's solution? What kind of devilish words are these!

To avoid Hufflepuffs being mistakenly injured when trying to mediate fights, you advocate that Gryffindors and Slytherins don't fight?

"That doesn't seem to be Hufflepuff's business..."

A Gryffindor first-year couldn't help but reflexively retort while looking at Wilson.


The Slytherin first-years quickly reacted. Seeing Gryffindors riled up for the first time, they unexpectedly echoed the Gryffindor sentiment as a group!

"You can stay out of it!"

"That way, when we deal with those Gryffindor idiots, none of you will get hurt by mistake!"

"Always so self-righteous..."

"It seems someone wants to try my other spells..."

Wilson's words quieted the entire square. His gaze swept over the few students who had spoken up, patiently explaining, "I always believe that a person's goodwill needs to be cherished, so I don't want anyone to reject Hufflepuff's kindness..."


This sounded somewhat reasonable.

The students present had just accepted this for a second before the smarter ones realized this behavior was more overbearing than that of Gryffindor and Slytherin combined!

Compared to the slow-reacting first-years, some older students quickly picked up on the essence of Wilson's words.


A group of senior students walked over from the castle steps, one of them, wearing a Slytherin prefect badge, sneered, "Kid, I didn't know Hufflepuffs were so overbearing."

This was a Slytherin prefect.

He was surrounded by two other Slytherin prefects, indicating his high status in Slytherin as a seventh-year prefect.

In addition to the Slytherin prefects, three male Gryffindor prefects also came over, clearly backing up their first-years. Fights between first-years at Hogwarts were generally handled by prefects rather than professors.

The prefects' authority to deduct house points alone made most students unable to stand up to them.


Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw prefects were absent, believing today's events had nothing to do with their houses. Perhaps they were once as naive as their first-years, but later found it best not to meddle.

Hufflepuff prefects likely didn't anticipate that their absence today would bring about more trouble.


Wilson slowly turned around, looking at the approaching group, his gaze falling on the speaking Slytherin seventh-year prefect.

Wilson stared at this arrogant Slytherin prefect without any hint of retreat.

"Is this considered overbearing?"

This eleven-year-old gray-haired boy calmly spoke to a youth six years older than him, "If you wish... perhaps Hufflepuff can be a bit more overbearing."

"Kid, do you know who you're talking to?"

The Slytherin prefect laughed rather than getting angry, turning to his fellow prefects, "Did you remember this kid's name? How many points should we deduct for talking back to a prefect?"

"By the way, did Hufflepuff get any points from the professors today? Do they even have any house points?"


As Hogwarts prefects, they had considerable authority, including using defiance as an excuse for point deductions, which allowed them to disregard lower-year students.


Elvin Bones couldn't help but tug at Wilson's sleeve.

Coming from the Bones family, Elvin had heard some things about prefects since many Bones members had been Hufflepuff prefects.

Wilson ignored Elvin's attempt to stop him and honestly responded to the Slytherin prefect, "Even if someone added points, there probably aren't any left now. During Potions class today, Professor Snape, your Head of House, deducted five points from me..."

"Hahahaha, such Hufflepuff honesty..."

Hearing Wilson's words, the entire square erupted in laughter from the Slytherins.

Before their laughter died down, Wilson raised his wand at the three Slytherin prefects, "I don't quite understand what a prefect is... but is a Slytherin prefect only good at lip service?"

"Kid, you're doing something very dangerous..."

One of the Slytherin prefects coldly warned, drawing his wand at Wilson, "Do you think learning a bit of magic allows you to point your wand at everyone? Expelliarmus!"

A spell shot from his wand!

Wilson deflected the Disarming Charm with his wand, loudly chanting the same spell and instantly casting it back!


Caught off guard, the Slytherin prefect was hit by Wilson's Disarming Charm, and his wand flew straight into Wilson's hand!

Despite the prefect's lack of preparation, being disarmed by a first-year was highly embarrassing!

"You are right."

Wilson grasped the opponent's wand and softly continued, "Remember your words: don't casually point your wand at others. I hope you remember this lesson..."

With that, Wilson used his thumb to snap the wand in half in front of everyone!


The crisp sound of the wand breaking echoed.

Destroying a wizard's wand was akin to declaring war!

"You little brat!"

The two remaining Slytherin prefects instantly erupted in rage!

These young wizards didn't care about their status or age difference, hastily pulling out their wands to cast spells on Wilson!

One was a sixth-year Slytherin prefect, and the other was a seventh-year prefect. Both had passed their OWLs and even mastered Curses!


They were a step too late.

"Ignis Tempestas!"

Wilson waved his wand, conjuring a flame at its tip!

Fire ignited!

The seemingly weak flame quickly grew into a massive arc of fire, the scorching heat wave knocking the Slytherin prefects off their feet!

These arrogant Slytherin prefects had no time to react and were all knocked down by Wilson!

"Petrificus Totalus."

Wilson finished with one last spell.

The three Slytherin prefects were petrified, lying rigidly on the ground, helplessly watching what happened next.

What a humiliation...

Being forced into this position by a kid!

"Don't casually point your wand at others..."

Wilson held his wand, pointing at the fallen Slytherin prefects, politely yet firmly saying, "Thank you for your warning. As a return, here's a piece of advice: never forget to hold onto your wand."


The three Slytherin prefects glared furiously.

Wilson looked at the powerless young wizards and began channeling his magic into his wand.

"You said something correct earlier: Hufflepuff doesn't have many house points, making each one precious to us..."

"Don't worry, I know you might not understand, but I believe you'll soon grasp how I felt when your Head of House deducted points from me in Potions class."

"Now, I'll hang you on the Hogwarts wall to commemorate the five points I lost this morning, so you can experience my feelings..."

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